Zuriel Althea Poenix 1

I observed the beggar man's glorious life-and-death battle with these menacing assassins.

Even though I was panting to the extreme due to the fight I had earlier with one of them.

"It's pretty unbelievable on how he can fight those two of assassins, I already had difficulty with just one- he's fighting two."

And I was pretty astonished to observe the level of swordsmanship that the dirty man performed in this bloody battle.

From those unsophisticated swings and slashes, I can perceive the fundamentals of the sword's path hone to perfection.

This takes an enormous time to perform and practice, enormous resolve and deep confidence in your ability to use in battle.

And that godly intuition, it's really like a time-predicting skill that is used by those Master mages in this world.

He used that immersed intuition to save me from that harrowing shadow as that tried to kill me.

And I felt a deep terror when I noticed the presence of the assassin beside me.

And this beggar- no this man saved me.

In this fucked up situation- he saved me.

As I sighed a deep sense of relief when I saw those wretched assassins dying in his sword.

And I contemplated deeply, on the plain sword swings and slashes that he used.

"It's really like an abyss. I can't see the bottom of it."

As I observed him seriously.

"Maybe he's----"

Leading me to believe that he might be one of those hidden swordsmaster on this continent.

At his age- the same as me. As I felt the shock of my life.

They are the peak of swordsmanship in the Altrean Continent- countless people tried to find and seek them for improvement in their swords or apprenticeship like me.

I'm a swordsman newbie included in the Council of Augustus that is led by Agustus Ze Dracus.

One of the most prominent member of the Empire's Royal Family and a famous Swordmaster.

The Council of Knights and Swordsmen that he leads fights the monsters that appeared from the Nether Realm of Valhalla.

This council also fights the monsters that appeared out of portals from the Valhalla Realm in different places on this continent.

And one of the organizations that fights terrorist groups and vile organizations that aim to cause terror, death, slavery and many types of crime in many places including Empire where I lived in.

The Nether Realm of Valhalla- on the other hand, caused billions of people to die in the First Apocalypse due to monsters' invasion, the unpreparedness of kingdoms to respond and cooperate, portals that summon different types of monsters all around the continent and terror groups that caused chaos in many places even in the continent.

Thus, the Round Table of Altrean is established to fight those monsters that comes- from the Nether Realm and portals, establishing good connections within Empires, Kingdoms and Principalities, fight terrorism, develop peaceful diplomatic relations in terms of conflict between two nations and serve as an international court for nations to discuss their own opinions and thoughts.

This Round Table prevented the extinction of humanity in the 2nd Apocalypse, two decades ago- due to the extensive efforts of the Kingdoms to help each other, brave heroes that fight monsters in the frontline and the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces and the current king of this Empire.

Who used his excellent intellect to command and turn the table of war between humans and monsters.

Also, those hidden swordmasters and archmages that showed up in that bloody war with the monsters as that fight will determine if humanity will survive or not.

In today's time, however, it's announced by the Round Table of Altrean that the 3rd Apocalypse might happen in a few years.

Due to many bad signs such as monsters having a faster reproduction period, countless portals that appeared in many parts of the continent, and the sense of dread in mana.

So many kingdoms are preparing right now in this war especially gathering and hiring those strong powerhouses to fight on the impending 3rd Apocalypse.

I deeply wondered if this dirty beggar in front of me was one of those hidden powerhouse in the Continent of Altrean.

As I talk to him after he killed the poison assassin and shadow that tried to assassinate me.

"Are you o-okay?...sir?" I asked him when I panting but he answered fast.

"I'm good...d-don't worry" he said but I saw his body shivering and staggering due to probably- fatigue and exhaustion.

However, due to growling curiosity, I asked again even if he was almost passing out.

"What's the... technique that you used? sir"

I asked in a tone of respect and curiosity.

"Simple slash...and simple swing I guess" He said weakly as he tirelessly passed out on the floor of no-man street.

I was shocked at what happened when he fell down and immediately went to his position.

"He seems to...sleep peacefully."

I thought when I saw his face and remembered the astonishing swordsmanship that he used- it's definitely tiring and exhausting.

So I used my hand and put him on my back and carried him on a piggyback ride to our Poenix Hospital for immediate treatment of his wound on his face and to check if there was any injury on him and for this man to rest well and recover well in our facility.

And I'm deeply grateful to him- for saving me in this fucked up situation.

He, as a stranger, helped me in the times of my agonizing trouble that could also cause his death and mine against those strong assassins.

And I'm really indebted to him.

As I wondered if the Prince in those White Horses was just a hoax between the nobilities or if it was just a rumor.

But from what I can tell, he saved me with not much thought.

"So this is my version of that Prince in those White Horse, huh."

As I looked at him.

He saved me and that's all that matters to me.