Chapter 15



Dracula walked out of the mansion in a rush as all he had in his mind was to get Enisa back.


As he walked, thoughts began to flow in his head about what her reason for leaving the mansion would be after I had told her I would get her daughter back.


"Why would she?" I questioned. Putting that at the back of his mind, he used his phone to get her location.


Looking at the map, I noticed that the location seemed to be moving from one place to another. Thinking about this, there was only one meaning to this sign.


"Is there a jammer with Enisa or is it?" I Inquired as I murmured to myself. The thought of the other possibility I have In mind scared me so much that I wanted to find her as soon as possible.


Thinking about this, I made a call to someone I know can help. "Hello, this is Dracula. Want you to use any means you can, to find my Enisa." I said in a commanding tone.


Sometimes I fail to understand myself, I don't really understand what I have for her but I know that I don't want her to be hurt or sad.


"Okay, sir." the person replied and ended the call immediately.


I went back to the mansion with a solemn expression on my face. The Alora watched as I returned empty-handed with a smirk on her face.


"Why did you come back alone? Where's Enisa, she asked in a concerned tone.


I stared at her with a cold gaze, I couldn't think of any reason why she would leave while muttering to herself "If you can't find my twins, then I will find them."


"not yet." I gave her the reply she needed and left for my room.



Forcing myself to be patient as I waited for the result on the other person's end but it felt like it was taking forever.


I couldn't wait anymore, I picked up my Phoenix and was about to call the person for what I needed when I saw a number call me.


Checking it, I was annoyed, I mumbled to myself, "Why now of all time." 


Not wanting to end the calm without hearing what he had to say, I picked up. "What do you want?" I Inquired immediately and I picked up his call.


He chuckled as he heard my voice, "Oh, are we doing that now?" He asked me in a playful tone and he clicked his tongue as if he was mocking me.


Ignoring his actions, "What do you mean?" I asked frowning.


"I don't know, you seem relaxed and here I thought someone mattered to you."


Hearing this, made me almost lose myself to rage but I controlled myself, "Where's she?" I demanded as my voice rose a few degrees.


"Tsk, tsk, tsk, now you are angry? Oh, how you've missed the time to be angry. Well, I wouldn't want you to worry yourself to death would I?" Jacob said in a sarcastic tone. 


"Not having time for his sarcasm, I Inquired once again, "Where's she now"


"Are you asking me? So you can't get her at your door now?" Jacob asked, raising his eyebrows.


"If she was there, why didn't you say so immediately I picked the call," I remarked in anger as I rushed out of my room.


Laughter could be heard on the other side of the phone before I hung up.





Opening my eyes slowly, I realized that I wasn't at the mansion, so I panicked. Almost jumped out of the bed, but was held down by Jacob who was smiling at me warmly.


"Jacob?" I said as the memory of what had happened surfaced. 


I continued before he could answer, "You saved me." I said in a weak voice as I remembered what had happened previously. 


"yeah, I did," he replied almost playfully as he stared at me.


Clicking his tongue, he let out a sigh as if pitying me.


"How did you know I was there?" I questioned as I wasn't expecting him to be the one there at the time.


"Does it matter? Your time of questioning me is over, now it's my turn," he said, then he paused for a moment.


"What were you doing there at that time of night?" he inquired with seriousness in his voice.


"I was looking for my kids, I had lost them earlier in the day," I replied in a calm but weak voice.


Nodding his head lightly, he mumbled to himself. "How angry will he be this time?" 


I could hear what he was saying, and I knew what he meant by it. I shook my head as I watched him take out his phone to call Dracula.


Just before he called him, he helped me stand up and brought me to the car.


Getting in, "Time to go home." he said as he smiled at me. Starting the car, he drove off.



Getting through the mansion, I  sighed to myself, I didn't know what to do, maybe leaving him would be the best thing to do to get them back.


I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't notice Jacob had stopped calling and was now waiting at the door with me, a smirk on his lips.


As I raised my hand to make my presence at the door known, the door swung open, and I could see Dracula there.


He stared at me for a moment, as if musing sure I was okay. Sometimes I find it hard to understand his actions, the gaze in his eyes at the moment made me feel the warmth within me but I knew he could as well change his cold self immediately. 


As he looked up, he saw Jacob, "what are you doing here?" He Inquired sternly.


Smiling, "That is no way to greet your brother now, is it?" He Inquired as he got closer to Dracula and entered the mansion without his permission.


I shook my head lightly as I watched his actions iaboutDracula'sown.


They look alike in so many ways than one but Jacob just seems to enjoy annoying Dracula.


"Not bad." Was the remarkable he gave as he entered the mansion.


Looking at Dracula's face, I could see that he was staring back. "If you weren't going to help, why didn't you just tell me, rather than lie to me?" I questioned as fury, despair, and pain could be seen on my face.


"I promised you I'd get them back and I did, so what's the problem?" he questioned as his eyebrows raised.


"Wait, you got them back? But how?" I retorted. I was sure I heard him and Alora making out.


"Yes, is that bit what I just said," he said, frowning as he stared at me dead in the eyes.


Not wanting to back down, I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. I could feel myself getting weaker the more I said something. 


The pain was much and I couldn't bear it anymore, but his words brought a Josh of hope to me.


Closing my mouth, I took a deep breath, and then asked, "Where are they?" 


I see no reason why he would lie to me, so I chose to believe him at this moment.