Chapter 114: Sirzechs

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"That is none of your concern, Riser. I am the heiress of the Gremory Clan, and I won't bring my family down. Otou-sama, Onii-sama, and everyone else of my clan are simply rushing it," Rias claimed firmly.

"You think so," Riser remarked with a small smirk before continuing thoughtfully, "You no doubt understand the situation of the Underworld. We lost many pure-blooded devils during the great war, and our war with the fallen angels and heaven hasn't ended. It isn't rare for successors of important families to worthlessly die in battles against them. As it is, less than half of the original 72 pillar families remain."

"The newly produced devils-. The reincarnated devils, like your servants, are growing in strength. Many old nobles are getting close to reincarnated devils, and possibly rightly so. Reincarnated devils are important to our future, but that doesn't mean pure devils with old history like us should lose our place. To lose even a single remaining pillar family would send ripples throughout the Underworld, with many potentially devastating effects among devils as a whole."

"So it is only natural that pure-blooded devils get together to create the next generation of pure-blooded devils. We cannot allow more pillar families to go extinct. My family is safe since I have two elder brothers, one of which has already produced a pure-blooded child. The Gremory are not so fortunate though. Your parents had only two children, and your older brother left the house to become Maou Lucifer. Even with Sirzechs-sama having a son, there are many top devils who wish for that child to bare the name Lucifer as well. Which leaves only you to carry on the name of your household. If you don't take a husband, then your household will end with your generation. Is that what you want, Rias? To bring down your family which has endured for such a long time?"

Naruto took in everything Riser talked about. Naruto knew it a bit already, but he could always know more.

Naruto hadn't realized the situation among the pillar families was so bad. Naruto understood their importance as well. It was like the clans back in Konoha.

The majority of ninjas hadn't been clan born, but the clan children filled out the jounin ranks. The devils seemed the same.

The reincarnated and ordinary devils were more numerous, but the pillar families clearly were the ones to produce most of the 'elite' devils.

So it is important for the pillar families to continue. For the Gremory clan, it must be very important to have the sole heir, Rias, marry and produce children.

Rias no doubt understood this much more than Naruto as she announced solemnly, "My household need not worry. I shall eventually take a husband, and eventually sire an heir." Riser looked happy, but Rias quickly continued strongly, "But it shall be a person of my choosing, at a time of my choice. Even pure-blooded devils like us deserve to choose."

That finally seemed to annoy Riser. His face turned unpleasant as he stood. Cupping Rias' chin, he leaned down till his face was just inches from hers as he informed her softly, "…You know, Rias. I carry the name of Phenex, and I can't allow that name to get tarnished. I don't even like coming to the human world. The fire and wind here is filthy. For a devil who ruled fire and wind, like me, it is terrible. I had no choice though, as I came here with a purpose. I shall fulfill that purpose and bring you back with me to the Underworld-"

Fire burst into existence from around Riser, gradually forming into two wings on his back. He then finished threateningly, "-even if I have to burn your servants to ash in the process."

Now Naruto wasn't going to take that lying down. Using his own aura and killing intent to counter that which Riser sent at their group, Naruto stepped forward. Raising his own power with each step, Naruto commented with an amused grin. "Is that so? I'd love to see you try."

Rias seemed surprised at Naruto's interruption, and Riser turned to look at Naruto haughtily. He quickly demanded loftily, as if speaking to a bug, "And who might you be?"

Naruto just grinned and countered mockingly, "My name doesn't matter. All you need to know is that if you threaten anyone in this group again, I'll throw your ass out the window. Name be damned."

Riser's face grew angry and he spat out, "Y-You low-"

"Class devil?" Naruto finished with a smirk. Seeing Riser's pause in surprise, Naruto added, "I know types like you. So I practically know everything that will come out of your mouth."

"Don't get ahead-"

"Of yourself, trash," Naruto once again finished. Seeing Riser pause, Naruto raised a hand to his forehead as he declared, "See? I'm already getting bored talking to you."

This time Riser just snarled, and fire exploded from his back again, greatly enlarging his wings. His power also rose sharply.

Naruto just grinned as he matched and then surpassed the output. Riser's response to raise it even further, Naruto immediately matched it.

The two were now in a clear face off. Riser looked murderous, while Naruto had a smile on his face.

His mind was racing in truth though. This guy was no joke.

Truthfully, this was all a bluff for Naruto. The power output Naruto's putting out to match Riser is too high for him to maintain for long.

Hopefully Riser's the same. Otherwise the pure-blooded devil has more raw power at his disposal than Naruto.

Raw power doesn't always transfer to actual fighting ability, but it's a damned good place to start. Naruto was also aware of the intense heat Riser's flames were releasing.

Based on what he's feeling right now, Rias has little chance of being able to defeat Riser one on one. Naruto is also unsure if he would be able to either.

The showdown was abruptly ended by Grayfia announcing calmly, "I was sent here by Sirzechs-sama is resolve this issue peacefully. If you both continue, I shall step in. For Sirzechs-sama's honor, I won't hold back."


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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