Chapter 33

Everyone watched on shock as I

She ate the content. She poured it in and chewed on it, while showing a pleased expression on her face.

After eating it, we waited for a while but nothing happened to her which shocked everyone present except Yena.

"What? You are not affected." Damien spoke up, breaking the ongoing silence since I ate the snack.

"Does it look like I am?" I retorted.

Staring at me as if giving me a closer look, he said almost to himself, "so it's not a poison?"

"if that is not the poison, then do you know where the poison is or who did it?" I spoke at this moment.

"What a nice question, follow me." Ryan told me as she started walking.

Looking at each other, we started walking behind her as we made our way up the stairs. After a few minutes had passed, we got to a certain person's room.

Standing at the front of the door, the others looked at me with a confused expression on their faces.

"What are you doing in the front of my room?" Queen asked as she came closer to me.

"oh you will know soon enough. Search her room." I commanded as I watched on.

Queen was still angry but was calm, it seemed like she had full trust in the fact that the poison couldn't be in her room.

After a few minutes of searching, one of the maids came out with a sachet, "we found this in her room."

Collecting the sachet and holding it out for all to see. "Have you been wondering why I brought you there or are you thinking about the newly discovered sachet which looked exactly the same as the snack we saw earlier?"

Everyone nodded slightly as they were all curious as to what it is. "Get me an animal alive, I don't care what it is, just bring it." I gave my orders as I and the others waited for the maid to be back.

Watching her take matters into her own hands was really exciting as she began to bring surprises upon surprise for me to see.

Tension started to build between Queen and Ryan and they stared at each other.

Entering the mansion, the maid brought the animal to me, in which she took it and opened the sachet which was still in her hand, then she poured it inside the food she requested, in which one of the maids went to get the animal needed.

She mixed the sachet content with the food and poured it for the chicken to eat. it ate the food almost immediately.

After a few hours though, the chicken died, making it obvious that the content in the sachet is a poison.

Looking at the symptoms the chicken displayed before it died, it was obvious that the same poison had been used for the kids.

I was infuriated by this discovery, 'how dare you, Queen?' was the thought in my mind.

"Queen, although we had our disagreement everytime, I still expected you to never include my kids when we got involved with ourselves but not only did you kidnap them to threaten me, you also tried to kill them. For this I can't forgive you," Ryan said with a clear anger on her face.

"What if it's just something you placed in my room to frame me, you think I will believe that? You must be joking." Queen retorted.

"Despite the fact that you've been caught, you still dare to deny it." Ryan said as she looked at Queen with a smile.

Queen laughed, "you are really funny Ryan, even if you want to frame me, you should have done a better job than this. You know, since you've gotten to this mansion, I either avoid you to not cause trouble or treat you well when we have something to do together, so I understand why you might want to frame me, maybe because you are feeling jealous of the fact that Aiden likes me. Trying to frame me, however, is not a good move Ryan."

Queen paused, she shook her head as if disappointed in me, then she said, "I'm disappointed in you Ryan. To think that I expected more from you. When you first came here, I thought you were better than this, maybe it's just an act then but I'm disappointed in you." She said as she made a disappointing expression appear on her face.

"Ryan, I understand that what has been happening to your kids recently has been taking a toll on you, but trying to frame Queen because of that frustration is something I wasn't expecting from you." I said as he shook in disappointment.

I was disappointed in Ryan, I wasn't expecting her to try to frame Queen just because of what has been going on with her. At this point. Then I heard the sound of laughter, looking at Ryan's direction, I saw her laugh out loud as if she couldn't believe it.

"You are really funny, Aiden. You've always sided with Queen, maybe I shouldn't even be surprised." Ryan said as she looked at me. I paused for a moment to let my word sink then I continued.

"You dare to be disappointed in me when even Damien knows what Queen has been doing since he came to this mansion. I won't say much, it's not like it matters anyway but I will ask you this today. Between Queen and me, who will you pick." Ryan decided to throw this question at him since it had gotten to this point.

The room became silent as the tension in the atmosphere intensified immensely. Everyone there was starting to feel the pressure but I didn't mind as I was busy with my thoughts.

Deciding to add one more thing, Ryan said, "just so you know Aiden, anyone you choose will be staying in your mansion and the other one will go."

As the words left my mouth and pierced their ears while their brain processes the information, I looked somewhat shocked with what she said.

Since I didn't have my answer before, I will have it now.