Chapter 11

Enisa glanced around the office and smiled. She walked to her corner in the office and say down. No sooner had she done so, than someone walked in. It was Dracula, with his face twisted in the anger he was holding in.

Enisa pretended not to notice him until he called her name. 

"Enisa, come here," He said. His tone was full of command. 

Enisa was reluctant but went anyway. 

"Yes Sir?" She asked, her tone mocking him.

"Coffee," were the only words he spoke as he opened his laptop and got immersed in work. 

Then it hit her. She was his assistant. She grumbled at the thought and sighed. 

"And why are you still standing there Miss Storm?" Dracula asked, not looking up from the computer screen.

Enisa stormed off angrily. Once she was by the coffee mixer, she frowned. 

"Really? How did I come from being in my own company to getting coffee for someone else?" She started.

"Well, it's just for some months Enisa. Just calm down. All of this would be over," 

"Well, I see you are enjoying your new position in the company," Alora, who had just walked up to her said sarcastically. 

Enisa looked at her and continued pouring the coffee. 

"I can't believe you're now pouring coffee instead of sitting in your fancy office. So sorry about that," She continued.

Once the coffee was done, Enisa turned around to go, but Alora held her arm. 

"Enisa, do not try any funny stunt with my man. You might be in the same office as him but stay far from him. It's just a friendly warning." She whispered into Enisa's ear.

Enisa smiled and walked off. Alora watched her go with an evil smirk on her face.

Enisa entered the closed office door after a slight knock on the door she didn't wait for any response. 

"Here's your coffee Sir," She said, placing the steaming cup of coffee on his table. 

Dracula didn't spare her a glance as he took the coffee and placed it on his lips. With just a sip the coffee was dropped abruptly on the table. 

"How the hell would a grown woman not know how to make coffee?" He asked, his eyes showing a hint of disgust and disappointment.

"What do you mean?'' Enisa asked, confused.

"What don't you understand?" He asked in reply. 

When Enisa was still giving a confused face, he handed her the cup of coffee. 

"Taste it for yourself," He said, extending his hand. 

She took it from his hand and placed it on her lips. Disgust and surprise could be seen on her face as she tasted it. 

"Don't even think about it. Swallow," Dracula commanded as she made to spit it out.

"How can there be salt in it?" She asked, obviously surprised.

He looked at her like she was running mad.

"Are you asking me that when you are the one that made the coffee?" He asked, threat slipping out of his voice.

"I don't understand. I could have sworn it was sugar I added to it," She mumbled.

Dracula stared at her for a long time, then sighed.

"You know what? You're not going to get punished because it's your first time making coffee for me. I'll spare you. Get this thing out of my sight," He retorted in disgust.

Enisa smiled but said nothing. She took the cup and left the office. She went straight to  Alora's office. 

"Alora, we need to talk," Enisa said, keeping a straight face. 

Alora smiled, not looking up from her system. "What is it?"

Enisa played with her lips in anger while tapping her toes on the floor. 

"How come there is salt in Dracula 's coffee?" She asked.

"And how does that concern me?" Alora replied, still looking at her computer.

"Well, I wouldn't be so sure if you were not the only one who hates me in this entire company," Enisa clapped back at her

"Why would I hate you?" She inquired again

"Well, your man wants me by his side, to the point he even wants a fake marriage with him," Enisa smirked.

At this statement, Alora lifted her head to look at her. 

"If this is what you are in this company, then get out. Because unlike you, I have work to do,'' She declared with a note of finality. 

At that, Alora picked up her phone. "Can you please tell Miss Storm to go to her office? She's distracting me from my job. This isn't the proper character in an office," 

Enisa smiled and walked off. 

Once she was inside her office, she was met with Dracula's piercing gaze.

"Why were you in Alora's office?" He asked.

"Well, I guessed she had something to do with the salt incident," She replied meekly.

"And you had to do so during working hours?" He implored further

"Am sorry. I didn't think rationally." Enisa said, feeling bad.

Dracula sighed. It was no use scolding her. Enisa always does as she pleases. 

"I have some files left on your table. Sort them out. I need them before closing hours," Dracula said, continuing his work. 

Enisa smiled and walked to her table. 


Josephine and Josh were throwing tantrums while Merissa was trying her best to calm them down. 

"We want mummy. Why hasn't she come to see us?" Josephine yelled.

Josh just stood there crying. He was not the outspoken one. 

Merissa tries her best to calm the kids down. She holds each of them by her side. 

"Josephine, Josh. Now you listen to me. Mummy is busy but I promise to call her and tell her to come visit, Okay?" Merissa cooed softly. 

"That's what you said yesterday," Josh said 

"And a day before that," Josh chipped in.

Merissa smiled sadly. It was hard being a babysitter. Her phone rang while she still trying to coax the kids to calm down.

"Don't worry after this call, I'll make sure I call Mommy and yell at her to come back home," Merissa  declared playfully 

"Don't yell at Mommy," Josephine said, flushing in anger. 

Merissa laughed and went over to pick up her phone. 

"Hello," She casually said, not interested in the unknown number. 

"Hi. Merissa ?" The person on the other end inquired.

"Yes, this is Merissa. And who might you be?" She probed.

"I'm a friend of Enisa. She wants to see her kids so badly. So she asked me to inform you to bring the kids to the park. She'll meet them there," Alora said.

"Ooh. It'll be nice taking them there, they haven't been there for a while now. And it's a good thing she will meet them there," Merissa said.

"Yeah. So you can begin preparing them now." 

"Why didn't she call me by herself?" Merissa  asked

"Oh. You know. Work, work, work. She has been busy since morning and just told me to do it in her place," 

"Oh, we'll be at the park shortly," Merissa hung up.

Alora smiled. If her plan sailed through, Enisa would have no choice but to leave the manor and her man alone. She smiled and picked up her phone. 

"The nanny is on her way. You know what to do."