Zuriel Althea Poenix 2

As I lethargically woke up in this strange foreign room.

I confusedly observed the surroundings.

Thus, I immediately noticed the difference between the gloomy environment of that no-man street where I had fought with that unknown beautiful woman compared to this peculiar but clean neat place.

"Where am...I?"

As I felt something- an object that was fluffy on my back, this comfortable pillow that surrounded my head, a strange scent of something that calms the mind and this weird room full of white due to its color and some strange machinery in the room- probably use in medical purposes.

"It looks... like some sort of freaking medical room."

I said reminiscing about the medical rooms in my past realm, especially for those despicable medical shamans and pill refiners.

However, as I tried to take a seat in this fluffy bed, I instantly spotted a bizarre machinery connected to my wrist that gave me a piercing pain.

So I ripped it out off my wrist which led to a slight cut in my wrist with blood on it but I ignored it- and I sat in the bed.

Thinking about the close deadly fight that I with on that no-man street.

I helped an unknown beautiful woman with auburn hair and blue eyes when she called for help in her deadly situation and fought those menacing assassins who were coming for her.

"It's really...close" I remembered the abilities of those assassins that I fought and killed.

They are at the level of an outer sect disciple in my realm or in this world's level, an elite.

And although I formed some reasons to counter my thinking before, I still felt and paid for the risk that I made in that fight.

And if I'm a normal person who fought those wretched people.

I will immediately die from the first slash of those vile assassins.

"I'm really lucky...to have my peak technique or else- I'll die in that fight too."

I said as I continued to deeply reflect on the things that happened in that fight.

The risk of me dying in that deadly fight is riskly high due to something that I know of.

Those assassins are elite-level warriors in this world through their techniques.

Astonishingly, even I, the Heavenly Demon was shocked at the assassin's notion of almost cutting my head.

But through my superb intuition and reflexes, I barely dodged that attack leading to a wound in my cheeks.

That assassin who used poisoned daggers is extremely dangerous in itself, and the shadow using some sort of shadow mystic arts- gives me the conclusion that they are probably raised by some sort of unknown family or organization for assassination in this world.

And that might cause me problems in this world if they tried to get revenge on me.

"I fucked...up in underestimating this world but fuck them and this world. I'll just kill them if they come along my fucking way. "

As I said seriously as I realized that I let my guard down in that bloody fight.

Albeit, I became too complacent in myself.

When I realized my naive carelessness, I used this deep realization of that fight to be calm and serious in this world.

Because I might die, in a single mistake.

However, if they did really bring a really strong warrior at the level of a Master or in my world, a sect elder to kill me and that girl.

At this level of my strength, I'm sure that I can't leave that deadly fight without serious injuries or worse, death.

And I can't still use any of my techniques, even the lowest one due to qi deprivation.

As I perceived that the qi energy in this world is 1/10th of my original realm which is really insufficient qi for someone like me.

It will stagger my growth.

On the other hand, that peculiar unknown energy is so abundant in this world.

It's really the same as qi energy but also different due to some sort of variations.

Maybe energy types? The flow of energy? Or something else? I don't really know.

And after an hour of contemplation, I noticed that the door opened in my room.

"You're awake now, mister."

As I saw that otherworldly beautiful girl with auburn hair and mesmerizing blue eyes.

"You're asleep for two days, you know?"

She's really beautiful like those sculpted-like figure ladies in my realm, especially those captivating calm eyes and if I compare it completely to her frightened face in the fight on the no-man street.

It's enticing right now that even I, The Heavenly Demon who used to have different types of beauty head-over-heels in me in my realm was shocked by the beauty of enthralled blue eyes.

"Why am I...in this place?" I asked the beautiful girl.

"This is my family's Poenix Hospital. One of the most prestigious in the Capital City of this Empire."

The girl answered with hints of respect and indebt in her beautiful tone.

"It's equipped with state-of-the-art medical facilities and types of equipment that aim to cure people and help them recover from injuries and diseases in merely days and weeks."

I was surprised at the description of this medical facility.

And as far as I know, her family owns this place.

Poenix? Is it the same as the Phoenix that I know? I don't know.

"How did I...get in this place?" I asked in a curious tone.

