Chapter 19


Immediately I got back to my room, I couldn't sleep. My mind was running as to what u could do next to make it even more effective.

My excitement was taking a better part of me as I couldn't sleep until late in the night.

Finally getting the sleep I wanted, it didn't take long before I woke up once again, making it feel like the sleep was unnecessary.

Not minding this, I excitedly started preparing myself for the day as I took a hop in my steps. Entering the bathroom, I took my bath, brushed up and wore a cloth that perfectly accentuated my curve.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I couldn't imagine how radiant I look. 'With the seed of doubt I have planted in Aidens mind, it will make things easier for me and in no time, I will be sure to get him for myself only.

Letting out a light chuckle, I went out of the room, with excitement written on my face but once I got down, I decided to hide it.

Keeping a stoic expression on my face, I went to the dining table to eat, after which I began to wait for Aiden.

"Well, since I'm not doing anything at the moment, I might as well take a look at what Ryan is up to and get something that can make Aiden angry or grow more suspicious of Ryan." I mumbled to myself in a low voice.

Working on the new task at hand, I searched for Ryan in the mansion, until I found her at her children's room.

She was busy talking and joking with them. I waited patiently at a corner, where I wouldn't be seen easily.

Soon, she stood up and headed downstairs, in which Damien followed not long after.

Walked up to her, he said, "how are you feeling today?"

"I'm fine, don't worry about me." Ryan replied with a smile as she walked down the stairs.

I followed them quietly as a thought passed my mind, 'seems like I won't need to do anything with the two already starting a conversation with each other.'

I couldn't help but smile at this thought, taking it into consideration, I stopped following them and headed down the stairs.

When I caught up with her, I said "excuse me."

"Why did you hit me, Queen?" Ryan said as anger began to gather on her. She hadn't been able to get all the anger she felt towards Queen out of her yet and with the stunt she just, her anger rose.

"Did I? I clearly said excuse, so if you got pushed to the side, you should just accept your fate and endure it. This is the price you have to pay to be Aidan's mate." I said, while sneering at her.

She wanted to act on anger which would be even better for me as I will be able to control the narrative in my favor but Damien calming her down is not helping me at all.

Deciding to make her get as angry as possible, enough to make her do something to me, then it will all be worth it.

"oh, you dare to do something about it? Well, that isn't surprising, I always knew you were a coward but I don't know it reached this level.'' After saying those words, I watched reaction carefully but what surprised me was not her words but the fact that all the anger she showed earlier had disappeared.

Smiling, "I know what you are trying to do, Queen, but you are nowhere near me in this game. You want to make me angry? You are not worthy." Ryan said.

"You!" Was all Queen could say before noticing Auden coming out of his room.

She snorted coldly and left the scene.

"Those bastards, why couldn't she just get angry and act out? It must be that annoying brother of Aiden, he must have something to calm her down. No matter what though, I will make you pay." I said to myself almost like a promise as I went down stairs.


I went to sleep with a conflicted mind, but I didn't know what to do, I thought about the things that happened that night and I didn't know what or who to believe.

I thought to myself, 'is Queen saying the truth? But I don't think so. I've known Damien for a while now and I know he can't do that.' Thoughts continued to flow in my mind till I slept off.

Waking up the next day, I took my time to prepare myself for the day's work. I dressed carefully, making sure I look as handsome as possible.

As I was dressing, I remembered the promise that had been made the previous day, go make out with Ryan and how it failed.

This thought always brought displeasure to him as he hated it so much.

'Why did that have to happen? If nothing had happened I would have been able to get what I want and relax even better.' He thought to himself.

This thought ruined his mood for a moment but he soon got them back as he finished preparing for work and put on a stoic expression once again.

Working out of my room, I noticed Ryan and Dmaien walking side by side as they walked downstairs.

Tracing Damiens hands, I realised that it was on Ryan's back.

Feeling an anger surge in him, I walked faster, but then I noticed Queen walking away from the pair.

Getting curious as to what happened as the expression I saw on Queen's face was not right.

Looking at Ryan once again, I didn't know what to think. "whatever." I said in a low voice as I gave up finding out what had transpired between them but I was still uncomfortable with Damien's hands on Ryan's back.

'Something must be done about this,' I thought as I moved closer to them.

Immediately I got close to them, I realized how hard it will be as things are not exactly right between us.

Not minding that, I removed Damiens hands from Ryan's back while saying, "I don't appreciate you staying in my mansion with the purpose of touching my mate like that, if that is going to continue, then you will have to leave."