Chapter 42

"No worries, it's my pleasure." I replied with a smile on my face.

Soon, a lady dressed in a tightly fit black suit with a list if asked in hand came out to call the next set of people for the interview.

She had been calling all the people to be interviewed forward, in order to get their interview done.

"Miss storm" she said as she called my name.

Looking at the rose beside me, "I guess it's my time."I said with a smile.

Indicating that I was the one being called, I stood up and walked with her to the place the interview will be done.

Walking silently for sometime, I was starting to feel more nervous as the silence drew.

Just when I was thinking of breaking the silence, she opened the door and I followed her inside.

Inside the room I entered, there were four people sitting on the chair, with some papers on the table.

Immediately I entered the room, the four judges looked towards me, making me feel more nervous.