Chapter 117: Hopes

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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"I got that the Phenex are important, but are they really that powerful?" Naruto asked curiously.

"Yes," Rias claimed immediately before explaining seriously, "The legendary phoenix is a bird that rules fire, wind, and is blessed with immortality. They are extremely rare in any world, but they have become very well known in the human world. So much so that a clan of devils that has abilities matching them was given the name Phenex as a sign of their similarity to a phoenix. Controlling fire and wind comes second nature to a Phenex, and they are also blessed with immortality."

"That's…a bit disconcerting, I'll admit," Naruto divulged before adding with a shrug, "I don't believe in immortality though. Everything can be killed or beaten. It's just a matter of finding out how, and then doing it."

"Oh, the Phenex are certainly beatable. They can even be killed. It is just very, very difficult," Rias stated thoughtfully, a small frown on her face.

"No kidding. I could sense the fear coming off Riser towards Grayfia. He'd probably crap his pants if he had to fight her," Naruto declared with a naughty grin. He then confessed, "Not that I can blame him. Seriously, that lady is scary strong."

"She is my brother's queen. Of course she's strong," Rias proclaimed, a hint of pride in her voice. "Grayfia was one of the strongest devils even before she became onii-sama's queen. She once even challenged the current Leviathan for the title. She lost, but-"

"That very fact that she could seriously challenge a Maou is a sign of how powerful she is," Naruto finished for her.

"Exactly. Leviathan-sama is the current strongest female devil, but Grayfia is likely the best contender for runner up," Rias claimed.

"She was also kind of creepy. The maid outfit I could ignore, but she was staring at me. Whenever she wasn't looking at you or Riser, she was staring at me.

It was honestly creeping me out," Naruto admitted, shivering as he remembered the unrelenting, accusing gaze of the Strongest Queen.

Rias blushed at that. She had tried to sort out the misunderstanding with Grayfia that morning, but she got the feeling her sister-in-law didn't believe her. Rias also couldn't prove she was still a virgin. Pure-blooded devils lack hymens.

All Rias could do was use a spell to prove their was no semen in her.

A quick, and embarrassing, examination of her privates also showed she didn't have any signs of having engaged in sex recently.

All that proved though was that Rias hadn't had sex last night. Grayfia seemed to be under the impression that Rias and Naruto were sexually active, and that they just hadn't done it the previous night.

Rias blushed deeper as she realized that meant Grayfia figured she was even more of a hardcore bondage lover than before.

That Naruto didn't just tie her up during sex, but during nights where all they did was sleep.

Geez, that's so embarrassing to think about. Not to mention Grayfia no doubt told Rias' brother about it.

With that misunderstanding in his mind, Rias is not sure if her brother will welcome Naruto as a new family member or try to destroy him for having the nerve to tie Rias up and make her sleep on the floor like a dog.

Not that she is going to explain that to Naruto. She's going to do her best to deny that incident ever happened. So she claimed bluntly, "Yeah, Grayfia doesn't like you. You should avoid talking to her…ever."

"That's rather uncalled for. I didn't even say anything to her, but I guess I should avoid pissing her off anyways. She may destroy me if I annoy her too much," Naruto muttered.

"Definitely a good idea. Once when onii-sama annoyed her too much, she froze him solid. She then left him there for twelve hours," Rias informed him with a grin.

Naruto didn't visibly react to her words, instead cupping his chin as he continued thoughtfully, "On the other hand, my pride as a prankster is rearing its head. I didn't do anything to warrant her dislike of me. If she hates me for no reason, I just got to prank her. The hardest and most dangerous targets are always the most entertaining ones anyways. I'm sure I could get her, but I have to not get annihilated afterwards. Maybe I could somehow shift the blame onto your brother."

"…Antagonizing the Strongest Queen and then attempting to shift the blame onto a Maou…Sometimes you really worry me, Naruto-kun," Rias confessed in a worried voice, looking unsure how to really react. She then added, "You also annoyed the Biblical God before."

"Oh, we haven't even gotten to the good stuff yet," Naruto claimed with a roguish smirk before announcing, "Just wait till I meet Leviathan. I don't know why or how, but I've got a gut feeling things will really hit the fan when I meet her. Meeting the strongest female devil…Oh the potential of that meeting."

Rias just stared in disbelief and wariness as Naruto started doing that cackle he does after pranks…She doesn't even want to know what is going through his head right now.

No doubt it involves pranks…and rubber chickens. She really hopes Serafall doesn't come to this school anytime soon.

That's a meeting rife with potential to cause chaos. With Naruto involved, it will likely be something so random and unpredictable everyone will be left speechless.

Not wanting to consider it any longer, Rias instead announced, "Tomorrow morning we'll be heading to a villa of my family in the mountains. We'll be training there for the Rating Game against Riser."

They've got ten days to prepare for the match her future rides on. She's going to put that time to full use.

"Oh yeah, are we ever going to talk about what happened last night?"

"Nope. It never happened."

"Got it."

"How rich is your family, Rias-chan?"

That was Naruto's question when Rias showed them her family's mountain villa. The group had set out as soon as the sun rose.

Rias decided that they would hike there instead of teleporting, as a start to their training. It was easy enough for all of them.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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