Chapter 23

On hearing this, Damien said. "Her kids are in the hospital being treated at the moment but their survival is not guaranteed as the doctor said that we took too long to bring them. I don't even know why the two will be in this condition to begin with."

"Okay. What's the name of the hospital?" I Inquired.

He told me the name then I hung up. Not wanting to waste any time, I said my goodbye to Queen and left the company.

Taking my car, I drove to the hospital at the highest speed possible for the car to go.

Soon, I reached the hospital, meeting a nurse, "what is the name of the ward that two kids, dela and Ray were taken to."

The nurse checked the information she had with herself and told him the ward she's in.

On getting there, he saw the doctor talking to both Ryan and Damien but they weren't relieved, instead their mood became sour.

Getting close, "what happened?" I asked.

Ryan looked at me, but she didn't say anything. Seeing this, Damien decided to take it upon himself to explain what was going on.


After Aiden rebuked me for touching Ryan, he went ahead.

This action confused me a bit, but I didn't care, it's not like I'm the one with the mate.

"What does he want exactly?" Ryan asked.

"I don't know, I'm not sure he knows as well." I replied.

Damien gave a bitter smile as he shook his head, indicating that he is also clueless as to why he acts like that.

Ryan shook his head and said "let's go,"

Soon we reached the dining table, had a nice meal in the mansion.

After that, Ryan, Queen and Aiden left the mansion, thereby leaving I and Yena behind.

Having nothing to do, I decided to surf the Internet on my phone as I had no interest in speaking with Yena, no like I have something to say anyway.

Time passed slowly and soon I fell asleep, only to wake up to the sound of Yena's voice calling me.

Wondering what was going on, I rushed to her side as quickly as I could.

On getting there, I was shocked by what I was seeing in front of me but there was no time to waste as I had Yenas voice.

"Help me call 919." She pleaded with me, without a second of hesitation, I dialed the number Immediately as the kids were foaming in their mouth.

After a few minutes, they got there, in which the paramedics came out to administer first aid, after which they carried them inside the van and tried their best to stabilize the kid's condition till they got to the hospital.

Leaving with immediate alacrity, we got to the hospital in no time, and the doctors came to meet us outside.

Carrying Ray and Dela in a stretcher as they took them in.

Soon, the treatment began. During this time, Ryan couldn't help but shed tears.

"How can this happen to my babies? Why did it even happen?" Ryan questioned as more tears flowed down her cheeks.

Her eyes were red and puffy but she couldn't help herself, the fact that her children were in that position was just too much for her.

She wept her heart out and the only thing I could do was watch, I tried calming her down a few times but she didn't listen and I couldn't blame her for it.

'If only things were different,' I thought as I sympathized with her.

After hours of taking care of her babies, the doctor came out. Without wasting any time, Ryan ran towards the doctor.

"How are my babies, doctor?" She asked, once she got close.

Maintaining a sad expression, the doctor said regretfully, "I'm sorry, but we tried everything we could do but we are unable to identify the poison in your kid body."

At this moment, Aiden came over, "can't you ask your research team to try to identify the poison and then find a cure to it." Aiden suggested.

The doctor looked at him with a questioning gaze, bit relaxed his expression after realizing that the mother of the kids in question knew the man.

"Yes, that is possible but I have to warn you that the time take might be much and the pain hour children will pass through might be too much for them." The doctor warned.

Aiden looked at Ryan, waiting for her response. Noticing this, I brought her awareness to it.

I watched as she considered this option in her mind, weighing the pros and cons.

After much deliberation, she said. "Let's take the suggestion Aiden made earlier as a last resort."

The doctor nodded firmly as he liked the idea, "since that's what you've chosen, I will do it until there's no other way to do it." He affirmed before leaving.

"How was my kids poisoned? The only person that hates me in that mansion is Queen, so it must be her. But if it was her, there would have been some kind of catch." She said, trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together.

Aiden showed a dissatisfied expression immediately he heard these words come out of Ryan's mouth. "You can't just shift the blame of what happened to you to another person just because you dislike the person.

"You think so? You are the only clueless person in that mansion, even though he knows about it." Ryan shouted at him.

Her voice thin and sharp, it was obvious that her emotions were all over the place.

Trying to calm herself down, she took a deep breath, while I helped her take a seat once. Aiden was stunned by her reaction, he couldn't understand why she had yelled at him and was left with a bad taste in his mouth.

I watched him carefully, as I know him well enough to understand how he acts sometimes.

Seeing that he is not taking any action, I was a bit surprised at the sudden change in him and his decision.

Soon, Ryan received a call from an unknown number. Picking it up, she could hear a deep voice saying, "right now, you must be wondering how to save your kids. Don't worry, I can give you the cure to the poison but there's a catch."

"Just tell me already, what do I do? What is the catch?" Ryan asked.

"Okay, I will tell you since you are ready, the catch is for you to never interact with Aiden again.