Chapter 28

A few hours passed once again, and the man came with the same report. No matter how many times they did it, it was the same report Aiden got.

I started to wonder, what could be the reason for this result then, something came to my mind. When Aiden reached the hospital Queen didn't come with him, which is a strange behavior for Queen who always sticks with Aiden.

After figuring this out, I decided to keep it with me for a number of reasons, one of them being that I can't say she did something as big as this without evidence to back it up.

Just as I was thinking about this, Yena came to my side. "I have something to tell you."

Looking at her, "what is it?" I asked, but it didn't look like she was going to say anything.

Just as I was about to leave, she held my hands and gestures for me to come with her.

Frowning slightly, I went along but I didn't know what to expect with Yena acting strange.

After moving for sometime, she stopped. "I know who did this."

"What!" I exclaimed, but before my voice could attract too much attention she covered my mouth.

"Sorry," she said, which I'm not too concerned with as what she said took me by surprise.

"Really! You are not joking with me right?" I Inquired with a frown on my face.

"No, I'm not. The video is with me." She said as she brought her phone out and opened the video for me.

The video played and as I watched the video, my anger boiled, but I couldn't leave the video just because I was angry as it continued to play.

After it was done playing, Yena took her phone from me and said, I will send it to you.

In a matter of seconds, the video entered my phone but I couldn't bother about the video at the moment as the only thing I could feel was anger.

Taking a deep breath, I put my emotion under control and walked back with Yena.

When I got there, the mansion had been neatly arranged once again and it now Looked like before.

On getting there, Queen said. "If the kids suffered from poison as you said, wouldn't it be done by the only the person close to the kids?"

'This words made me raise my eyebrow. What is she trying to do now?' I thought as I watched on.

"What do you mean by that?" Damien spoke first as he couldn't take the suggestive tone in Queen's voice.

"I don't mean anything by it, I'm just saying what is obvious. Poisoning that needs to be eaten is usually the kind that will be added to a person's food. Right?" She Inquired.

Damien nodded to show that what she is saying is on the right track.

Queen continued, "if it's like that, then it can only be done by the mother, which we know it's not possible, the one in charge of taking care of kids and the maids. These three things are something we should consider, so I suggest that we confirm what I just said."

"What do you think?" Aiden asked as looked at me.

"Sure, let's do that." I replied.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see a smirk appear on Queen's face.

"Let's see what your plan is." I said to myself as we acted on the suggestions she made.

Soon, the maids gathered

"How are we to know the person that might have done it?" Damien asked.

"Actually, it's simple. Earlier the people check the whole mansion, which could make them miss some details but if we just focus on each room at a time, we will be able to check it thoroughly, enough for us to know if its with them or not." Queen replied.

Immediately she finished this words, I gave Yena a look, enough to tell her what I meant, then she nodded back to confirm what I was asking her.

These actions were discreet, discreet enough for others not to find out.

After the suggestion was made, the search began. Each room was searched to the fullest extent, and when it was time, Queen went to a maids room and a corner of the mansion.

She checked the room thoroughly and eventually found something. Acting surprised by this scene, I asked anger immediately. "How could you?" I said as I questioned the maid.

"I didn't do it, I don't even know how it got there." the maid said as she panicked.

"Jessica right?" Aiden questioned.

"Yes sir, but I don't know anything about that." The maid replied.

"What did she do to you to make you want to kill her children?" Aiden asked in a childlike tone and a chill ran down her spine.

"She's a nice person, I couldn't do it to her even if I wanted to. She has never done something enough for me to hate her so, I didn't do it. I'm bringing a frame here." Jessica said.

"you said you didn't do it, then why is the substance in your room and why is it well hidden if it's not that you don't want us to find it.''I questioned.

At this point, she didn't know what to do anymore.

After a few seconds passed, Jessica pleaded as tears began to fall from her eyes." I really didn't do it. Please believe me."

Seeing this made me sympathize with her and at the same time, I've been able to find out what her goal is.

She is just trying to blame the poison incident on one of the maids so that she won't be suspected in any way.

'I guess you've gone away with everything you have been doing for a long time. Unfortunately for you, you met me.' I said in my mind as a smile showed on my face.

"Okay, cut the acting." I said, facing Queen.

"What do you mean? I helped you find the person who did it and this is what I got." Queen said in anger.

"Oh, dp you still want to continue?" I said with my eyebrow raised.

"What are you doing Ryan?" Damien said as he looked at her.

"Don't worry, you will understand soon." I told him with a big grin on my face.