Chapter 115: Grinned

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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She also punctuated her statement by flaring her potent energy for just an instant. It was more than enough for her to demonstrate a power far higher than Naruto and Riser put together.

It wasn't a bluff or for show. It was a simple statement. That they stand absolutely no chance against her.

Both of them clearly got the message, and stopped their face off. His flame wings disappearing, Riser held his hands up in a 'what-can-you-do' gesture before commenting flippantly, "If it is the 'Strongest Queen' saying that, even I must back down. I definitely don't want to fight with anyone from Sirzechs-sama's peerage, which is said to be composed of monsters."

Naruto similarly acceded by saying, "I can be rather stupid, but I'm not that stupid."

Nodding at their backing down, Grayfia turned to Rias and asked, "I assume you are still refusing to cooperate with the marriage, Ojou-sama?"

"Of course," Rias answered immediately.

"We expected as much," Grayfia claimed with a small sigh before announcing seriously, "Master, Sirzechs-sama, and those of the House of Phenex suspected this might happen. We hoped an agreement could be made, but it was unlikely from the start. So as a last resort, this matter shall be decided in a Rating Game. Usually immature devils like Ojou-sama can't compete, but it is possible for two pure-blooded devils to compete in a match to resolve family and household problems. Do both of you agree?"

"I'm fine with that," Riser answered confidently. He then looked at Rias with a smirk as he asked her, "Are you though, Rias? I'm a mature devil, and have participated in the official game. Won most of them as well."

"I accept. I'll blow you away, Riser," Rias declared fiercely, glaring at Riser intently.

"Understood. I have received the confirmation from both parties," Grayfia stated calmly.

Riser didn't register that, instead turning towards where the members of the Occult Research Club were gathered. His eyes lingered a bit longer on Naruto then the rest, dislike apparent in his eyes. Naruto returned to sentiment. He then asked with a smirk, "Hey, Rias. These wouldn't happen to be all your servants, would they?"

Rias' eye twitched as she snapped, "So what?"

Riser just smirked as he raised a hand. Snapping his fingers, the magic circle on the floor once again lit up. A large burst of fire appeared, along with fifteen figures. Riser also announced, "These are my cute servants."

Naruto's eyes narrowed. Fifteen servants. A full peerage. Naruto quickly used a small bit of spiritual power on the group.

Watching which of them flinched or paled, Naruto focused on them while ignoring those who didn't even notice.

Nothing wrong with getting a head start on the mind games.

Riser quickly continued smugly, "As you can see, I have a full peerage. Fifteen servants. Including us, that means it is 16-7. As you can see, I have the clear advantage. You might as well submit now, Rias."

"I have confidence in my peerage, Riser. Continue underestimating us, and you'll end up burned Riser," Rias stated boldly.

Riser sneered at her, but he couldn't reply before Naruto laughed loudly and spoke up, "A phoenix being burned. Wouldn't that be yakitori?"

Riser's face grew red at that, along with a number of his peerage. Turning to Naruto he spat out, "Y-Yakitori?! You little-" He was rudely stopped when Naruto shoved a hand in his face.

"Little bastard-yadda yadda-know who I am-blabber blabber-House of Phenex-jabber jabber-teach you your place," Naruto spoke up in a mocking superior voice. Naruto then grinned as he told the furious Riser, "I already told you. I can guess every bullshit thing coming out of your mouth. I mean, seriously. If you are going to be such a cliché character, at least come up with some unique lines. This is just pathetic."

Naruto then backed away as he announced, "Now I'm going to leave. Cause I'm getting bored, and I have better things to do then listen to you prattle on. See you at the Rating Game. I think I'll bring some yakitori. That way you'll have company for when I serve your burnt ass as the entrée at our victory party. Till then."

With that insult, Naruto turned away from the speechless Riser. Naruto carefully walked towards the members of Riser's peerage that were the most unnerved by Naruto's spiritual pressure.

They instinctively shied away from him, clearing the path for him. He grinned at their move, and moved to the door.

He walked out without looking back, leaving a stunned and bewildered room behind him.

"Why exactly are you up here, Naruto-kun?" Rias asked as she flew up onto the roof of the Old School Building.

Naruto was sitting cross-legged, looking at the setting sun with a sulking expression on his face. Looking at Rias from the corner of his eyes, he looked away as he replied, "Just thinking."

Setting down beside him, Rias asked gently, "About what?"

Naruto immediately grumbled, "About how mad I am at you."

"I figured you were, despite you not showing it in there," Rias stated with a sigh.

"That certainly wasn't the time or place to have an argument," Naruto claimed grudgingly.

"Instead Riser served as a scapegoat for your anger at me," Rias pointed out softly.

"Well, he's a dick. He was practically asking for it anyway," Naruto argued grouchily.

After that the two fell into silence. Naruto refusing to be the one to broach the topic, and Rias being very reluctant about it. So they just sat there for a minute.

Rias finally broke and questioned in resignation, "Why are you mad at me?"

Naruto didn't respond immediately. His eyes just stayed fixed on the setting sun. After half a minute, he finally asked bluntly, "Do you not trust me, Rias-chan?"

"Of course I do, Naruto-kun," Rias immediately claimed, surprised by the question.

"It sure doesn't seem like it," Naruto declared petulantly. Taking deep breath to control himself, he continued, "Right after I rescued Asia, I told you that I would always help you if you had a problem.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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