Edith Blythe

The next day, heartbroken that I wouldn't be able to see Oliver for a while, though not being able to tell anyone about it, I had to happily carry on my day; my weeks until I could see him again. 

My mother was preparing dinner early; preparing a strew to share. Cheap but delicious, exactly what we needed, especially since she had to feed 7 people. 

"Adeline, dear? I have a favor to ask of you, please?" She asked me as she leaned over her large black cauldron of stew that was cooking on an open fire inside our family's home. She was stirring it, a small smile upon her face as she thought about the meal they were about to have that day. Her food had always brought the family together, so despite their financial struggles, she enjoyed cooking meals for us and a few neighbors that were experiencing even harder times than us. 

I was at the kitchen table humming while making dough for the bread we would use for the stew. "Of course, but the-" I didn't want to mess anything up, so I was hoping she would at least let me finish. 

"I'll finish it, dear," she stood up from leaning, mounting the ladle upon a small hook before making her way over to me. She pulled one of the chairs out, gently taking the ball of dough from my hands, "I really need some more scallions. Our garden hasn't produced that much this year, and that would be a perfect addition." 

I chuckled, "right away." I stood up from the table, pushing my chair back in as I did so, before leaving to head to my friend's home; Edith Blythe. 

Our families often traded goods between each other to keep us afloat. In exchange for the scallions, my mother wanted me to offer them to come to dinner, which wouldn't be anything less than yes. My mother had already planned on everything, she was just disguising her assumptions as questions. 

I walked empty handed down the sludgy road the city didn't think we were worthy of having improved with stone. Most of the year it would be a constant muddy mess from all the rain we tended to get throughout the year, and today was no different. 

I took my bonnet off to avoid a puddle forming on top of my head, and let my hair down against my back. We were never required to have our hair up, but it was just easier for our day-to-day work. 

I looked into the sky, closing my eyes as the droplets softly splashed upon my face; my hands instinctively going to my abdomen, slightly cupping it, as I replayed Oliver's words inside my head. 

I will do everything in my power to be sure you and our baby is safe; and always will be... When I come home, I will know the answer as well. 

As my boots continued squishing against the muddy path, avoiding the other people trying to mind their own business as well, I heard the sweet call of my friend. 

"Addy!" Edith's sweet, chirpy voice sang out. I instantly removed my hands from my stomach, "I'd be hungry too if I was lucky enough to smell that delicious food constantly." She had seen me, but at least she didn't suspect me of being pregnant. She had no reason to, I didn't have any type of romantic interest that she was aware of, but I wanted to tell her so badly. 

One of the many laws of Ravenvale, was that if any citizen hadn't gotten married and had children by the time they were 22, they would be sent away for not doing their part in contributing. Having children out of wedlock was also punishable by banishment. I was only a few months along, but obviously not getting married anytime soon either. 

I smiled at her, her long, brown hair was pulled back and braided, falling against her back, tracing her spine. She absolutely refused to wear bonnets, she said they reminded her old being old and she didn't want to think about that quite yet. 

Her long, blue cloth dress had an apron upon it at least, and her attire was steadily getting darker as the rain dampened it. It was obvious she'd seen me approaching and wanted to meet me before I knocked. 

She was standing on the other side of the small, somewhat professionally built fence their family had used to close off their property; her father took pride in his work and had carved his name in the front of it. Ben Blythe. Though Benjamin was his full name. 

Edith's green eyes gleamed with excitement as she watched me approach her. She knew she was going to be invited but always waited to be asked. "My mom wants scallions." 

She glared at me, "so?" 

I rolled my eyes, attempting to appear mean. "In exchange, she wants to invite you and your family over for dinner," I said monotonously, though a playful grin on my face as I stared at her, only the grey gate separating us. 

"Then I'll most certainly have to agree to this trade, my dear miss," she joked, opening the gate and allowing me through. She closed the gate behind me before we walked to the front door of her tiny, wooden home she shared with her little sister and her parents. It was only one story, and had a cute, vaulted red roof to top it off. 

"Did you hear?" she asked me as we were walking up her house. "About the prince?" 

My heart dropped. We had just been together last night; had he been hurt already? "What happened?" I asked, my voice a little too emotional for someone who shouldn't have an attachment to him. 

She shot me a look of odd suspicion, but had no reason to truly think anything of it. After all, why would someone of his stature wish to be with someone like me? 

"Apparently, he has to go visit a neighboring town, and there's going to be a gathering in a few minutes to see him off. It's not every day it happens, but I really have no reason-" 

"When is it supposed to start exactly?" I asked her frantically, grabbing her hand as if to beg, stopping her from walking. 

She looked at a large clocktower that overlooked their little section; one of the many that were littered throughout the town. "Maybe 20 minutes. Why?" 

Though I didn't need to answer, instead, I took off running towards the southern gate; the exit of Ravenvale. 

I needed to see him in case it would be the last, and perhaps he had an answer to the question we have wondered since we were 8. Where does the kingdom send those that have been banished? 

I know he said he wouldn't know until he was 19, but he was getting a preview now of royal adult life as he went to battle; perhaps he had gotten more information as well for other operations of his castle.