Chapter 118: Senjutsu

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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Even with the varying sized packs Rias assigned them. As it is, most of them only broke a sweat due to the bright sun. Asia struggled a bit, but even she got through it.

The two hour hike ended when they arrived at their destination. A villa owned by the Gremory Clan.

It was no simple log cabin or something like that either. It was an estate. Firstly there was a large mansion, looking to be European style.

To the side of the mansion was a stage-like building, in Greek or Roman style. Several beautiful lakes were before the mansion. It was a very idyllic and beautiful area.

It was also a perfect place for training. This villa and the surrounding area were concealed using demonic power.

So no ordinary people will wander nearby by accident, which will allow the group to train with no worries.

A good mix of luxury and practicality.

Naruto was still blow away by the grandness of the estate though, which is why he asked his question.

Rias just shrugged as she answered casually, "Quite. My family owns a territory the size of Honshu in the Underworld. It's mainly open space though, so more important to our wealth is that we have a very developed industry in our territory. We have many castles in our territory. The Gremory have also made a concerted effort to have a higher degree of integration in the human world, in order to use the Evil Piece system to the greatest possible extent. So we have many estates like this around the human world."

So Rias' family wasn't just rich, but super rich. Maybe add two or three more supers on. Not even Naruto is that rich.

He might have bought a mansion, but that's the main expense he can make until his next book comes out. He can't throw money away like nothing.

Either not noticing or not caring about Naruto's disbelief, Rias announced to the group, "This is where we'll be training. There are many different rooms, but I'd prefer us to bunk together by gender. That way we'll hopefully bond a bit more with each other. Let's get settled. This estate is usually uninhabited, which is why we brought all this stuff. I want to have all the miscellaneous stuff put away first. That way we'll be able to focus purely on training afterwards. In an hour we'll have an initial strategy meeting. That should be enough time for you all to settle in."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

As they started walking towards the main building though, Naruto was stopped when something grabbed the back of his shirt.

By now recognizing the feeling, Naruto turned around to look at the culprit. Koneko.

Everyone had changed into hiking clothing for the trip. Koneko was wearing a blue skirt, white shirt, and tan unzipped vest.

It was an interesting sight for Naruto, since Koneko almost always wore her school uniform.

It was also rather comical since Rias had given Koneko a backpack the size of a small minivan to carry, considering her strength. Only Naruto had a larger pack.

She didn't look even slightly stressed by the weight though. It was still funny since the tiny and petite girl was completely dwarfed by it.

Well it would have been funny if Naruto didn't sense the hesitation and even the slight bit of fear radiating from the small rook.

She wasn't looking at him, instead looking at the ground. The hand she was holding Naruto's shirt was even shaking.

It seemed to Naruto like the wrong move would send her running, so he just stayed quiet and waited. Finally Koneko seemed to steady her wavering courage with a deep breath. She then looked up at him. Looking him in the eye, she told him, "I need to talk to you, Naruto-senpai…alone."

That was all Naruto needed. Quickly creating two clones, he handed his bag off to one. The other snatched Koneko's when the girl was still surprised.

With Koneko still shocked and confused, the real Naruto snatched her up and held her by his side. His hand holding her midsection, her legs and torso hanging free.

"You heard the girl. We need to be alone. We'll be back," Naruto told the group with a quick salute. Naruto then disappeared in a Body Flicker Technique.

A few seconds later, the two reappeared several hundred meters away. As soon as the disorientation caused by the technique faded, Koneko started struggling from how he was holding her while hissing, "Put me down."

"Sorry, sorry," Naruto said as he put the petite girl down. He might have been a tad bit overexcited that Koneko had finally asked to talk to him. He's been waiting for days.

Koneko glared at him a bit once she regained her feet. Naruto just smiled at her apologetically as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. She finally snapped, "Don't do that again."

"Okay. Sorry. I acted without thinking," Naruto replied with a shrug. Koneko didn't look totally appeased, but seemed willing to put it behind her. When Koneko looked away silently, Naruto decided to ask, "So what is it you wanted to talk to me about?"

Koneko didn't look at him. She just stayed silent. This time Naruto followed her. She had to take the first step here, just like in asking to talk to him.


It was near two minutes later that Koneko finally muttered that. Naruto tilted his head before repeating in a confused tone, "Senjutsu?"

"…You are a sage," Koneko stated. Finally looking at him, she continued, "…You know senjutsu."

"Yeah," Naruto answered easily, not getting what she meant quite yet.

"How?" Koneko immediately demanded. A fire was seemingly lit in her now that she had started, "How do you use senjutsu? You are a human. I thought humans couldn't use senjutsu."

Blinking, Naruto explained, "I learned it from my summons. I guess in this world they would be called toad youkai. It was…just under a year ago I think."

"How do you use it though? What method do you employ?" Koneko questioned intently.

Scratching his cheek as he considered, Naruto clarified, "Well…I meditate, and I draw in natural energy. I then…use it?" Naruto could use senjutsu.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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