Guardians Of The Chaos Library

"Octopus demon, what are you talking about without ambition? Looking at you now, you are as fat as a ball. Can you still fight other demon gods in the chaotic world? I'm afraid you can't even run now. "The dark spider demon was heartbroken, seeing the chubby octopus demon, he hated iron but steel.It found that the octopus demon is not vicious at all now, and after gaining weight, it turned out to be cute, lying on the ground or in the sea all day long, swimming around happily"this!"The Octopus Demon has nothing to say, it is indeed a little fatter now, and to be honest, even if it is allowed to leave the space of the Chaos Orb now, it will not have much guts.It's like animals kept in a zoo. They are used to being fed every day and have long since lost the ability to hunt. "It is impossible to face the harsh natural environment and cruelty outside.If it leaves the space of the Chaos Orb at this moment, it won't take long for it to be swallowed up by other demon gods, so there is no chance for it to stay so leisurely."And you, Moth Demon, back then your speed was unparalleled in the world, so fast that there was no edge, now you sleep when you are full all day long, and eat when you are full, can you still fly now?"The dark spider demon gritted its teeth."I!"The moth demon was at a loss for words for a while, and it also knew that it had a big problem. Although its strength had improved a lot, it had lost its fierceness before. It flew around every day just to look at the stars and the moon.It is no longer the kind of demon god who burns, kills, and loots everywhere and has been kept as a pet."I understand the intention of that primitive ancient snake.After imprisoning us in the Chaos Orb, he didn't torture us or torture us.Instead, he ate and drank well.It was just to destroy our fighting spirit and make us completely useless demon gods. , Now that guy's trickery has succeeded.Poor me, I didn't see the evil intentions of that evil primitive ancient snake at the beginning, so I fell into the other side's trickery, and now I know it's too late."The dark spider demon looked up to the sky and sighed, filled with grief and indignation."Well, actually, I don't think he has such an idea. It may be that the primitive ancient snake simply forgot about our existence." The octopus demon said weakly.The Moth Demon next to him also nodded in agreement."Shut up! If you can't speak, no demon god will treat you as dumb."The dark spider demon was furious and wanted to punch the bastard, it didn't open the pot, didn't it know this? But it's too Losing face to say this fact.They are also powerful demon gods after all, they are all-powerful in the chaotic world and do all kinds of evil, but now, this Damn it original ancient snake has forgotten the existence of itself and other demon gods, what a Losing face.This is to prove that I can't get into the eyes of that primitive ancient snake at all, and I don't even have the qualifications to make the other party remember it. This is even more uncomfortable than killing it.Anyway, remember their existence, give them a little torture, and just ignore them for so many years, what is this, it's too much.The dark spider demon is now filled with grief and anger, and he is so aggrieved that he doesn't know how to express it.Whoosh!In an instant, a Daoist figure appeared in front of the three major demon gods, Moth Demon, Dark Spider Demon, and Octopus Demon."It's you!"The moth demon, dark spider demon, and octopus demon were taken aback.They immediately recognized that the person in front of them was the original ancient snake.Even though they hadn't seen each other for a long time, and the other party had turned into a human form, they recognized this guy even when they turned into ashes."Do you want to get out of here?"Furukawa stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the three demon gods."Yes, of course.The Moth Demon, the Dark Spider Demon, and the Octopus Demon were ecstatic. They simply felt that this incident was a blessing from heaven, and this Devil was willing to let them go."Help me guard a place. Its name is the Chaos Library. There are various Dao scriptures in it. It is an important place." Furukawa said, "If there is anything wrong with this place, I will only rely on you It's asking."Although he didn't have any murderous aura on him, he brought great pressure on the three major demon gods, the moth demon, the dark spider demon, and the octopus demon, because this is what the primitive ancient snake said, who would dare not take it seriously."Don't worry, leave this matter to us, and promise to do it properly without any mistakes."The dark spider demon patted his chest, full of confidence. It had long wanted to leave the Prison-like place of the Chaos Orb, and it agreed no matter what the conditions were.The moth demon and the octopus demon are just going with the flow, anyway, nothing worse than now should happen..."That's good."With a big hand, Furukawa immediately pulled the Moth Demon, Dark Spider Demon, and Octopus Demon out of the Chaos Orb space, and returned to the Chaos Library at once."This is the Chaos Library?""Where is this place, when did such a building appear in Chaos?""There are so many demon gods, how come there are so many demon gods in this place, at least more than a billion?""There are so many demon gods here, why don't they fight, kill, and devour each other?""Just kidding, there are so many powerful demon gods, and there are so many chaos demon gods stronger than us. What are you kidding, what kind of dangerous place is this?"The moth demon, dark spider demon, and octopus demon sensed the surrounding situation, and their faces immediately turned green, especially when they sensed many dao demon gods, each of which was stronger than them, and they were all trembling with fright.They have been imprisoned in the chaotic orb space for too long, and they don't even know what happened to the chaotic world.After such a long period and vicissitudes, the chaotic world at this moment is no longer the chaotic world they know. It is as if they have traveled from primitive society to feudal society, and the changes that have taken place are so great that they are dumbfounded."I said a long time ago, don't leave the Chaos Orb space, that place is so good, there are no natural enemies, and you can eat and wait to die, now it's good, there are so many terrifying demon gods here in 3.3, we are dead."Primitive ancient snake, let us go back, we don't want to go."The moth demon and the octopus demon immediately cried out in fright. There are so many powerful demon gods here, how can they protect the Chaos Library, they are simply sent here to die."Shut up, this is my territory, they don't dare to make trouble here, just listen to me obediently."Furukawa cast a sideways glance."What? This place is your territory, and those demon gods still listen to your words and dare not make trouble. Are you so big now?" Moth Demon and Octopus Demon trembled all of a sudden, and they were no longer afraid.They also sensed that Furukawa's strength was unfathomable, and it was many times more terrifying than the Taoist demon Shendu, so they immediately calmed down.