Chapter 25

Aiden showed a dissatisfied expression immediately he heard these words come out of my mouth. "You can't just shift the blame of what happened to you to another person just because you dislike the person.

"You think so? You are the only clueless person in that mansion, even though you know about it." I yelled at him ain't anger.

Trying to calm myself down, I took a deep breath, while Damien helped me take a seat. Aiden looked stunned as he stared at me.

Soon, Ryan received a call from an unknown number. Picking it up, she could hear a deep voice saying, "right now, you must be wondering how to save your kids. Don't worry, I can give you the cure to the poison but there's a catch."

"Just tell me already, what do I do? What is the catch?" Ryan asked.

"Okay, I will tell you since you are ready, the catch is for you to never interact with Aiden again.

Immediately the unknown man spoke about his condition for saving my children. I looked at Aiden, giving him a look that said, "did you hear that?"

Aiden understood what I meant by giving him that look, but before he could say anything, I agreed to the request without any hesitation.

"good, good." the unknown man said. "Since you are this serious, I will give you the antidote, you just have to make what you just said effective immediately. If you do that, then I will give it to you." he said, allowing a burst of laughter to come from his mouth.

I clenched my fist as tears couldn't help but flow out of my eyes without me crying.

I remained silent, choosing not to answer.

"Wait, why don't we wait to see for sometime. Things might get better." Aiden said, trying to stop her from making a decision.

For an unknown reason, the look in his eyes told me that he didn't want me to do it according to the strangers request.

Somehow, seeing the look on his eyes he gave me a reason to wait for the time being.

Having cut the call, I said. "Okay I can be safe for now, but if it get t9 a situation where I have to do something, I will do what is necessary for me to save them.

"Okay," Aiden replied. I don't know what he had in his mind or his plans but I chose to believe him for the moment.

Going back to my seat, I began to pray to a supreme being of some sort that can just help me in my current situation.

It might have seemed like the people around me understood my pain, but they didn't.

I can feel pain rise in my chest as I hold my chest. The pain was getting too much for me, a part of me wanted to succumb to this pain, but knew I had to hold on.

I could feel myself getting dizzy as I tried to maintain consciousness.

Trying my best not to faint, I kept myself alert for some time before I fell back, as I passed out.


At this moment, I came over, as a thought had occurred to me. "can't you ask your research team to try to identify the poison and then find a cure for it." Aiden suggested.

The doctor looked at me with a questioning gaze, but relaxed his expression after realizing that the mother of the kids in question knew the man.

"Yes, that is possible but I have to warn you that the time taken might be too much and the pain the children will go through might be too much for them." The doctor warned.

I looked at Ryan, waiting for her response. Noticing this, Damien brought Ryan's awareness to the current situation.

I watched as she considered this option in her mind, weighing the pros and cons.

After much deliberation, she said. "Let's take the suggestion Aiden made earlier as a last resort."

The doctor nodded firmly as he liked the idea, "since that's what you've chosen, I will not do it until there's no other way." He affirmed before leaving.

She looked at me with spite in her eyes as if blaming me for the unfortunate event happening to her.

"How were my kids poisoned? The only person that hates me in that mansion is Queen, so it must be her. But if it was her, there would have been some kind of catch." Ryan said.

I showed a dissatisfied expression immediately when I heard these words come out of Ryan's mouth. "You can't just shift the blame of what happened to you to another person just because you dislike them.

"You think so? You are the only clueless person in that mansion, even though you know about it." I yelled at him in anger.

Trying to calm myself down, I took a deep breath, while Damien helped me take a seat. Aiden looked stunned as he stared at me.

Soon, Ryan received a call from an unknown number. Picking it up, she could hear a deep voice saying, "right now, you must be wondering how to save your kids. Don't worry, I can give you the cure to the poison but there's a catch."

"Just tell me already, what do I do? What is the catch?" Ryan asked.

"Okay, I will tell you since you are ready, the catch is for you to never interact with Aiden again.

Immediately the unknown man spoke about his condition for saving my children. I looked at Aiden, giving him a look that said, "did you hear that?"

Aiden understood what I meant by giving him that look, but before he could say anything, I agreed to the request without any hesitation.

"good, good." the unknown man said. "Since you are this serious, I will give you the antidote, you just have to make what you just said effective immediately. If you do that, then I will give it to you." he said, allowing a burst of laughter to come from his mouth.

I remained silent, choosing not to answer.

"Wait, why don't we wait to see for sometime. Things might get better." Aiden said, trying to stop her from making a decision.

For an unknown reason, the look in my eyes told her that I didn't want her to do it according to the strangers request.

"Okay," I replied. Seeing that she had decided to trust me, I will make sure I help her to the best of my capability because one thing I know is that I don't want to lose her or let her go."