Chapter 29

"Don't worry, you will understand soon."

A big grin appeared on Ryan's face as she said those words came out of her mouth.

Damien looked confused but ultimately decided to wait it out.

Then she turned to face Queen with a different expression as if it was two different personalities present in one.

"You wanted to frame this innocent maid for what she didn't do. You know that action can be considered something that only cowards do but I guess I shouldn't be surprised since you've always been one." I said aloud.

"How dare you speak to me like that. Who do you think you are? Since you've gotten to this mansion, I've done nothing but help you, is this how you are going to pay me back?" Queen said with anger.

Aiden couldn't help but speak at this moment, "Ryan, I know what you are passing through is much but that does not give you the right to accuse another person for your actions."

Shooting a glare at Aiden, I said "don't get involved with Aiden. You've always been siding with Queen one way or another without actually finding out the truth. Tell me, do you think I will accuse someone without a reason? In fact, to correct my own statement, this is not an accusation, this is a fact. It is something she did."

Aiden looked Tbher but didn't say anything. Maybe he knew how angry I was at the money and decided to let me do as I please, or he just didn't know what to say is not known.

Facing Queen once again. "Is this how you want to escape this? Well I'm sorry to inform you, you can't. These so- called poison in this maids hand is nothing but a snack to be eaten by the maid."

Everyone was shocked when I let those words out of my mouth, it pierced their ears as they processed the information.

"What!" Queen shouted as she couldn't believe what I said. She continued, "if it is really just a snack as you said it is, eat it right here, right now and if anything does not happen, we will believe you."

Smiling lightly, "sure, if that's what you want, I will gladly do it for you."

Damien said, "Ryan, don't do it."

"You don't have to worry Damien, I know what I'm doing." I told him as I cut the packet of the so-called poison and ate out of the content in the snack.

Everyone watched in shock as I ate the content. I poured it in and chewed on it, while showing a pleased expression on my face.

At this moment, I couldn't help but think. "Yena you are a really good one, I will have to ask you where to get this poison, it's really good."

After eating it, I waited for a while but nothing happened to me which shocked everyone present except Yena.

"What? You are not affected." Damien spoke up, breaking the ongoing silence since I ate the snack.

"Does it look like I am?" I retorted.

Staring at me as if giving me a closer look, he said almost to himself, "so it's not a poison?"

"if that is not the poison, then do you know where the poison is or who did it?" Aiden spoke at this moment.

"What a nice question, follow me." I told him as I started walking.

Looking at each other, then they started walking behind me as we made our way up the stairs. After a few minutes had passed, we got to a certain person's room.

Standing at the front of the door, the others looked at me with a confused expression on their faces.

"What are you doing in the front of my room?" Queen asked as she came closer to me.

From seeing the expression on her face, I could tell that she was ready to kill if necessary to silent me.

If there's one thing I noticed it seems she doesn't want Aiden to know about her dangerous side.

It's like keeping a time bomb by your side, not knowing when it will explode.

"oh you will know soon enough. Search her room." I commanded as I watched on.

Queen was still angry but was calm, it seemed like she had full trust in the fact that the poison couldn't be in her room.

After a few minutes of searching, one of the maids came out with a sachet, "we found this in her room."

Collecting the sachet and holding it out for all to see. "Have you been wondering why I brought you there or are you thinking about the newly discovered sachet which looked exactly the same as the snack we saw earlier?"

Everyone nodded slightly as they were all curious as to what it is. "Get me an animal alive, I don't care what it is, just bring it." I gave my orders as I and the others waited for the maid to be back.

Good thing it didn't take long though as the tension in the air was starting to get to me.

Entering the mansion, the maid brought the animal to me, in which I took it and opened the sachet which was still in my hand, then I poured it inside the food I requested when one of the maids went to get the animal needed.

I mixed the sachet content with the food and poured it for the chicken to eat. it ate the food almost immediately.

After a few hours though, the chicken died, making it obvious that the content in the sachet is poison.

Looking at the symptom the chicken displayed before it died, it was obvious that the same poison had been used for them.

"Queen, although we had our disagreement everytime, I still expected you to never include my kids when we got involved with ourselves but not only did you kidnap them to threaten me, you also tried to kill them. For this I can't forgive you." I said with clear anger on my face.

"What if it's just something you placed in my room to frame me, you think I will believe that? You must be joking." Queen said as she stared at me.