Chapter 15

A week had passed, and Liz still wasn't responding to Henry's messages or calls. Penne and her friend talked every day; she told her how sad he was and that he was going to sue whoever published the fake news. He was investigating. Could it be that he still has doubts about who sold the story? Who would have thought Henry was so innocent, Liz said in a low voice. Or just stupid, said Penne angrily.

"But how are you, my friend?" Penne asked her.

"I'm working a lot, even at night. I don't want to know about anyone else. Now I'm going to focus on work again. But, what about you and Nick, how are you? Tell my brother-in-law I sent a hug. And then you both come visit me too. We'll stay in touch. The project here is going very well. We're well ahead of schedule. Soon we can deliver and take on another one. Now I'm going to hang up. I miss you so much."

"Me too. See you soon. Okay then."

Three months had passed since Liz left. She wakes up early and decides it's time to return, as the next day will be her friend's birthday, and they had always been together. She plans to surprise her. She calls Penne to see how things are going and tricks her by saying that for the first time they will be apart, making her friend sad. Little does Penne know that Liz and Nick are preparing a surprise party for her.

Liz packs her suitcase and has everything ready, because after work, she'll catch the flight back, where she'll have to face many unwanted things the next day. It's the only thought Liz can't free herself from. But tomorrow is a new day. Everything will be fine.

Early in the morning, the doorbell rings, and Penne gets up wondering who is calling at this hour. Especially today when she said she would stay in bed longer. She didn't even think of Liz, because she has a key and was far away. So, when she opens the door, she sees her friend with beautiful flowers in hand. They hug, and Penne tells Liz how happy she is. They remember that they promised to always be in each other's lives, on every date, always celebrating together. And that's why Liz came to celebrate her birthday.

They enter, close the door, and go to prepare breakfast together, as they always did. "I already bought bread, cake, and cookies for our breakfast. And the little candle, because you have to make a wish as always." Penne was very excited now, with her friend close by. However, she was worried about how Liz would be when Henry found out she had returned.

Liz replied that everything was fine. Now she was ready to have a definitive conversation. She had already made her decision. That she also came to resolve everything with Henry. "But today I just want to be with you, my sister-friend. No sadness on your day, which will be beautiful." Penne replied that her day had already started perfectly. And the friends hugged.

Penne tells Liz that she will have to go to the company to solve a few little problems, quick things, and that afterwards they would have lunch together. And her friend says that this morning she was going to take the opportunity to visit Henry. "Liz, are you sure about what you're going to do?" she replies that yes. "So I'll stop by the company so we can have lunch together."

"Alright then. See you later."

Then Liz asks Penne to drop her off at Henry's office. Her friend is surprised by the place they are going to meet. "I want to take a look at Zoe too. Don't worry. I'll tell you later how it went."

"Alright, let's go. Will he be there? I hope so." And the two leave together and happy as they used to.

Penne stops the car at the door of Henry's company for Liz to get out and feels that her hands are cold. Then she asks, "Don't you want to leave it for later?"

"No, I need to resolve this situation soon. I've let it drag on for too long. We'll meet at the company then. I'll wait for you there. Don't disappear." And they smiled.

Liz gets out of the car and heads towards Henry and Associates. The doorman opens the door for her and says, "Welcome." She approaches the desk where the secretary was and asks if Henry is in and if he can see her. At the same moment, she announces to Henry over the phone that Miss Liz was waiting to speak with him. Immediately, he tells her to let her in. He hung up the phone and quickly went to the door to receive her. When he saw her in front of him, he was paralyzed; she was very beautiful. He came to meet her and hugged her; then they went into his office where he asked the secretary not to be disturbed by anyone.

As they were entering the room, Liz saw Zoe standing in the hallway talking to another employee with some papers in hand. She came to greet her. "Good morning, Liz, how are you? I couldn't talk about what happened..." Liz interrupted her and said, "Zoe, good morning, you don't need to waste your time with me. I know you set all this up because you wanted Henry and me to break up. Only he didn't want to see what kind of malicious person you are. But it doesn't matter anymore. Congratulations, you got what you wanted so much." And she turned her back on her and walked past Henry, entering his office. He entered, closed the door, and was silent for a minute, thinking about what he had just seen and heard outside. Liz asked him, "Can we talk now?"