Chapter 113: Calmly

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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Naruto had already inadvertently done that before joining the Occult Club, and he'd rather avoid doing it again.

Especially to Rias, who is his 'master.' Naruto would rather not create bad feelings between them since they will very likely be working together for centuries.

Man, there are too many thoughts and arguments going through Naruto's head right now.

He should just clear his head till after school when he can get answers from Rias. Yeah.

Think of ramen and other lighthearted topics…Ah, who is he kidding. He'll spend the entire day thinking about this.

"We're here," Naruto announced as he walked through the door, Yuuto, Asia, and Raynare at his back.

The group immediately came to a stop when they felt the atmosphere in the room, their eyes looking around warily. Rias, Akeno, and Koneko were already there, but there was another person.

Naruto immediately identified her as the one with the incredibly power he had sensed yesterday. He scanned her warily.

Well, she was beautiful. No doubt about that. She was a woman who appeared to be in her early twenties.

She had silver hair that had two small braids in front and two larger braids doing down her back.

Her eyes were also a matching gray color. Oddly she appeared to be wearing a maid outfit.

Finally turning away from her, Naruto looked at the others present.

Rias had a grim face, she was also avoiding Naruto's eyes. Akeno had a smile, but she was giving out a cold feeling.

Koneko was sitting in the corner, obviously not wanting to draw attention. The air in the room was unusually tense.

Those who just entered cautiously took seats, being affected by the atmosphere of the room.

Asia took the spot by Naruto, her earlier displeasure at him fading in favor of seeking comfort from him.

Naruto pat her head comfortingly, hiding how uncomfortable he himself was.

The maid was staring at him. Like seriously staring at him. Her eyes were fixed on him with a disturbing intensity. It was starting to creep him out.

Rias finally broke the silence be announcing, "Sorry, everybody. Before we start the club several things need to be explained to you all."

"And who is this, Buchou?" Raynare asked in an unusually respectful voice, eyeing the maid warily.

She had clearly picked up the person's power as well, and was playing it safe with her attitude.

The maid answered by stepping forward slightly and bowing as she announced, "I'm a maid of the Gremory household. My name is Grayfia. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

"She's also the queen of my onii-sama. As well as his wife," Rias added blankly. Grayfia seemed annoyed by the addition, but fitting her current role as a servant didn't protest.

Naruto now looked at Grayfia with dawning comprehension. Naruto had talked with Rias quite a bit over the past month.

They tended to avoid matters of her family, but Naruto had learned a bit. Like that her brother is the current Lucifer, leader of the Four Great Satans.

He's the strongest devil in existence. If she's his queen, then it is only natural she's so incredibly powerful

"Ojou-sama, do you wish for me to explain the situation?" Grayfia asked calmly.

"No, I'll do it," Rias replied with a sigh. Looking at them, she opened her mouth to speak.

She never got to start as the magic circle lit up. Someone was teleporting here. The magic circle also changed into a different circle.

"Phenex. The devil clan with inherent powers similar to a phoenix, the legendary bird," Yuuto muttered.

Naruto immediately absorbed those words. Phoenix.

The legendary bird that burst into flames when they die, and are then supposedly reborn from the ashes.

For a family of devils to be compared to them carries a lot of meaning.

As Naruto thought of that, the magic circle burst into flame. The room was flooded with heat.

Naruto ignored it though, instead focusing on the figure that appeared from within the flames.

The figure waved an arm, and the flames were extinguished.

"It's been a while since I came to the human world," the man commented haughtily. It was a man that appeared to be in his early twenties. The bangs of his blonde hair was swept back. He was wearing a red suit, although it was missing a tie and several buttons were undone to expose some of his chest. He was maybe an inch or two taller than Naruto. Naruto absently noted the man could probably be considered handsome, although Naruto could also practically feel the arrogance rolling of him. He turned towards Rias, and smirked as he declared, "My lovely Rias, I have come to see you. We should go and survey the ceremony hall together. With the date set, we need to check it beforehand."

With things starting to fit together in Naruto's mind, Grayfia explained, "This is Riser Phenex-sama, a pure-blooded devil and third son of the Phenex Clan. He is also engaged to the heiress apparent of the Gremory Clan. As in the fiancé of Rias-ojousama."

Yep. Naruto called it.

Five minutes later Riser took a cup of tea from Akeno. Taking a sip, he commented, "My, Rias' queen prepares some delicious tea."

"Thank you very much," Akeno said politely with a small bow, but Naruto could easily sense the coldness Akeno was concealing.

Riser was now sitting on one of the couches, Rias next to him. After placing the tea down, Riser put his arm around Rias' shoulder.

His hand started to play with her hair and his other hand went to her thigh.

"Stop that," Rias snapped as she stood. Turning back to Riser with sharp eyes, she declared angrily, "I already told you, Riser. I will not marry you."

This only confirmed the conclusion Naruto had come to. Rias was engaged to this guy, against her will. She had likely come to Naruto's house to break the marriage by sleeping with him. It all made sense…sort of.

Riser didn't seem bothered by her words, and he just said calmly, "Yes, I heard that before. Your household is up against the wall right now though, Rias. You don't have the option to be selfish here."


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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