Chapter 108: Chakra

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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"Teme, you've been training all those beautiful girls. Not only that, but you've been pushing them so hard.

Asia-chan said that Raynare-senpai actually faints from it all. Die for abusing the bishoujo," Motohama screamed in his ear. This was really not Naruto's best morning.

He's not even really sure what Asia is talking about. He doesn't work the girls that hard.

Asia barely receives any physical training at all, since her talent lay in her use of demonic power and Twilight Healing.

He's toned it down on Raynare after she did faint once. He wasn't cruel. The rest of the club chooses when to spar and train with him.

He does push them during those times, but that's simply being a good training partner. Naruto has really hit his stride during these past few weeks.

Naruto can now compete with Rias and Akeno in a fight, and his stamina far surpasses them.

However he's made sure to control himself when training with someone. Can't be unreasonable.

As stated before, he wasn't cruel. So he has no idea what Asia was talking about. Especially with Kareha now being around to heal the worst of their exhaustion.

"Don't do that," Asia quickly said before clarifying, "I was exaggerating. Naruto-san is very kind during training. I was trying to make a joke."

Oh Asia. Usually her naivety and social awkwardness comes of as cute and adorable, but sometimes she just fails to make her point.

How was exaggerating her training suppose to come off as a joke? Maybe it was meant to be teasing towards Naruto like Akeno or Rias sometimes do.

Either way she failed at it, and Naruto just knew this wasn't the last social blunder she would make.

"I'm sorry, Naruto-san. I caused trouble for you," Asia murmured softly, clearly feeling terrible. Small tears were gathering her eyes as she looked at him pitifully.

Ugh! Critical hit! Too much adorable.

"It's okay, Asia. You didn't mean anything by it," Naruto said as he rubbed her head reassuringly, something which she seemed to enjoy.

This may not be the last time Asia causes a misunderstanding, but Naruto didn't care. He just couldn't stay mad at Asia even if he tried.

He just couldn't. All she had to do was look at him with those big ole eyes and he'd fold like a limp noodle.

Naruto could deal with rumors anyway. He always had been surrounded by them. Plus there were worse things to be accused of then somehow managing to make a harem from the most popular ladies in the school. He could do without the rumor between himself and Kiba, but what can you do?

The conversation was ended when the teacher walked in. Naruto mentally cursed her for being ten minutes late.

If she had just arrived on time, this entire conversation could have been avoided. Of course Naruto isn't that lucky.

"What are you reading, Naruto-kun?" Rias asked curiously.

The Occult Research Club was incomplete at the moment. Akeno, Yuuto, and Raynare were all off forming contracts with clients.

That left Naruto, Rias, Asia, and Koneko in the room. They were used to it though.

Night had fallen two or three hours ago, so this was the busy time of the day for devils. Right when the most clients called.

So they were all just doing their own thing. Koneko was silently eating her snacks, donuts today. She also frequently sent glances towards Naruto.

Asia was reading her book on potion making. Considering the former nun was teaching herself in that field, her progress was slow.

She didn't give up though, and typically used much of her free time to try and familiarize herself with the complex skill.

Naruto had been reading a book himself, which was a bit unusual. He usually spent his free time trying to chat with everyone else. It was abnormal enough to catch Rias' attention.

The king of the group had been doing her usual paperwork, but the past few days she had clearly been distracted.

Having spent several hours going at it halfheartedly, she finally gave up and decided to try and start a conversation.

Naruto looked up from his book. He then clearly showed the cover of the book to Rias before answering, "A book on alchemy."

"Alchemy?" Rias repeated, blinking in shock.

"Yeah," Naruto replied casually before explaining, "Kareha's well suited for support and healing. Chikyu is a bit more difficult though. If I really want to make use of his dust, then I need to learn at least a small bit of alchemy."

"Alchemy is difficult, Naruto-kun. Even learning a small bit is not an easy task," Rias told him, her worry clear.

"I noticed," Naruto admitted before continuing optimistically, "But I think I can do it. I'd say Asia's potion making is far harder than alchemy. At least what I want to use alchemy for. All I'd be doing is conferring properties upon already created objects using Chikyu's dust. That's the basics for alchemy. It will still take me quite a while. It is pretty complicated. A few weeks at least. Months most likely."

"Don't you think you're stretching yourself thin, Naruto-kun? You are taking on quite a load," Rias asked in concern.

"Don't worry, Rias-chan," Naruto told her with an easy smile, clearly not worried by what she was saying.

"You are doing a lot, Naruto-san," Asia muttered nervously.

Sighing, Naruto pointed out, "Yeah, but it isn't above what I'm able to do. I'm the kind of guy that has to be doing something.

School and waiting here after school is bad enough. Besides five hours of sleep, I want to be doing something for the rest of the day.

I've gotten used to using my rook enhancements in my hand to hand, so I just work on that in sparring. I've recreated a good selection of wind techniques.

I've still got a few more powerful techniques I still can't do, but I'll need to wait for my chakra reserves to increase to start on those.

I am taking two hour lessons on fire magic from Rias-chan or Akeno-senpai four times a week. The other three days I volunteer during that time.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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