Chapter 109: Flicked

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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"You could study. Ever since that punishment stopped your grades dropped again," Rias pointed out playfully.

Naruto just gave her an amused look before informing her, "And that will keep happening. I am not book smart. I'm just not. I've accepted that. Eventually you're going to have to as well, Rias-chan. I don't give a crap about chemistry or math. I'm always going to suck in those classes."

"That really isn't something to sound so proud of," Rias commented wryly.

"I'm not proud of it. I've just accepted it, and am fine with it," Naruto claimed with a shrug. Holding the book back up, he continued, "So I have plenty enough time for learning some basic alchemy. Especially if I use the time I'm usually sitting here doing nothing."

"Fine," Rias said with a defeated sigh. She then looked at him and told him carefully, "Just make sure not to overdue everything. A few hours of rest a day can be good for you."

"That's what school and volunteering are for. Doing nothing and relaxing, respectively of course," Naruto stated with a grin.

"I'm not sure I'm happy about that, since you admitted you do nothing in school," Rias commented with a conflicted look on her face. She briefly looked at her papers before letting out a sigh and announcing, "Okay, that's enough for today. I'll send a message to those currently with clients. Go home and relax. Get some extra sleep. Make sure to be in top shape tomorrow."

The three servants currently there sent her curious and wary looks. Asia soon asked anxiously, "You did the same thing yesterday, Buchou-san. Is something going on?"

Koneko nodded and added, "This is…unusual."

Rias just sighed and answered carefully, "I won't deny that an important event will be happening soon, but you need not worry yourself about it at the moment. Just…take this time to relax and be fully prepared for anything."

The three nodded at her words. So something was happening, but she didn't know when. As the three stood up and moved towards the door, Naruto stopped and turned to Rias.

Crossing his arms with a frown, Naruto asked, "You sure you don't want to tell us about it?"

"I already told you. You three need not concern yourself with it," Rias remarked sternly.

Naruto frown only deepened and he instantly countered, "And if we want to?" That surprised and confused Rias, so he continued, "You clearly know what it happening, and you are clearly worried. We've all noticed it. So what if we want to know, if just to help support you bare the burden?"

Rias seemed somewhat touched by his words. Hesitating slightly, she finally closed her eyes as she announced regretfully, "While I appreciate the sentiment, it is unneeded. I assure you that you shall soon find out, but I would prefer to wait for the proper time to reveal it."

Naruto wasn't happy with that answer, but he wasn't going to push it. So he just turned and walked out of the room with Asia and Koneko.

The three didn't talk till they left the building. It was dark outside by this point.

"I'll teleport us, Asia," Naruto announced.

"Okay, Naruto-san," Asia said. The nun had joined Rias, Akeno, and Naruto in being able to form her own teleportation circle around a week ago.

As a bishop, which is meant to specialize in using magic and demonic power, it was a natural skill for her to eventually learn.

Turning to the petite loli beside them, Naruto asked, "Do you want us to teleport you to your apartment, Koneko-chan?"

"No…Like I'd let you in my apartment," Koneko replied bluntly.

Naruto just chuckled awkwardly before muttering, "What kind of person do you think I am?"

Koneko clearly heard him and informed him bluntly, "A pervert."

Naruto sighed in defeat, not even bothering to over exaggerate his reaction to that statement. His patience was starting to run out in getting Koneko to like him.

Sure he made a few blunders over the past few months. A few too many pussy jokes and especially that catnip incident where he pet her head.

It's at least partly Koneko's fault as well, in Naruto's mind. Seriously. There had to be another reason the small rook didn't even try to bond with Naruto.

That's the only explanation that makes sense to Naruto. The fact that Naruto published Icha Icha, he made it clear to the club he wasn't the original author, just wasn't enough to have created a dislike for this long. There had to be something more.

Shrugging in defeat, Naruto put a hand on Asia's shoulder and started concentrating.

Before he could create the magic circle though, a hand grabbed his shirt. Naruto opened his eyes in confusion and turned to see Koneko was the culprit.

"…Naruto-senpai," Koneko began hesitantly.

Blinking, Naruto asked gently, making sure to be encouraging, "Yes, Koneko-chan?"

Koneko opened her mouth to speak, but her eyes then flicked to the curious Asia.

Her expression immediately hardened, any emotion or vulnerability in her expression disappearing almost instantly.

She then claimed, "Nothing." She then turned and started walking away.

Naruto's shoulders slumped in depression at that. That was another thing that had been happening recently.

Not only did Naruto catch Koneko looking at him multiple times in the past few days, but she had also approached him several times just like that.

Yet she always backed out at the last moment. It was clear that she didn't want to talk to him with other people around.

Yet since Naruto and Koneko never were alone together since she never wanted to be alone with him, it made that impossible.

Naruto figured she was using that as an excuse to put off whatever she wanted to talk to him about.

Considering she could just ask him if they could talk alone, that she neglected to do so indicated that part of her didn't want to talk about whatever it is.

She better hurry it up though. Naruto's patience was starting to run out. Whatever it is she wants to talk to him about, Naruto has a gut feeling it is the way for him to bond with Koneko. 


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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