Chapter 34

I looked uncomfortable as I stood there as if in a daze meanwhile, I was just thinking about what she said.

I stood there with a thoughtful expression on my face, I couldn't help but want to say "I can't choose right now but give me some time."

This decision was hard for me as I had a hard time choosing between the two. 'even if I want to choose, she should have given me sometime, now I have to choose right now.' I couldn't help but curse as I considered this.

One must know being in this kind of situation is not something anyone would wish for. But now that I'm in one, then I will have to choose.

Sighing loudly, I stated "must we do this now, I thought finding the person who poisoned your kids is the most important thing to do at this moment."

I said trying to divert the question to something else, as I wasn't ready to answer the question.

Raising her eyebrow, I said "don't try to dodge this question by diverting to that. Of course it is important but this is also important as it's my life. What would everything be for if I stayed here and just kept putting myself in danger when you will remain uncertain about who you want to choose. I'm sorry but I can't do that, it is either you answer this question now or I take your silence as a sign that you want me to leave."

This perplexed me as I felt cornered. It seems she noticed that I felt cornered, so a proud expression appeared on her face.

At this moment, choosing was really hard for me, I decided not to choose, it was too hard for me to give her my decision at the moment. 'If I don't speak, maybe it will just die down.' I sighed inwardly as this thought coursed through my mind.

Seeing this, Ryan sighed to herself then she shook her head in disappointment, which didn't go unnoticed by me but what could I do. "You know if you are going to remain uncertain about your decision then you should have said so, from the get go. I really appreciate you for all the help you've given me since I've been here but it's time for me to leave now." Ryan stated as she gave a signal for Yena to help pack my things with her own.

Ryan sighed once again, "back to what we were discussing earlier. Queen you've been caught already, stop trying to deny it." she said as she opened her phone to look for something in her phone. Watching her closely, I knew she was about to do something with the serious expression on her face and I know it won't be a joking matter.

She took a laptop that was in the room, connected her phone to the laptop and played the video on it.

As everyone watched, different emotions could be seen on their faces as they beheld the scene before them.

Anger rose in me as I watched the video shown on the laptop in front of me. To be sincere with myself, I don't even know if I should be angry with Queen in myself.

Me not being able to make a decision has caused all this, 'but I believed in her, I trusted her so how could she do this?' I questioned as I thought about what I was seeing at that moment.

Inside the video, Queen could be seen sneaking inside the room after the kids left. Inside Yena's bag was a chocolate biscuit.

Queen walked towards the bag, took the big biscuits and it was obvious that the kids had eaten out of it before but it still remained.

Queen carefully took the biscuit, opening up and pouring the poison content in the biscuit whole also tilting her head from side to side to see if anyone was coming.

Having done what she went there to do, she placed the biscuit the way it was, then she left the room with a slight smile on her face.

Looking at Queen with an expression of disbelief as I wasn't ready to believe what was being shown to me.

Looking at Queen to see her reaction to the video being displayed in front of her, I noticed that she was visibly shaking. It seemed as if she hadn't expected a camera to be there at the time she did it.

I shook his head as I continued to look at her. I removed any expression on my face, but it was obvious what I was feeling at that moment.

"All your belongings have been packed, we can go now." I nodded but I couldn't help but sigh to myself at this turn of events.

On hearing this, I was disappointed. I wasn't expecting that after everything I did, she would still leave the mansion but can I blame her?

Removing her phone from the laptop, she made her way out of the room.

My thoughts were spiraling out as I watched her leave.

Every part of me wanted to stop her from leaving, but I couldn't. I knew that if I did, then I would have to ask Queen to leave, which I didn't want to do.

It's like trying to hold two eggs in one space that can only contain one egg.

I watched on as she walked out of the mansion. I couldn't help but reveal a pained expression on my face which disappeared as soon as it came as my years in business had taught me to reveal no emotions which were working at that moment.

As she was about to leave the mansion, I noticed Damien looked at me with a disappointed expression on his face but what could I do?

Finally he shook his head and said, "Ryan, can you reconsider? I know leaving might be the best thing to do but can you just reconsider?"

Ryan stopped for a moment as if considering what Damien had said.