Chapter 24

I could hear what was being discussed as the phone was placed on a loudspeaker.

Immediately the unknown man spoke about his condition for saving her children, she looked at Aiden, giving him a look that said, "did you hear that?"

Aiden understood what she meant by giving him that look, but before he could say anything, Ryan agreed to the request without any hesitation.

"good, good." the unknown man said. Since you ate this seriously, "I will give you the antidote, you just have to make what you just said effective immediately. If you do that, then I will give it to you." he said, allowing a burst of laughter to come from his mouth.


I received a call from Damien, I picked it up but the words that Damien spoke almost made me drop my phone as panic set in.

"Ryan, your kids are in the hospital and they fell sick for no known reason and were at a closed door before we were able to take them to the hospital. Also, know that I can't tell you about their current situation as they are receiving treatment currently." Damien said.

"What! What happened?" I asked as I stood up.

"I don't know. They feel sick immediately they finished eating a chocolate." Damien said.

"Chocolate?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes, But this is just my guess as it might not be so. Another thing is that, you should prepare yourself for the worst scenario."

"What, I'm coming right now." She told the other person on the line before hanging up.

Not wanting to waste my time to think about what was going on.

I packed my things, "I need to leave right now," as I began to walk away.

Holding my hand, Aiden asked, "what is wrong?"

"My kids" was the only thing I could say before leaving the company.

Taking a taxi immediately I got out of the company, stopped a taxi and gave the address to the driver as Damien had sent me the address of the hospital right after the call.

Entering the taxi, it took me to the hospital, a few hours passed and I reached my destination.

Taking the money out of my purse, I gave the taxi driver the payment for the transport as I ran towards the entrance of the hospital.

"ma'am, your change." the taxi driver said as he tried to get her attention.

But she wasn't in the mood to bother about such a trivial matter as she ran inside the hospital.

Meeting a nurse at the counter, near the hospital entrance, I asked. "Where are the two patients named Dela and Ray taken?"

The nurse checked the information with her and told me where I needed to go.

Not wasting any time, I left for the ward number given to me by the nurse.

Getting there, I saw Damien and Yena waiting at the door entrance. One was sitting and the other was standing.

"Yena, what happened?" I asked as I got close to both of them.

Reaching the door, I looked through the glass material in the door, to try to see what was going on.

"I don't know, I was reading a story to the kids when dela started complaining of panic. I gave her a drug that should have been able to cure her but it didn't, instead the pain got worse. Still thinking of what to do, I saw Ray starting to grab his stomach with a slight frown on his face but gradually it deepened. Seeing this, I didn't know what to do, at that moment, trying different things on the kids, but it didn't work. So I decided to call the ambulance. You know the rest." She said, finishing her summary of what had led them there.

Taking in what Yena had just told me, I wondered what could have caused it.

"What could be the cause?" I said my thoughts aloud.

"I don't know but according to what Yena said, the last thing the kids ate was the chocolate you bought for them." Damien replied feeling the need to tell me what he knew.

I looked at him as I took in every word that came out of his mouth. My thoughts spiraled out as I considered what could have happened.

As I continued to remain in deep thought, I didn't even know when tears had begun to flow down her cheeks. Damien said almost in a whisper "looks like your mate is here."

His words disrupted my thought, but taking it in, I looked at the direction he was looking at and saw Aiden coming towards them.

My eyes were red and puffy but I couldn't help myself, the fact that my children were in that position was just too much for me.

After hours of taking care of my babies, the doctor came out. Without wasting any time, I ran towards the doctor.

"How are my babies, doctor?" I asked, once I got close.

Maintaining a sad expression, the doctor said regretfully, "I'm sorry, but we tried everything we could do but we are unable to identify the poison in your kid's body."

At this moment, Aiden came over, "can't you ask your research team to try to identify the poison and then find a cure to it." Aiden suggested.

The doctor looked at him with a questioning gaze, but relaxed his expression after realizing that the mother of the kids in question knew the man.

"Yes, that is possible but I have to warn you that the time taken might be much and the pain hour children will pass through might be too much for them." The doctor warned.

Aiden looked at me, waiting for my response. Noticing this, Damien brought my awareness to it.

I watched as she considered this option in my mind, weighing the pros and cons.

After much deliberation, I said. "Let's take the suggestion Aiden made earlier as a last resort."

The doctor nodded firmly as he liked the idea, "since that's what you've chosen, I will not do it until there's no other way." He affirmed before leaving.

"How were my kids poisoned? The only person that hates me in that mansion is Queen, so it must be her. But if it was her, there would have been some kind of catch." I said, trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together.