
Oliver leaned forward, his body stopping mere inches from mine, though continued moving his face until our noses touched one another. He then shoved his hands in his pockets, and gave me a warm smile. "Of course you may, my wife-to-be." He then moved his chin forward, and before I could react, his lips pecked mine quickly before he stood up straight. 

He towered over my small frame only briefly, before he walked over to a slim, tall door against one of the walls of his room on the opposite side of his bed- the walk-in closet. It only took him a few strides to get there before he dwarfed the knob in his hand, twisting it and pulling it open. From what I could see through the small opening, it was already stocked with clothes and shoes for both me and Oliver. 

Then it occurred to me as I undressed myself, freeing myself of the clothes that bore the blood of innocent souls; this was the first time I have seen him in months without being under some sort of duress.