129,600 Books Of Supernatural Powers

"However, this library has only 3,000 Dao scriptures, and it is too empty.We must add a little more books."Furukawa rubbed his chin.He saw that this chaotic library was indeed big enough, but it still lacked a lot of books. , Only three thousand Dao scriptures are still too few, not worthy of the title of Chaos Library."By the way, in addition to the Taoist scriptures, there should also be many books about chaotic materials, books on the identification of various types of demon gods, and even about supernatural powers and cultivation techniques."Furukawa is ambitious, he wants to build a library covering the entire chaotic world, which records all the secrets of the chaotic world, making countless demons eager to visit this library.He also remembered the 129,600 supernatural powers he created before, and he should refine all these supernatural powers into a book of supernatural powers.In this way, it is enough to be a library book for the time being.It is not too late to slowly increase the number of books in the library in the future."No, it's still too slow for me to build this Chaos Library alone, and the entire Chaos Demon Shendu should be involved." Furukawa's eyes showed a gleam.In the chaotic world at this moment, there are countless demon gods, and there are also many demon gods with outstanding talents.Although they have obtained the cultivation method of demon gods from Furukawa, they have finally walked out of their path, which is completely different from Furukawa's cultivation path.Therefore, there must be a lot of supernatural powers created by these demon gods, or the methods of cultivation. If they hand over these supernatural powers to the Chaos Library for records, they will be able to greatly fill the content of the Chaos Library~.And he can also learn from it and get huge benefits.After all, even though he thinks that his Taoist Realm is unprecedented at this moment, other demon gods also have their whimsy, which may be beyond his imagination for the time being.No matter how weak the demon god is, he may have an idea that is enough to amaze the ages. This is the variable in the chaos.Of course, ordinary demon gods would not be willing to hand over their unique Secret Technique.But it's not impossible.The method is very simple. The Chaos Library itself has a large number of supernatural powers and spells that the demon gods want and even the great scriptures. If they want to read them, they must use their Secret Technique in exchange.Even if not all demon gods are willing, as long as some demon gods are willing, that's enough.Over time, the Chaos Library will become the place that all demons yearn for.After a few days.Furukawa used supernatural powers to create all 129,600 supernatural powers and refined them into books of supernatural powers. Although they are not as magical as Dao Dao Sutras, they also have Immortal characteristics and are difficult to destroy by demon gods.And if you put your hand on a book of supernatural powers, you will immediately get enlightenment, and all the content of supernatural powers and spells will be instilled in this demon god.He categorized these supernatural powers and spells and placed them in the world where the Three Thousand Ways of Scriptures are located."It's a bit like a library."Furukawa is very satisfied, there are 129,600 more books of supernatural powers, and the entire Chaos Library has become large enough to attract the demon gods."By the way, the library is established, but there is still a lack of librarians."Furukawa thought about it.After all, there are so many precious books in the Chaos Library, each of which contains earth-shattering power, which will naturally attract the attention and greed of other demon gods.Although there are spiritual imprints left by Furukawa on them, even if they are taken away, they will be easily retrieved, but a demon god is always needed to protect the safety of this chaotic library.The first thing he thought of was Pangu, but Pangu is the owner of the Great Ax Arena at the moment, so it is impossible for him to be free to manage this Chaos Library.The second is the plant-type gods and demons such as World Tree, but these little guys are even more mischievous than the little guys like Daojingshu. If they are allowed to meet, it's okay, wouldn't it be a world-shaking event?!The current Chaos City still lacks management personnel, and it is indeed necessary to recruit some men to manage Chaos City, otherwise, many things will not work."By the way, it seems that those three guys are still in the Chaos Orb space.They are good library managers."At this time, Furukawa thought of the three Chaos Demon Gods who were imprisoned in the Chaos Orb space a long time ago.They are Dark Spider Demon, Moth Demon, and Octopus Demon respectively.To be honest, they can be regarded as demon gods with great potential. If they hadn't met Own, they would overwhelm Chaos at this moment and become extremely famous and powerful demon gods....... Ask for flowers… 0It's a pity that after being captured by myself, no matter how powerful they are, they are useless.But in any case, these three Chaos Demon Gods are indeed capable of protecting the Chaos Library.Especially the dark spider demon, its natal supernatural powers are everywhere, and as long as the spider silk is shrouded, any enemy who steps in will be sensed.Even if the enemy made any unruly actions, he would be captured instantly.The same is true for the octopus demon. The countless tentacles on its body extend out, forming a sky-wide net, covering the world, and the enemy has nowhere to hide, nowhere to hide.There is also the Moth Demon, as a speed-type demon god, its speed is unparalleled in the world. If an enemy escapes from the Chaos Library, it will capture the enemy back in an instant.The combination of these three Chaos Demon Gods is indeed capable of protecting the safety of the Chaos Library.Whoosh!Thinking of this, Furukawa's figure flashed, and he immediately entered the space of the Chaos Orb.At this moment, the octopus demon, the dark spider demon, and the moth demon gathered together. After so many years, even with their cultivation, they did not devour other demon gods, and their Cultivation Base has reached the perfect quasi-sage level. Realm.But even so, they have yet to gain the Tao.After all, staying in the Chaos Orb space, carefree, with no natural enemies, no need to fight, and no demon gods, they simply do not have the motivation and oppressive force to break through to Saint Realm."No, we must escape from this ghostly place. If we continue like this, we will be completely useless." The dark spider demon roared angrily."How do you escape? This is the inner space of the Primal Chaos Treasure, surrounded by void barriers in all directions.Don't say you don't have the Dao now, even if you do, you won't be able to escape.You won't forget how terrifying that primitive ancient snake is."It exists, it's better not to provoke the other party, just be a rice bug here honestly."The octopus lay lazily on the ground."That's right, why bother yourself, this kind of life is so comfortable, eat and wait to die, no, we are demon gods, as long as we don't commit suicide, we won't die at all.Moth Demon nodded like a pounding garlic.