Chapter 20


Watching as Ryan played with dela and Ray made me smile.

Sometimes I wonder why Aiden had to treat Ryan like this when she is so much better than Queen.

He shook his head as he wondered how he got to his current position with how bad he is in decision making.

Shifting his focus back to Ryan, he realized that she had stood up and was about to leave the room.

Watching as she left, I followed after her. "How are you feeling today?" I asked, trying to create a conversation with her.

Smiling, she replied, "I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me."

"Excuse me." was all we heard before Queen pushed past Ryan, thereby shoving her to the side. I knew it was intentional but what could I do?

With Aiden backing her up, she is practically invincible as she will be able to get away with almost anything as long as Aiden doesn't see her.

"Why did you hit me, Queen?" Ryan said as anger began to boil within her. She hadn't been able to get all the anger she felt towards Queen out of her yet and with the stunt she just, her anger rose.

"Did I? I clearly said excuse, so if you got pushed to the side, you should just accept your fate and endure it. This is the price you have to pay to be Aidan's mate." Queen said, while sneering at her.

I was flabbergasted by this reply, she didn't bother to hide her hostility towards Ryan in the slightest. No wonder she suspected her of endangering her children, with this character, it won't be too far from the truth.

With the reply Queen gave, I could see the anger in Ryan rising within her as her breath became heavier.

Trying to calm her down, I whispered in her ears, "don't let your anger control you, instead be the one to control it. Don't give her what she wants by getting angry and doing something that will worsen what's going on between you and Aidenbat the moment."

It seemed like my word got to her as her breath began to stabilize.

Not wanting to back down, Queen continued. "oh, you don't dare to do something about it? Well, that isn't surprising, I always knew you were a coward but I didn't know it's at this level."

Smiling, "I know what you are trying to do, Queen, but you are nowhere near me in this game. You want to make me angry? You are not worthy." Ryan said with a sneer on her face.

"You!" Was all Queen could say before leaving.

A slight frown appeared on Ryan's face immediately as she couldn't understand why she had left abruptly.

Taking it out of her mind, she tried to calm herself down in other to get her emotions in check, I helped her by placing my right hand on her back and instructing her on the best way to get hold of her emotion.

" Take a deep breath," I said. There were no tricks in it and soon she got her emotions in check once again.

As I was about to take my hands off her back, I felt a strong grip around wrist, taking my hands off her back.

Looking back, I saw Aiden staring at me coldly. Ibw as she surprised at first, but then I understood why Queen had left earlier, but I still don't understand why she didn't meet with him as she usually does with him.

"I don't appreciate you staying in my mansion with the purpose of touching my mate like that, if that is going to continue, then you will have to leave." Aiden said as he removed my hands off her back.

Amused by his words, I said. "Are you jealous right now Aiden?" I Inquired.

Looking back at me with a chill in his voice, "I'm not, it is only right that you don't touch her like that, as she's my mate not yours and only I have the right to touch her like that."

On hearing this, I couldn't help but burst into laughter, "this is really hilarious, you don't want me to touch her like that when you can't even treat her well." I said as I laughed.

Clenching his fist, Aiden said. "It is not your place to decide what happens in our relationship, just know that you are not allowed to touch her like that." he repeated with a blazing eyes.

Seeing that Aiden was getting angry, Damien became serious, "you think I want to? I wouldn't have done it if your girlfriend or whatever didn't try to do something to her." I replied.

Aiden shook his head, "I know Queen enough to know that she won't do that kind of thing."

Hearing this made Damien sigh heavily, "looks like you've been brainwashed brother."

Aiden retorted, "don't call me that Damien. Since you got here, you've been causing nothing but trouble and have been disrupting the peace in this mansion. If this continues, you will have to leave."

Raising his two hands up in surrender, "okay, I've heard you brother."

"I said don't call me that." Aiden retorted.


As I went out of the room, I could feel Damien following me until he got to my side, asking how I was feeling, to which I replied, "I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me."

Immediately I said those words, I heard Queen's voice behind me before she shoved me to the side just because she wanted to pass.

I was infuriated by this and stood up to her but as usual, she didn't back down until my anger reached a boiling point where I wanted to hit but then, Damien whispered something In my ear to calm me down.

After calming down, I gave her the reply she needed but not what she wanted. She was surprised at the answer I gave her but she left her a few words.

I didn't understand her reason for leaving until Aiden came around. Seeing how angry he looked because of the fact that Damiens hands were on her back, she was somewhat surprised.

'what does he want exactly?' She thought.

Sometimes he acts like he cares, sometimes she doesn't, his action is something hard for her to understand.

After Aiden rebuked his half brother, he left immediately.

This confused Ryan even more.

"What does he want exactly?" I asked.

"I don't know, I'm not sure he knows as well." Damien replied.