Chapter 119: Senjutsu

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During the end of the war, he was probably the most accomplished user of senjutsu in the world. For a human, at least.

Only the Shodaime Hokage could probably compare.

That did not mean he was eloquent in explaining the mechanics of it, especially when it was sprung on him like this.

His less than perfect answer clearly didn't please Koneko, who exclaimed with more emotion in her voice than Naruto had ever heard, "There has to be more to it than that. That doesn't explain how you overcame the world's hatred and malice."

"You mean all the negative emotions saturating the natural energy of this world," Naruto commented as he gestured at the air. Koneko nodded. Naruto rubbed the back of his head as he admitted, "Yeah, that wasn't there back in my world. Natural energy wasn't quite as abundant there either. It's practically overflowing in this world."

Koneko seemed to grow depressed at that, and she remarked, "So your world was just different. You can't use senjutsu in this world either."

"I'm not saying that," Naruto stated immediately before clarifying, "True, I can't use senjutsu currently. It has nothing to do with the negative emotions in the natural energy though. I simply lack the chakra reserves necessary at this point. Once I gain those back, it should be easier than in my world. As I said, the natural energy is way more abundant here."

"But the malice of the world-" Koneko started.

Naruto quickly interrupted by declaring with a shrug, "Is minimal. It is there. I'll admit that, but it's far from potent. Unless you consume impossibly huge quantities of natural energy, there should be no eff-"

"That's impossible!" Koneko exclaimed loudly, seemingly losing the composure she always had.

She then continued defiantly, "I know it has effects.

Kuroka-neesama-…She…" Koneko's sudden burst of speech ended there, replaced by hesitation and uncertainty.

Naruto sighed. Of course there was something else. Some back story he doesn't know about.

"Tell me about it," Naruto said gently.

Koneko was silent for several moment. Finally Naruto felt a small release of energy from Koneko, and he watched as a physical change occurred. Two cat ears matching the color of her hair appeared on her head, and a similarly colored tail appeared from just above her butt. She then announced, "Before Buchou reincarnated me, I was a cat youkai."

She stopped there, seemingly waiting for something. Naruto finally tilted his head and asked, "…And?"

"…You aren't surprised?" Koneko asked in confusion.

Naruto just blinked before pointing out matter-of-factly, "I bombarded you with pussy jokes, and even used catnip on you. I guessed you were some type of cat youkai quite a while ago. Like as soon as I met you." Koneko didn't seem to know how to react to that knowledge, so Naruto continued, "I checked. You are a Nekomata, right?"

"No," Koneko claimed before explaining, "Nekomata are the main type of cat youkai. I am a Nekoshou, which is a far rarer breed of cat youkai. They are related, but different."

"Nekoshou, got it," Naruto declared with a nod.

Koneko then informed him solemnly, "I had an older sister."

"Did she die?" Naruto asked carefully, hearing the past tense Koneko used.

"No…" Koneko answered bluntly. Naruto blinked in surprise at that, but decided to just wait patiently. Koneko took a deep breath before she began, "My mother died two years after I was born. We didn't have a father. Nekoshou females typically mate with human males since male Nekoshou are basically nonexistent. Our youkai blood means such children are still full-blooded youkai. Even after being reincarnated as a devil, any children I might have are likely to still be born as Nekoshou as well. Such is the strength of our blood."

"So after our mother died, I was left alone with my older sister, Kuroka. We had no home, and were rejected by society. Nekoshou are feared. We lived on the streets and stole to survive. It was difficult, but we survived."

"Everything changed when we were found by a particular devil. Kuroka-neesama was a genius at using youjutsu, youkai magical techniques, and this devil had tracked her down in an attempt to make her his servant. Kuroka-neesama agreed, and she was reincarnated as a devil using two bishop pieces. In return we were taken in by him, and were now capable of living a decent life. The future seemed bright for us…It was not to be," Koneko explained, looking to be heartbroken at the end. "The innate talent of Kuroka-neesama started to overflow after becoming a devil. Not only was she a master in youjutsu, but she quickly surpassed her master in magical power. Finally she even started to invoke senjutsu. Having totally surpassed her master in such a short time, senjutsu was the final straw. Taking in the malice and hatred of the world, she became drunk on her own power. She rampaged, killing her own master. She then fled, killing all the pursuit squads sent after her. She is still one of the most wanted criminals of the Underworld."

Naruto listened to all this silently. This was by far the most he had heard Koneko talk. About such a personal topic as well. It was a lot to take in for Naruto.

Taking a deep breath, Koneko continued solemnly, "With Kuroka-neesama having escaped, everyone turned to me. The reason Nekoshou are so feared is because we not only have the capacity to master youjutsu like a Nekomata, but we also have an inborn talent in senjutsu. I had…have the potential to follow in Kuroka-neesama's footsteps. They felt I was a possible risk, a menace just waiting to be let loose. I would have been executed if not for Lucifer-sama. He said that I was not to blame for my sister's actions. I was released by Lucifer-sama, and placed under Buchou's care. Buchou then gave me the name Toujou Koneko."

"Shirone," Naruto exclaimed in understanding.

"That isn't my name…not anymore," Koneko said firmly, her eyes growing sharp.

Naruto lifted his hands in a pacifying gesture. Seeing Koneko calm down, Naruto started thinking. That was a whole lot to take in.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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