Before I Do This..

Three, large red painted glass windows lined the cathedral wall, filling the room with a charming light. It was a beautiful, stone room, while the floors were decorated with a deep, maroon carpet. 

The wall directly opposite of the windowed one was lined with shelves that supported chalices from the floor to ceiling; they were filled with the last bit of blood from their favorite fodder. 

When the sun would set, it'd hit the wall just right, making it all shine. 


"Strip." Was the first word the King muttered to me when I entered their dining hall. In the center of the room stood a simple, though long, wooden table fit to seat the royal family and their vampire kin; and every single one of the 20 cushioned chairs were filled- though some appeared to be mere servants themselves. 

At the head of it sat the King, to the left his Queen, and daughter, while to his right was Oliver; His heir.