Chapter 13

Dracula burst through the door and saw Enisa lying down on the floor unconscious. He went over to her in a hurry.

"Enisa, wake up," He said, shaking her face lightly. When she didn't respond, he immediately carried her out of the house and drove straight to the hospital.



"My babies," I murmured as the first Josh of light reflected my eyes.

I felt dizzy but still tried to pull myself up. I felt strong arms hold me down. I looked up and realized I was In a hospital and Dracula was trying to hold me down. 

"Dracula, they are with my babies," I said softly.

Dracula looked at me with sympathetic eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll find them," He assured me and I nodded. 

"Now, tell me what exactly happened," He looked at me softly as if trying not to scare me.

"Well, someone answered Merissa 's phone and..." Then I realized in horror. "What if it was Alora?"

Dracula looked at me like I was a complete idiot. "What do you mean?" 

"I mean they threatened me to leave you. Isn't that what she wants?" I asked, static at him intently.

"I know you didn't like Alora from the very first day, but isn't this a bit much?" He asked, frowning.

I swallowed. Without evidence, I wouldn't be able to convince Dracula that Alora was the mastermind behind this. I wasn't 100% sure but my guts were pointing fingers at her. Besides, my wolf wanted to always jump at her anytime we came in contact. I smiled bitterly.

"I want to get out of this hospital. I want to find my kids," I said, already pulling myself up. 

Dracula looked at me with mixed emotions and helped me up. He must have known he couldn't talk me out of this one. He carried me in a bridal style despite my protest that I could walk and I had no option but to give in.

Once we were inside the car, Dracula held my chin and frowned.

"Do you trust me?" He asked me

I contemplated this. I didn't fully trust Dracula, but if he said he could find my twins, I would believe that. After all, he is the Lycan of all Alphas.

"Depends on what was on the ground," I replied, looking away

He pulled my face close to his. I could feel his breath on my face. "Do you believe me if I say I'll find our kids?"

My heart was filled with warmth and I held my breath. I nodded and held the urge to cry. I needed my babies so much. I want to be close to them.

"But I'll do so on one condition," He squinted at me to catch any reaction.

Of course, I'd do anything to get my babies. And wait, did he just call my babies ours? Well, there was no time to dwell on that. 

"What condition?" I asked.

"You'll bring them to my manor. They'll live there with you," He demanded.

I wanted to refuse, but I knew they'd be safer in the manor than in my place, without me to protect them. Besides, I was at an advantage now. 

"Okay. But Merissa  would come along." I said.

"Who's Merissa ?" He inquired, confused.

"Well, she's the nanny assigned to take care of them while I was away," I said, sighing.

Dracula simply nodded and started the car. We drove in silence till we arrived at the manor. 

"Stay put and don't move," He faced me with a stern look

I nodded and he walked round the car to open the door. Before I could react, he carried me again, but this time, I was too exhausted from today that I just relaxed. It felt nice being held like this. His body was warm and I could hear his heartbeat beating in a steady rhythm.

Once we were inside the manor, we were welcomed by Alora's piercing and shocked gaze. She looked at me like she wanted to strangle me. She could if given the chance. She walked up to Dracula who was still holding me in his arms and smiled at him.

"Dracula, you skipped dinner and I was worried," She faked an innocent face which disgusted me. How can one be so fake? I wanted to grab her head and smack it on the table or even flush it down the toilet, but I just stared at her blankly. She moved her gaze to me when Dracula didn't answer immediately.

"Enisa, you don't look good. Are you okay?" She asked feigning concern. Yeah, right. Like I could fall for the pretense. She could fool Dracula as much as she likes, but she is certainly not fooling me.

"She is alive, so she's fine," Dracula replied and walked off. 

I held Dracula more tightly and snuggled on his body even more, to the annoyance of Alora. She glared at me and gave me a territorial stare. 

Once Dracula dropped me on the bed, I held his wrist tightly. 

"When are you going to get my kids?" I asked, solemnly.

"Tonight. Just sleep. You can have a day off tomorrow. You'll use it to spend more time with the kids," He replied and I smiled. Why was Dracula being so nice to me? Who was I kidding? He's being this way because of the kids. He already knows it's his kids that's why he's being this way toward me.

Once he left the room, I tried my best to fall asleep, assuring myself that Dracula was going to bring my kids home to me. I knew Dracula would always fulfil his promise and I was hoping to see my kids today. 

It was in the middle of the night and I hadn't slept a wink. I wanted to really take a run in my wolf form. I stood up from the bed and walked gently toward the front door when I suddenly heard Alora moaning uncontrollably. I wasn't the one to eavesdrop but I went to her door. I could hear her voice clearly this time. 

"Dracula, yeah...ah..ah..I love you...oh my gosh...yes.." She screamed.

I was so disgusted by it and stormed off to my room. 

Was Dracula making love to Alora while he was supposed to be looking for my children?

I ransacked my closet and fished out a coat and boots. If Dracula isn't going to look for my kids, I'll go look for them myself.