Chapter 120: Decide

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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He finally commented, "So that is why you wanted to talk to me. You heard Kareha-chan call me a sage, and wanted to talk to me about senjutsu."

Koneko nodded before remarking, "Senjutsu is a danger. A hazard that shouldn't be messed with."

"I wouldn't say that," Naruto replied with a small frown. Shrugging, he said, "I'm not saying there aren't dangers. I might have turned into a stone statue if I messed up during training. When done safely and responsibly though, senjutsu is a great boon to anyone's arsenal."

"Senjutsu can't be done 'safely and responsibly'," Koneko claimed stubbornly.

"Says who?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow.

Senjutsu was dangerous. Of that there was no doubt. If you were overcome by natural energy, you could turn into a stone statue.

That is actually pretty rare though. The supposed valley the toads showed him of failed senjutsu users was actually a fake.

After finishing his senjutsu training, the toads had admitted those statues were just carved stone statues they used scare any summoners who want to learn senjutsu.

To prevent any summoners from wanting to learn senjutsu before they are deemed ready, and to prevent any recklessness when learning it.

In actuality only eight summoners/toads had actually succumbed to the effects of uncontrolled natural energy, and those statues had been buried. Eight over close to two thousand years isn't that bad.

One had to be careful for sure, but it wasn't so inherently dangerous if treated with the proper respect and caution.

"Everyone," Koneko declared.

"And by everyone, I take that to mean people who can't use senjutsu," Naruto pointed out. With a shrug, Naruto added, "Who are you going to believe? People who likely based their opinion of senjutsu off one bad incident, or a sage."

"Kuroka-neesama lost control," Koneko quickly argued.

"That is one incident. The circumstances of that incident can't automatically be used to define all senjutsu.

Who knows what additional factors could have helped escalate that case," argued Naruto calmly.

Koneko looked at Naruto with unblinking eyes. He actually started to feel uncomfortable till she asked, "You really think senjutsu isn't dangerous?"

"I didn't say it isn't dangerous. I am simply claiming that senjutsu isn't that bad if treated with both respect and caution. A knowledgeable teacher would naturally helps as well," Naruto stated confidently. Tilting his head, he asked, "Do you want me to teach you?"

"…No," Koneko answered after a pregnant pause.

"So you interrogated me about senjutsu for nothing except curiosity?" Naruto questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"No…I'll have to learn senjutsu eventually. My blood ensures that. When that day arrives, I'll probably take you up on that offer," Koneko admitted. She then shook her head as she finished, "I don't think that time has arrived though."

Naruto wasn't convinced. It seems like Koneko just wants to avoid it by putting it off. Eventually she'll have to deal with senjutsu if Nekoshou really are so naturally attuned to senjutsu.

Oh well. He'll just have to wait till she stops running from it. You can't force a person with things like this.

Naruto put a hand on Koneko's head and ruffled her hair as he told her with a grin, "Alright, if that's what you want. Just tell me if you ever change your mind. I'll be here."

"…Hand off head," Koneko hissed.

"Oh yeah. Sorry," Naruto said as he quickly removed his hand. Koneko's very particular about letting people touch her head. Must be the cat ears. At least she didn't try to punch him in the nuts this time. That's progress. "We should probably head back now."

Koneko nodded in agreement. Before heading off though, she looked around awkwardly before whispering, "Thanks, Naruto-senpai."

Tilting his head, Naruto asked in confusion, "For what?"

"…For putting a few of my worries to rest," Koneko mumbled so low Naruto could barely hear.

Not quite sure what she was referring to, Naruto finally just shrugged. At least he'd done something to help.

Smiling, Naruto replied brightly, "No problem, Koneko-chan. I'll always be here for my cute little kouhai." His hand automatically moved to ruffle her hair.

"Don't touch my head," Koneko ordered bluntly.

Naruto chuckled awkwardly as he withdrew his hand. He may have gotten a bit closer to Koneko, but clearly there was still a way to go.

"Alright, we can begin now that everyone is here," Rias announced.

The entire group were seated around a table. Everyone had changed into workout clothes of their choice.

For most of them, that meant tracksuits. Naruto and Yuuto were wearing white and gray tracksuits. Rias, Akeno, and Asia were wearing red and white ones.

Raynare was wearing a black and purple one. Akeno and Asia had removed the top pieces, leaving themselves in white shirts.

The only one who chose differently was Koneko, who was wearing a white shirt and bloomers.

"Just a quick review of the situation. We have ten days. Nine actually. We'll need a day to recover. We'll then participate in a Rating Game against Riser Phenex and his peerage," Rias reminded them. Taking a seat, she gestured at a chess board in the center of the table. The chess board had one full side, and the other was missing numerous pieces. Rias quickly continued, "Riser has a full peerage. Fifteen members, sixteen with himself included. We have a total of seven, including myself. We have one pawn, one bishops, one knight, two rooks, one queen, and the king. As is obvious, we have a severe numbers problem."

"We shall overcome that regardless," Rias declared confidently. "Riser has the numbers. He also has the advantage of experience. He's competed in ten Rating Games before. However, we have quality and skill on our side. The victor will be decided on who can most successfully use their advantages. Can Riser use his numbers to grind us down into nothing or will we cut through his wall of bodies to gain the chance to strike at him directly? That is the question that will decide the match. For that reason, I'll be placing an emphasis on strategy during this time."


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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