Chapter 18


Witnessing the feud between Ryan and Queen, I felt like Aiden was neglecting his duty as Ryan's mate.

I couldn't help but imagine what Ryan must be going through at the moment.

Watching her leave the room, I was a bit surprised at how much venom she had shown when she was in the room.

"I guess she must have really offended Ryan." I mumbled to myself as I took note of her actions.

Tilting my head up to see Aidens reaction to the mess being caused, I was disappointed in him as his face showed no reaction.

He was neither angry or conflicted, he just stood there for sometime before leaving the room.

Shaking my head lightly, I sighed. Looking at the kids, I saw how confused they look and they didn't understand what was going on with their mother but it was obvious they knew she was angry.

Yena went up to the kids, "Dela and Ray, i know what you might want to ask from me but you don't need to worry about your mother, she will be fine."

As she spoke, the kids began to relax visibly as they trusted Yena enough to know that she won't lie to them.

As I watched these actions, I recollected when I saw her on the street.

At that time I was just coming from where I went to get something, only to see her waking lifelessly.

Seeing this, I increased my speed and ran towards her to see what was going on, but immediately I got close enough, she passed out and I only managed to catch her before she fell.

As I remembered the scene, I couldn't help but feel angry as the words of Queen played in my ear soon after remembering what happened.

"me? How dare she?" I questioned as I decided to make sure Aiden took action starting from that day.

Walking out of the room and into the hallway, I was starting to think of where to sleep. "maybe I should go to Aiden's room and make him give me a space in this mansion." I said to myself as I let out a light chuckle.

I couldn't help it, I know how annoyed he'd be if I did that. Taking this into consideration, I headed to his room, but then I met a maid coming towards me.

Curious as to what the maid wants, I got close to the maid, waited for her to say what she wanted.

"Mr Aiden has instructed me to take you to your room." the maid said politely.

"damn it" I swore as I made a motion with my fist, swinging it down. This action scared the maid a bit but she waited for my response.

I couldn't help but curse as I heard those words come out of the maids mouth.

"tsk, tsk tsk, nice try but sadly enough you can't escape me." I clicked my tongue as I shook my head.

Following the maid from behind, she took me to the room that was assigned to me by Aiden.

It is a well furnished room and is filled with exquisite designs of various sorts to make the design go along with the theme as various colors were involved with black color dominant.

This I'd the room I was asked to show you sir," the maid said before taking her leave.


I left the room with my anger still boiling within me. I can't start to think of what I would have done if I didn't use all my strength to control my anger.

Shaking my head slightly, I sighed to myself as I considered what Queen had done once again, but each time I remember, I get irked off.

When I was thinking of a word to describe Aiden, there was only one word that came to mind. "jerk."

I disliked the fact that he did nothing but watch as the Queen made those suggestions about me and his brother.

At least, if he doesn't believe what I said Queen had done, he should have believed his brother.

These thoughts stayed in my mind until I slept off, without any time wasting, the following day came around with the sun peeling out from the window, thereby giving the room a morning glow as the cotton covering the large glass that leads to the balcony slid open automatically.

I woke up but slept back as my body needed more sleep, but I didn't didn't want to be late, making me wake up and get ready for the day's job.

Immediately I finished dressing, I couldn't help but think about the fact that I will be working as Aidens assistant once again.

I sighed to myself, as if accepting my fate, as I made my way to my children's room.

Opening the door, I could see that the children were already awake. Entering inside the room, they immediately surrounded me as I played with them.

"what's nice thing to see after waking up. Is it not?," a voice inquired behind me.

Looking at the source of the voice, Damien stood there after he said those words.

Seeing him, I let a smile play on my slips slightly as I looked at him.

"thank you for getting me back safely. If not for…" Damien cut me off as I was about to thank him for the previous day.

"You don't need to thank me,I just did what anyone would have done." He said, choosing to stay humble.

Nodding my head in agreement with his words, "thank you." I made sure to say before facing Yena.

She had been sleeping when I got there, but the conversation between Damien and myself had disrupted her sleep.

"Good morning Mrs, storm." Yena said with a smile as she got out of bed.

Walking over to Ryan. She knelt down beside dela and Ray. "Are you ready for today?" She asked them with a big smile on her face as she waited for their answer.

It didn't take long for them to nod their head eagerly as they couldn't wait.

Seeing this made me smile as I watched for sometime before leaving the room. It was time to wait for Aiden and Queen. If necessary I didn't want to think about her in the slightest.