
After Oliver was out of sight, Edith had I had gone back to her house, got what we needed and headed back to mine. It's identical to her home, and even though they had 1 extra person, it was the same number of rooms. The homes, whether poor or rich, were generally the same in appearance at least, aside from size anyways. It's one of the few things other than breathing the same air that we shared between classes. 

At the table that my father had custom built, sat Edith, her parents, and her sister, as well as my parents and I. Edith and I sat next to each other of course; we've been friends for nearly the same length Oliver and I had known each other, only a few years less. 

Our mothers in return became friends as well, and our fathers liked to compete on who the better builder was. It was usually a tie. 

"Did you hear about the celebration, today?" My father asked us, "I hear there was a rowdy attendee that nearly got arrested." 

I smiled though hiding my mouth behind a napkin as I pretend to dab it clean. 

"Not at all," Edith replied, taking a sip of her water. "Though being rowdy is hardly a reason to be arrested for." 

"That's true, but the rich people or the royals don't care about people like us too much. They care just enough to matter since we're the laborers." My father continued as he chewed, particles flying as my mother silently scolded him with her eyes. 

"You didn't hear, Tobias?" Benjamin, Edith's father, began, giving me the side eye as he called my father out. 

My father noticed Benjamin's glance at me, "what didn't I hear?" 

"Your daughter was the one that caused the outburst." Benjamin didn't hate me, in fact he loved me as an extended part of the family, but even he knew I was close to losing my freedom. He was likely shocked when Oliver paid me no mind to what I did, including me calling him only by name. It's an otherwise severely punishable crime. 

My mother spit her sip out in shock, luckily and unluckily only hitting some food, not all. "Adeline? Our Addy?" She was in disbelief, with good reason of course. I was their only daughter, their pride and joy, and to lose me would most likely cause them to lose themselves. 

"Yes. I was there, and was near where the commotion was." I tried to downplay everything. 

At least Edith didn't tell, though I glared at her anyways like it was her fault. She only mouthed she was sorry. 

I had to think of a logical reason someone would act the way I did, "I think he's cute." 

My father simply covered his face with his hand in disappointment. "You can't risk your freedom for someone that is out of reach, honey." He lowered his hand to look at me, "especially for someone that people like us are not even legally allowed to be with." 

I simply smiled, not being able to say anything before standing from my seat with urgency and dashing from the house, barely remembering to close the door behind me. 

I bolted towards the northern gate; Despite being an entrance only, I was going to risk it and make my way out, off to the willow tree. 

My family wouldn't understand. I know it's illegal for someone of my class to even be with a royal member, let alone think about it aloud. 

As I ran, the mud of the road splashed up, covering my boots and tainting the end of my dress; but I failed to remotely care. 

Tears were streaming down my face, blending in with nothing as the rain had since long gone, though the fading sunlight mirrored in them as it set for the night. 

The sky behind the walls had begun to turn pink, purple, and blue, resembling a painting, and I knew Oliver was seeing the same thing. I just hope he was safe as he did so. 

Upon reaching the gate, the guards approached me in an attempt to stop me, informing I was not allowed to leave that way, and that if I wanted to leave I would have to go through the southern gate. 

I begged the guard, who the prince and I had never encountered together, to let me through, and that I only wanted to visit a location just outside, but he was resilient. 

If only I had waited a few more minutes. Guard change hadn't happened yet and I was begging for a favor that only the night guards granted. Though I had been in the presence of the prince each time and was unsure if they would even let me through alone. 

"Please," I begged again. 

However, just as the guard, his black armor glistening in the setting sun, was about to deny me again, one of the nightshift guards appeared; the same guard that offered a cloak to Oliver last night. 

"Just let her go," the man's voice was annoyed, but stern. They were of the same rank, but the one I didn't recognize was more obliged to listen considering the new one was taking over in a moment. 

The mid shift guard only huffed before walking away, leaving me with the night guard. "Thank you," I whispered to him. 

"Why do you choose the prince?" The guard unexpectedly asked me, turning to me as he spoke; he even took his helmet off, placing it under his arm as if it meant he was being more forthcoming with something. 

He was surprisingly good looking. He had long black hair tied into a messy bun to fit underneath his helmet, and he had a more rounded face but was very well built. 

"Excuse me?" Even though he wasn't royalty, I still had to treat him with respect as he was part of the kingdom. 

"You know you can never be with him, right? Why waste your last few years with someone that will never acknowledge you in public?" His blue eyes seemed to show sincerity when he spoke. 

"What are you getting at?" 

The man cleared his throat, using a fist to cover his mouth as if it were more manly of him to do so. "Why not be with someone like me? You're a beautiful woman and I'd hate to see you banished."