Chapter 27


I woke up with a slight headache, but it left right after.

Opening my eyes to get the hang of my surroundings, it was then that I realized that I wasn't alone.

"Finally, you are awake." The person beside me spoke once he noticed me waking up.

Looking at the person, I realized that it was Damien. He was smiling as relief was obvious in his expression.

"Yes" I said absent mindedly as I was still trying to get my bearings.

"Uum" I grunted as I tried to lift myself from the bed.

"how are you feeling?" Damien Inquired as he looked at me.

It was like his statement was the cue my brain needed to tell me what had happened before I passed out.

"I'm fine. By the way, where am I?" I asked with a confused expression on my face as I looked around the room.

Still smiling, Damien said "The nurse helped you to this ward after you passed out." Damien said.

Nodding in understanding, suddenly a memory came t9 me. " where are my kids?" I asked as memories came back to me, piece by piece.

"They are fine," he replied.

Frowning slightly, I asked. "what do you mean by that? Has the doctor been able to identify the poison and give them the cure?"

"When I say they are fine, I mean they are fine, as in cured." he clarified.

"what! How?" I asked.

It's not like I don't want them to be cured, I was shocked as I fainted with no real hope in my heart, but now Damien is telling me that they have been cured?

"I know you must be shocked but you will find out when it's time."

Not wanting to waste time, as checking if what Damien said is really true was something I must find out.

Getting out of bed, I ran and made my way out of the ward with Damien following behind me with a smile on his face.

I ran as fast as I could to the ward they were placed in, only to see them awake and okay with Yena by their side.

Immediately I saw this, I broke down in tears but this time, it was as clear that I was happy as I couldn't hide it.

I went to my kids and hugged both of them while shedding tears of joy.

"We are fine mummy, do you think kids like us can die?" dela said.

I knew dela was trying to complete me but I couldn't help it.

After a few seconds passed, I wiped my tears away and asked the one close to me a question that had been on my mind since I got there.

"Who helped me cure the poison on their body if it's not the doctor?"

"It's Aiden, he arranged everything." Damien said plainly.

I looked at him with a bit of shock in my eyes, I wasn't expecting him to be able to do something about the problem.

Looking over, I saw him by the door with Queen by his side.

This only infuriated me more. The more I look at her, the more angry I become.

Now, remembering the strange incident that happened in the morning, I realized it was strange as Queen must have gone to do something to them.

Taking what I've been told since I got to know about this incident into consideration, I realized that she must have put the poison in there food when she left in the morning.

Anger could be seen in my eyes as I looked at her, but I calmed myself down. I looked at Aiden, "thank you, without you, they wouldn't be…"

"You don't need to thank me, it's what I should do since it you are my mate." He said.

For a moment there, I could see a slight smile appear on his face but it disappeared immediately.

Then, I stared at Queen with a murderous intent in my eyes. The former calm atmosphere became tense immediately.

Just as the tension was becoming unbearable, a doctor came in.

He noticed the tense atmosphere in the room but he didn't seem to care as he walked to the bed.

He ran a few compulsory checks on them to make sure there's no trace of the poison left In their body.

"They are cured and well, you can discharge them at any time of your chosing." the doctor said as he faced me.

"Okay, is it possible for it to come back?" I asked.

"Yes, it is indeed possible but not in your case as I've made sure there's no remnant of the poison in their body again." he reported before leaving the ward.

A smile couldn't help but appear on my face as I was elated by the report the doctor gave me.

Soon the discharge papers were signed and I made my way out of the hospital with Damien, Aiden and Queen.

Getting to the mansion, "Aiden, with what happened to my kids today, I can't take any risk. Please test all.the fold in this mansion and make sure there's no poison of any sort in any of the food because it will be bad if one of us eats it and invests the poison in the process." I requested.

"Don't worry, I've arranged everything." Aiden replied.

Immediately he finished what he was saying, the people he had contacted for the job entered the mansion with different tools on their hands.

Aiden gave them a nod and the people began the process, they checked everything, from the food to the clothing and the materials in the mansion.

After a few hours had passed, one of the men came to Aiden, "sir, there's no poison in your mansion."

Aidens eyes shot up immediately as he looked at the man in front of him. "what did you say?"

Seeing the anger in Aidens eyes, the man's leg went weak and it took him all the strength he could muster to stand straight.

"there's no poison in the mansion." the man repeated.

"how?" was the question on everyone's mind except for one.

"check again, make sure nothing is left unturned." Aiden ordered.