Chapter 14


I walked into the abandoned building the GPS on Merissa's phone directed me to. It's not surprising if someone would want to do a kidnap work here. It was already midnight when I arrived at the factory. 

Racing against time, Dracula gathered his wits and courage to launch an unplanned rescue mission. With steely determination in his eyes, he set out to find the twins and their nanny, vowing to stop at nothing to bring them back home safely. He wanted to see Enisa smile.

The abandoned factory was on the outskirts of town, where they were safe from prying eyes. Little did they know that Dracula was already hot on their trail, his heart filled with a father's love and a hero's courage which he didn't know.

The moon cast an eerie glow over the desolate factory, Dracula stealthily approached the building, his every sense heightened with adrenaline. He knew that he had to act quickly and decisively to outwit the kidnappers and rescue Enisa's loved ones.

Creeping through the shadows, Dracula potted a lone figure standing guard at the entrance to the warehouse. With silent precision, he approached from behind and swiftly subdued the unsuspecting kidnapper, rendering him unconscious with a swift blow.

Moving quickly, Dracula made his way inside the warehouse, his heart racing as he searched for any sign of Rya, Josephine, and  Merissa. The air was thick with tension as he cautiously navigated the dimly lit corridors, his senses alert for any danger that may lie ahead.

Finally, he heard muffled cries coming from a nearby room and his heart leaped with hope. Bursting through the door, Dracula's eyes swept the room until they landed on two kids with a girl slightly younger than Enisa tied to a chair and struggling to get off. The girl glinted with fear in her eyes while the children had a Josh of hope that Dracula was the good guy that was going to save them.

Dracula glanced at the three people in front of him and untied them. While untying them, more men came into the room. Dracula sighed and turned to hit him but the man dodged the blow. 

"Watch it man," The man said 

"Who are you? Why would you kidnap innocent children and their nanny? Have you no shame?" Dracula asked, frowning. 

"Jeez. Well, how is that even your business?" He replied disdainfully. 

Dracula looked at his phone and signed. "You can come in," 

Ten men dressed in black came into the building and surrounded the man. He smiled mischievously and pulled out his gun. Before he could cock the gun, he was kicked on his knee and shouted in horror. His hand was immediately twisted, and the gun was snatched from him while he was tackled to the ground. He screamed in horror, holding his leg in pain.

The kids huddled against one another and watched in horror. Dracula moved closer to them and patted their head.

"Do you watch your cartoons?" He asked and they both nodded.

"Are they the bad guys in them?" Josephine asked, pointing to the men. 

"No. Those guys in black, are the good guys. The one on the floor holding his knee, that's the bad guy," he smiled at them.

Dracula signaled to two of his men to untie the kids and lady. The lady was mute throughout. She seems to be thinking about something. She stared at Dracula in surprise but said nothing. Dracula noticed her staring and gave her a reassuring smile without thinking much of it. 

Then men untied them all and Josh ran to meet Merissa, while Josephine stayed close to Dracula. 

"Now guys, take him to the basement and make sure he tells you who sent him," Dracula said with a straight face.

The man was still in pain while being dragged out of the factory. Dracula frowned. The man was an amateur.

"Thank you so much, Sir," Merissa declared gratefully but looked tired.

"No worries. You're safe now. You should thank Enisa," he replied.

"What about her? Is she fine?" Merissa inquired, looking up at him with an interrogative gaze. 

"Yeah, she's waiting for you all at home." Then he turned to the kids. "Are you ready to meet your mummy?"

The kids were elated. Dracula could tell they were tired as they drove. These kids were just five but thought this kidnapping phase was just another adventure in one of their cartoons. The car was silent till they entered the mansion. Once they were inside, he carefully carried Josephine while Merissa carried Josh. As if knowing they were coming to his house, Merissa asked no questions and just tagged behind Dracula. 

Once they were inside the manor, because they were all tired, not even the kids or Merissa could admire the view. Once the kids were tucked into bed, Dracula turned to Merissa.

"I'll take you to your room now," He said. 

Merissa smiled softly. "Thank you for saving us, sir. It was hectic for the kids and me, and I'd prefer to stay here with them to watch them," She replied and Dracula nodded. 

Dracula just nodded. "I'll let Enisa know you and the kids are back," He plainly said and left the room.  

He went to Enisa's room and knocked once. When he didn't hear any reply, he opened the door and went in. 

"Enisa?" He called out. He was met with silence. He searched the room and there was no sign of Enisa. And at that point, Alora walked into the room with a panicked expression. 

"Where is Enisa?" He asked

At the mention of Enisa, Alora panicked even more.

"Speak to me," He commanded.

"She...she..she went out in rage. She was saying that since you couldn't save her children, she'd do it herself," She blurted out.

Dracula's jaw dropped. He started making for the door.

"Where are you going to?" She questioned.

"Well, no person living in this mansion would be left outside by this time. Especially if the person is a female," He said and walked out.

Alora smacked her lips in annoyance. "This isn't going as planned,''



Enisa walked as far as her legs could carry her and cried. She wanted to run but the weather was too cold for something like that. Although she was wearing a draping Cardigan, she was still very cold. She couldn't feel her feet anymore and couldn't stop her body from dropping to the ground. She waited for the pain that followed but none came. Instead, she was held by strong warm arms. 

She looked up and whispered in confusion. 

"Jacob?" She asked and blacked out.