The last thing that I remember in that no-man street is when I staggered and passed out due to fatigue from using The Way of The Sword, Equilibrium.

"I carried you when you passed out in the no-man street. I give you a piggyback ride hehehe" she said happily as a tinge of red appeared on her face.

"Piggyback...ride? What's that?" I asked her suspiciously.

"Secret- anyway, the thing you've asked me before is do I know anything about Alzahid Academy right?" She asked meaningfully.


I asked in the tone of peculiarity.

"Yes, I know of it. It's one of the most renowned schools in the Continent of Altrean.

It's included in the top three dream schools of nobles and commoners alike due to that new degree passed by that Princess in this Empire.

It's equipped with state-of-the-art learning facilities and training halls, and capable professors that will help you to become stronger to the limit.

It will also give you fame and honor if you graduated from that prestigious school and many organizations will be stumbling to recruit and hire you."

She said as the glow of the twinkling star appeared in her eyes.

"Also, I'll enter that Academy...because I'm exempted in the pre-qualification exam, however, I must pass the final qualification exam."

She happily said.

"Then...do you what is this?" As I passed her the worn nameplate that I had taken in my worn pocket of my jeans.

She looked at the worn nameplate carefully then suddenly looked at me shocked.

"It's the same as mine."

As she seriously picked up something from her dress. It's a brand-new nameplate the same as mine.

"You seem to pass too," she said cheerfully.

"I see." As I nodded to her positively.

This girl seems to be that type of girl whose energy is over the top level, huh.

"We might be classmates if we're the subjects in that school," she said brightly.

She stood up and walked to the door of my room.

"But for now, you should take a rest and tell me if you anything you need. I'll do my best to cater those things to you."

On the other hand, this must be a positive result of that deadly fight. This cheerful beautiful girl living in this world with that gorgeous smile.

I guess it wasn't bad, huh.

That deadly fight that I truly fight on with my life.

But before she left, she asked the unknown man wearing a white shirt from the medical facility.

"W-What's your...name sir? I'm Zuriel Althea Poenix. The daughter of the House Poenix. A Marquis clan of this Empire." A tinge of red appeared in her supple cheeks.

"I'm Dale...Dale Al Zeiken" I said smiling at blushing self.

"Okayyy" she happily said to me as if she now knows the name of the person she admired and hurriedly left the room.


"He's really...handsome- isn't he?"

I asked my trusted maid beside me.

However, I never felt anything about the boys of my age due to my high status and seriousness towards the sword.

But this man, unbeknownst to me, saved me from that deadly situation wherein the possibility of me being killed was super high.

"I'm really...saved thanks to that man."

As I stared from the glass of the room where he's visible to me and my maid.

And he seems to be getting more handsome through seconds by second in my mind.

"Yes...master." As the maid looked out the window.

Her eyes saying some sort of meaning.

After we washed his dirty body and whole being a few days ago except for that man's thing that a girl can't touch and cleaned those patches of dirt on his face.

Also, giving him some nice-looking white robes for hospital patients.

His appearance transformed from a beggar-like man to what appeared as some sort of dreamlike prince-looking man with white hair and red eyes that seemed to come up from a straight-up vampire movie.

And the who saved me in that eerie situation that may lead me to my death.

He even risked himself for me and he passed out after that deadly fight.

When we checked his body, It's destroyed to the point of almost killing him that gets him into a critical emergency situation.

Luckily, I used an elixir, a one of a kind concentrated healing potion that are found in portals of Valhalla Realm that heals any sort of injuries and wounds that you have in your body. There's also a rumor that it improves one's physical capabilities and ability.

I used that as I'm indebted to him and I don't want him to die.

It was also given to me by my father for critical situations.

Nonetheless, I wonder what will I feel about this man.

As I looked back to the window.

After I come back to my home after leaving that hospital. I told everything that happened to my father.

Everything that happened from the following of the assassins in the places that I went to and the passed-out man after the despairing fight and me carrying him on the way to the Poenix hospital and even using the elixir to heal him in his critical condition.

After that talk, my father seems angry left to do something.

But before his departure, he promised me that he would reward him for saving his one and only daughter but with a strange glint in his eyes and a weird motive.

He also told me to make the man come to him for some questioning.