Zuriel Althea Poenix 3

"Hey...D-Dale, you are being summoned- by my father."

Zuriel said with a tinge of fear in her voice as I looked out of the window where she spoke.

"Huh? Why I'm being...summoned?" I asked confusedly to her.

"I...d-don't know!" she said nervously as she looked at me.

And then, she immediately ran into the hall for some unknown reason and I never saw her that day.

When Zuriel delivered the message to me, I was shocked to find out that Zuriel's father was summoning me for some questioning and discussion of rewards.

"What's the reason for this?" as I pondered hard.

Though I initially expected the reward in this situation, the questioning was out of the blue because I just wanted to receive that reward and go to that prestigious Academy.

"What's the reason for him to summon me? To know what happened that time?

Or to know how I killed those assassins that tried to kill his daughter? I really...don't know."

Suddenly, a thought struck in my mind when I think about it.

"I may...be questioned about the swordsmanship that...I used that time."

As I contemplated the possible things that I may be questioned about such as- do I knew his daughter beforehand? or maybe I fell in love with her daughter at first sight so I saved her in that dangerous situation?

I'm getting really anxious about it.

But as the exalted Heavenly Demon, I sighed and calmed myself up.

The reason I can use that highest peak technique is due to the level that I attained in my Heavenly Demon Era.

I attained the deepest principles of my own technique and my concept of The Way of the Sword.

I also achieved the enlightenment One with the Sword necessary to the completion of the technique.

So I can use it even in this weak frail body.

The consequences on the other hand, is a very exhausting fatigue that I experienced when I performed some extremely arduous movements or a difficult use of the sword path that I needed to accomplish for maximum efficiency of my swings.

The downside of this technique for me right now is I will pass out immediately after I use that burdensome peak skill due to it's sheer difficulty and the durability of this body.

But I somehow felt that this body was light from what it used to be for some reason.

However, I didn't know if there was someone in this world who was at the level of a Sword Lord.

And I couldn't tell if they could dissect or understand even the tiniest bit of that technique knowing that this world was overwhelmingly different from my past realm.

Also, there's a strange energy that flows in this world which is much more different from the qi energy that I used in fighting.

"Alright...I'll get ready for the meeting with the person" I said calmly.

After thinking about the many questions that may be thrown at me by that person or the answers that I will use.

I prepared myself.

Thus, I got up from my fluffy bed that I sleep with, pulled the dextrose pins that are attached to my wrist and readied myself for the questioning and discussion with that person of high status in this world.


"Can you tell me what- happened on that day?"

The Marquis asked me in a stern voice.

This person seems to be like those people who are serious in everything that they do though on the good side, they always do their job efficiently and perfectly.

But you can hardly see the emotion on their face due to it being always a poker face expression.

This type of person also exhibits prioritization in rational thoughts over emotional thinking due to their experience in this world.

Probably due to many hardships that they conquer.

The same as me...

"That time...I was asking people in the streets if they knew anything about Alzahid Academy when I- came across with your daughter in a bookstore.

And she said that- she needed help and would answer my questions if I helped her live in that dangerous situation. And we fought those assassins and emerged victorious."

"Why do you...save her in that assassination? Do you have any ulterior motives?"

The Marquis questioned me, suspicious tone reeks in his voice.

"None, I just want...to ask questions to her about the Alzahid Academy and it's a pity if she died because she's really stunningly beautiful. And all beautiful girls deserve to...live."

I said that confidently to the poker-faced Marquis as I reminisced about the bitch Empress that I once loved and one of the people who betrayed me.

"Hmm- it's a strange answer but I guess I will accept it."

"Then next question, what swordsmanship did you use to defeat those...elite-level assassins? I find myself- doubtful about how you defeat them by just simple swings and slashes in that state of your body as inferred by my daughter " said by the solemn Marquis.

"What's the state of my body? Marquis?" I asked curiously.

He stared at me from my head to my feet.

"It's a Low Tier 1 swordsman body. Theoretically, you can't defeat those people due to them being a Low Tier 2 assassins that specialize in poisoned daggers and shadow magic with that level of your body."

