Chapter 16



When I opened the door, I was surprised when I saw Ryan open the door while Damien stood at the back.

Looking at Damien, I was annoyed. I didn't know what his purpose of being here was. But this time, he saved Ryan, but that doesn't change anything.

Looking at him, I Inquired. "What are you doing here?"

Smiling, "that is no way to greet your brother now, is it?" Damien replied, then he walked in.

I wanted to yell at him, but I changed my mind immediately and I realized that Ryan was still standing there.

Looking at Ryan's face, I could see that she was thinking of where to start saying what she had in mind.

"If you weren't going to help, why didn't you just tell me, rather than lie to me?" she questioned, as fury, despair and pain could be seen on her face.

"I promised you I'd get them back and I did, so what's the problem?" I questioned as I raised my eyebrow.

"Wait, you got them back? But how?" she retorted.

"Yes, is that not what I just said." I said, frowning as I stared at her dead in the eyes.

As I stared at her, I could see her eyes lit up immediately she heard what I said, it was as if it gave her a reason to live once again.

Taking a deep breath, she asked me "where are they?"

Not hesitating in the slightest, I averted my gaze from her, "follow me." I said plainly as I made my way to the room I gave them.

Getting to the room, I saw yens with the two kids on the bed, she was reading bedtime stories for them, trying her best to make them sleep.

I looked at her for a moment, then I glanced at Ryan behind me.

Without saying anything, I knew she would understand. Walking inside the room, she saw her kids.

Immediately, she ran towards them, the kids stood up when they noticed Ryan and gave her a big hug.

Looking at her, I realized that tears were flowing in her eyes, making me feel a pang of pain in my heart. I don't want to see her like this, a part of me just knows it.

I watched as Ryan looked them over, while asking if they were okay, to which they answered.

Suddenly I heard a sound behind me, taking a look, I saw Queen, it seemed like she just got there as she walked inside the room while faking a caring expression on her face.

"Hey Ryan, I thought we lost you, when Aiden came back without you." she said, as tears flowed down her cheeks.

Anyone who sees her actions right now would believe her but when I looked at Ryan's eyes, they were cold, really cold.

It was as if she was someone else at this moment, if this went on, Ryan might let out the wolf in her, but I didn't want to get involved.

I don't know what I feel for Ryan but I know I like Queen, so I should support her no matter what, but I still feel like helping Ryan sometimes.

"I guess I will just overlook these actions, it doesn't really matter. They will get over it as time passes." I said I was my kind as I watched on.


I walked with Aiden until I reached the room, I stood behind, not wanting to rush in and get my hope dashed.

I guess a part of me still fails to believe his words, still looking at him, I wondered what he was staring at until he glanced at me.

I didn't really understand what he meant by this, but I walked forward, only to see my kids lying on the bed softly.

By this time, they had opened their eyes to see who was at the door. Then they saw me as I entered the room.

Rushing over, the kids got out of the bed and gave me a hug once I got close enough.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I checked the body of Dela and Ray.

"We are fine mummies," dela answered. As she looked at her mother smile on her face as if trying to console her.

I didn't even know tears were already falling off my cheeks as they rolled down.

Looking at Yena standing at the side, mumbled "thank you."

She smiled and bowed politely. Looking back at the kids, I remembered that they were safe and rescued by Aiden. I looked in his direction to thank him, only to see the Queen come over with tears in her eyes.

""Hey Ryan, I thought we lost you, when Aiden came back without you." she said these words with tears in her eyes.

As I watched her actions, my eyes became cold and I had to do everything in my power to not let my wolf out, or else I would have ripped her head off her neck at that moment.

Queen could feel the coldness in my eyes and moved back slightly but she persisted.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I was only scared that something had happened to you." She said as she looked at me defiantly.

"As if?" I scoffed.

"So you think I'm a fool? with that kind of request, do you think it wasn't obvious?" I Inquired.

I watched her expression carefully to see any reaction, but she made no reaction at all. The only thing to be seen on her face was genuine care as if she was really worried about me, but I know better.

Looking at me, she continued. "Is this what I deserve for caring about you and looking out for your safety? As if that wasn't enough, you are also slandering me by claiming I did something when I didn't do it at all." She wept as those words left her mouth as if she was hurt.

"Come on, that's enough. You shouldn't have done that." I heard a voice berate me from the side. Looking at the one who spoke, I saw Aiden standing there.

On hearing this, I couldn't help but laugh at my predicament. "Oh, right. I'm the one with the problem? Huh. Is that what you are saying?" I questioned as fury could be seen in my eyes.

My anger was boiling in me, the more I spoke. Trying to calm myself, I took a deep breath to calm myself but then, I noticed queen's facial expression.

She had a mocking smile on her face as she watched me, but I didn't let it get to me. Without evidence, I knew I couldn't deal with this situation by using words as it will be her words against mine.