Chapter 12

Enisa stated at her phone. It was lunchtime and her stomach was growling. She needed to eat, but the pile in front of her discouraged her from even thinking about it. 

She worked furiously but was soon distracted by a female voice. 

"Darling. You haven't had anything to eat and it's lunchtime." Alora said, emphasizing the darling part louder than necessary. 

Enisa rolled her eyes at her cheesiness and continued her work.

Dracula looked up and smiled at Alora. 



I don't know why I was feeling somewhat annoyed and hoping Dracula would turn her down. 

"Sure. Let's go," I heard Dracula tell her. 

Why did he have to agree to that witch? What did he even see in that girl? I feel she is nothing but trouble. Earlier, I went to the coffee stand and tasted what was added to Dracula's coffee. I was expecting to taste salt, but surprisingly, what I tasted was sugar. That meant someone had tampered with it. I knew I didn't have any evidence that's why I didn't inform Dracula. She was a total witch.

"Miss Storm, come along," He suddenly said to me. 

I was taken aback. Why was he inviting me when Alora wanted them to be alone? I saw Alora's distorted face and smirked. 

"Sure, I'd like to," I replied.

"I didn't request, so don't act like you have a choice," He said, glaring sternly at me.

Yeah, who was I kidding? He wasn't being nice. Well, as long as it'll make Alora uncomfortable, I'm up for it.

I straightened my dress and followed behind them. 

The lunch wasn't anything fancy. Just a boring place Alora brought us to. We all ate in silence until Alora decided to spoil the peaceful serenity. 

"How's your first day at work, Enisa?" She asked, obviously making fun of me, but Dracula couldn't sense it, or rather, he chose to ignore it. 

"It was fine," I replied casually.

Alora just nodded and faced her meal.

"Baby, will you take me shopping today?" Alora asked, looking at Dracula with puppy eyes.

"I took you shopping a week ago," He replied coldly 

"Well, that was a week ago and you know I love shopping. It eases my stress," she said softly.

"I'll send some money to you. Use it as you like," He said with a tone of finality.

I just watched the duo with disinterest and rolled my eyes. Why was she trying so hard to show off?


"I'm done with the files, and it's the closing hours. I want to start going?" I said, dropping the files on his table. I was indeed tired. Working all day without standing up except for the lunch break, was terrible. I needed to rest.

Dracula just nodded and I walked out. 

Despite being tired I wanted to see my kids and took a taxi home. I missed them. Staying away from them for that long was unbearable. I know they also have missed me. I stopped at the grocery store to get them some chocolates. That's their favorite thing. 

I opened the door with a big smile as I called out to my babies.

"Josh, Josephine, I'm home," I announced happily but was met with silence.

"Merissa ?" I called out again but got no response again.

I strolled to their bedroom and they weren't there.

"Where could they be? It's almost 7," I mumbled worriedly. I picked up my phone and called Merissa. The phone rang and was answered on the first ring.

"Merissa. Where did you go with the kids?" I asked frantically.

The person on the other line wasn't Merissa. It was a man. I felt a chill run down my spine as I felt something was wrong. Why was a man answering Merissa's phone? I breathed in.

"Miss Storm?" The man asked, and I felt the danger in his voice.

"Yes. This is Enisa," I replied, almost no Lt recognizing my voice. 

"I have your kids and nanny," He said with an evil laugh.

"What do you mean you have my kids?" I asked, already panicking.

"I believe you understand simple English?" He asked mockingly. 

"What do you want?" I probed further.

"What do I want?" He mimicked me, clicking his tongue.

I felt another chill down my spine as my knees got too heavy to support my body.

"I don't want anything," He declared playfully 

"What do you mean you don't want anything? Then why are you keeping them captive, you bastard?" I yelled, almost crying

"Aha. That's the reaction I was looking for. You see, I don't like your union with Dracula. So the sooner you break all ties with him, the sooner you get to see your kids. Understand?" He said, making me feel like a pawn in a chess game that can be moved at will.

I nodded without hesitating like he could see me.

"Yes, I'll do as you say," I replied, my wolf already probing to come out and tear him apart. But I knew my wolf wasn't strong enough to do that. 

"And one more thing. Make sure you don't involve the police. And I won't give you a time frame. Your eagerness to see your kids would make it faster," he hung up

I gulped. This was going to be hard, and I might lose the company. But I would lose even myself for my kids. 

I couldn't believe this was happening to me. How did I end like this? Who could want me to leave Dracula if not Alora? But she wasn't that heartless to hurt my kids right? 

I crumpled on the bed and sobbed my heart out. 



When she said she was going home, part of me wanted to drive her all the way, but I was terrified I was going to lose control of myself, so I just nodded for her to leave. It had been 2 hours since she left so I followed suit. Once I was at the elevator, I saw Alora standing and smiling sheepishly at me.

Yeah, I like Alora but I wouldn't tag it as love. I wanted her in my bed because she knows how it's done but I don't know what I feel for Enisa. I don't want to see her get hurt. Alora was beautiful and had everything a man would want in a woman. She was the only person that could calm me down when I was super mad. 

I smiled back at her and we both walked into the elevator. 

Once we arrived home, she gave me a quick kiss and rushed to the room. I went to mine to freshen up. I was blow-drying my hair when someone knocked. I quickly dressed up and went to open the door. It was the maid. 

"Dinner is ready Sir," She said and bowed.

"Okay, I'll be down in a bit. Go tell Miss Storm to come down for dinner too," I commanded.

The maid frowned. "Sir, Miss Storm hasn't come back yet," she replied.

"What do you mean Miss Storm hasn't come back?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"I mean she hadn't come back, sir. I thought and might have followed the back door but her room was empty," the maid replied

I nodded for the maid to leave. Once she was out of sight, I picked up my phone and dialed her number. She didn't pick up even after the third ring. My wolf and I were growing worried with each passing second. She finally picked and I exhaled 

"Enisa?" I asked,  unsure of what to say.

"They have our babies," She said weakly.

My heart did a panicked dance.

"What do you mean by they have pur babies?" I asked, almost yelling

"Dracula my babies," She replied. She sounded really weak.

"Where are you?" I asked. 

I didn't get a reply. I called out to her but it seemed she couldn't hear me again.

Shit. She must have passed out. I opened the tracking device on my phone and saw her location. 

I opened the door and burst out of the house.

"Nothing should happen to Enisa and the kids please," I pleaded to an unknown being.

"Enisa, stay awake for me. Am coming to get you."