As he stared at me seriously.

And I looked at him too. Understanding what he meant.

"However, I will not dig into your secrets, everyone has secrets. You know?"

As he stared at me, suspicious of my motives for his beloved daughter. Though I did say that she's one of the most beautiful girls that I've seen. It didn't get to the point that I fell in love with her at first sight.

I didn't want to trust people that fast and I really think that I developed trust issues with people from the day that I was betrayed.

Though, I decided to tell him the genuine truth of my decision.

"But I did defeat those assassins using my swings and slashes of my sword. And I really did my best to save, your beloved daughter and..."

"You're living daughter is the proof that I defeated them...right?" I said somberly.

Suddenly, the expressionless Marquis sobbed and burst into tears. He said-

"Thank you, thank you very much for saving my daughter- she's the only family I have in this damn world.

And if I lose her, I might commit...the most unforgivable action in this godforsaken world. Thank you for lending your aid to her.

Because I might lose myself in revenge if she died too. Thank you."

As he continued.

"When she came to that night after carrying you to the hospital.

She tells me the whole story of your fight and the way you saved her and you didn't know?

Your body is pretty damaged when you use that unknown technique.

It seems that your body broke down due to the sheer difficulty of your swordsmanship.

And my daughter...use an elixir that I give to her to heal you. It's a pretty expensive elixir you know? But I won't inquire about that swordmanship that you used in that fight so be careful with your body. There's no next time."

He added as tinge of hapiness written in his face.

"But your swordsmanship must be great if you defeat people above your level with just that alone."

"Even though you are a stranger, you didn't hesitate to help her in that precarious situation that might cause her death.

I'm really indebted to you and for that, I will reward you with everything for your efforts of saving her"

"Do you have any reward that you want to be fulfilled by me?" The thankful Marquis said in a tone of respect.

And as I think of reward, the first thing that struck into my mind is knowledge.

I lack the necessary information about this world.

As I remember when I walked through many streets of this Empire and questioned people about this...Alzahid Academy and that situation ends up in my current situation.

I also need to know about the strange energy that comes in this world, the technique and levels of skill of the people in this world and if they compare these people to my people in the sect and my world. Who's stronger?

"Marquis, I am asking for a scholarship at the... Alzahid Academy." I said with a thoughtful tone.

"Huh, you're a thoughtful one...aren't you?"

He stands up from the questioning room and goes to the back side and pulls something out of it.

"I will support any activity and things that you need in the academy because they cost a lot.

And due to the clothes that you wear on, I think that you're a commoner so I find this reward suitable for you.

Also, don't worry about entering that academy because I found out that you have a nameplate from that academy. It will serve as an entrance when you go to Alzahid Academy."

"And please, Please receive this generous gift from the bottom of my heart for saving my only daughter."

As he handed me a...one-handed sword.

A simple sword that encompasses the true word of simplicity.

It is colored in a jet black with a tinge of red.

"Don't be fooled by the simplicity of that sword. It's made from one of the toughest metals on this continent, Darkshade."

I noticed the sharpness, durability and lightness of this when I gripped it and observed it.

This level of sword is on par with those almost high-grade treasures in my realm.

I suddenly exclaimed because I knew the value of this weapon.

"It's also enchanted with the spell Spatial Space " he said proudly looking at the sword he gave me.

"Spacial Space is an magic enhancement that helps you manifest this sword in any space you want."

As I immediately saw a mark of a tattoo appeared at the back of my right hand.

"That mark signifies that you're the new owner of this sword."

And this signifies to me that I can draw this weapon with just my thoughts and this weapon will appear immediately.

"Thank you- Marquis...for this super valuable weapon."

I said happily due to the prospect of using this sword.

But before I left, the Marquis suddenly became made a serious expression.

"I have a task for you. Please protect my dear daughter in that- academy."

As he seriously looked at me.

"Okay, I will dearly do so Marquis."

I nodded as I understand the task he was talking to.

"Thank you." he said sincerely to me as looked at me and nodded.

As I left the questioning room.