Chapter 43

I was still shocked by this despite the fact that it doesn't seem like I should be shocked since what Aiden had been doing since he got here has been nothing short of shocking.

Getting from talking to him as I've been busy all day, I decided to just ask him to leave. "Aiden, you might have come here in the hopes of me coming with you but I'm afraid it's impossible. When I left your mansion that day, I had left with the thought of not going back there again. Since that has been explained to you and you understand, please leave and don't come back to my room again." I said as I gestured for him to leave.

Each time he would try to say something, he would certainly shorten him and just say, "leave Aiden." After trying to talk for some time and realizing that I won't let him, he decided to leave.

"Please think about what I said, I mean every one of the words I spoke." He left with this word hanging in the air as be left.