Chapter 22

Then I left after that, I couldn't help but get angry whenever Damien was involved.

After eating breakfast, I left for the company with Queen and Ryan.

After working for sometime, I realized that I will need Ryan to take some documents to Queen.

Tilting my head toward Ryan. "I need you to take this file to Queen."

"Okay sir, is there anything you want me to say once I get there?" she asked.

I raised my eyebrow for a moment, "no, she knows what to do already, just give her the file and get back here, I still have somethings for you."

After saying this, I continued my work.

'at least, she should be able to handle this right?' I thought to myself but I wasn't sure.

Taking it out of my mind, I started going through another document that needs to be signed.

Time passed slowly, then someone entered my office after a knock, looking up I saw Queen enter with the document I told Ryan to give her.

Once she got close enough, "is this how this document looked when you gave it to Ryan to bring it to me?" she Inquired with a frown.

"Yes, what's the problem?" I asked immediately if she was done with what she was saying.

"the problem is the state this document is, dome part if the document has been covered and hard to see." Queen said.

'what! How come? When I gave it to Ryan, I thought it was intact." I Inquired as I was furious.

"how would I know, I was working in my office when she dropped it and said what you told her to tell me while leaving. By the time I looked at the document you gave me, I was surprised to see it like this, which is why I brought it to you." Queen said.

"Okay, let's wait for her." I said.

I saw Ryan enter the office casually, and sat on her chair without saying anything and started to work, but then she looked at me with surprise on her face.

Noticing how angry I was, she asked "uh, why are you looking at me?" she Inquired as she was confused about what was making me angry at the moment.

"I gave you a document to take to Queen, yet you damage it?" I said, still feeling as I stared at her dead in the eyes.

"I didn't damage the document." she replied.

'Why won't you just accept you did something rather than deny it, it's obvious.' I thought.

"You didn't damage it, then what is this?" I said as I signaled for someone to enter the office and it was none other than Queen.

Collecting the document from Queen, he showed it to me and I could see large stains on the document contents, making it harder to see the contents of the document. These stains are all in the shape of a finger as if someone was holding the file with stain on his or her hand.

"That wasn't done by me, I gave you the file once I got to your office and at that time there was nothing wrong with it." she retorted as she was shocked by the state the file was in.

"Really, then why is it that by the time I looked up from what i was doing. The only file I could see was the one you brought to me which was in this state." Queen said, as she sneered at me.

Shaking my head in disappointment, "this must not repeat itself." I warned in a stern voice.

I just wanted to stop the argument between the two. I wasn't sure of who did it but it was Ryan I sent to Queen, so who could do it but her.

"So that it won't feel like I'm saying something without evidence, let me show you this." Getting closer to me, she pointed to my hands. "At first I didn't notice it but now I'm sure. Considering the two, you will notice that they are similar." Queen concluded her argument with hard evidence.

I wasn't sure of what to believe earlier but now I am, I mean look at the evidence on display.

On seeing this, I was shocked. "How did this get here? I questioned as I looked confused." but the disbelief in my eyes was apparent.

Seeing the shock in her eyes, I realized she didn't know. Maybe that was why the document was in the state it's currently in, but I was still disappointed.

When I gave her the work, I expected her to be more careful than that and treat the work even better.

"How could you?" He questioned as I was really disappointed in her.

Shaking my head lightly as I looked at the document once again.

Trying to explain to herself, "you have to believe me, this wasn't done by me."

I said, "if you do something, accept you did it. There's no point in trying to deny it when it's obvious."

After saying this, I dismissed Queen and continued what I was doing. But I couldn't help but think about what happened earlier.

Soon it was time to take a break in the company. Going to the canteen with Ryan and Queen, we got our food and started eating silently.

"Baby, will you be sleeping in my room tonight?" Queen Inquired with a wink.

"When it's time you will know." I said coldly.

After saying this, she pouted. Then she continued eating in silence as there was nothing to talk about.

Then a call came into Ryan's phone, she picked it up and the next thing I saw was her panicking.

"What, I'm coming right now." She told the other person on the line before hanging up.

Packing her things, I need to leave right now, as she begins to walk away.

Holding her hand, I asked, "what is wrong?"

"My kids" was the only thing she said before leaving the company.

I frowned at this action, I knew something must be up, so I picked up my phone. Dialed Damien number and waited patiently.

After ringing for some time, he picked up but he was not in a jovial mood as he said with seriousness in his voice.

"what happened? Ryan left the company with just one word "my kids" so what happened?" I repeated.