Chapter 16

Liz, I was so worried about you, Penne didn't want to tell me where you were.

— I asked her not to tell anyone. I was working on that project I was putting off because I didn't want to be away from you. You know my entire schedule if you really wanted to. I needed to be alone to think before seeing you. As we talked before, you didn't give importance to anything I said. I ended up realizing that I wasn't your priority, that I wasn't as important to you as I made you to me. So I decided that the best thing for both of us is for each to go their own way. You and Zoe adapted very well together being apart. So, take advantage of the news already portraying you two as a couple and make it official. As for me, I will also continue with my life from where I left off before I accepted you as my boyfriend.

— Don't talk like that, my love. You know I never wanted to be with anyone else but you. I love you so much. Not a day went by that I didn't want to talk to you, but you didn't want to talk to me, you didn't respond to my messages... I was almost going crazy.

— Henry, let's not make this harder. You can't imagine how much it still hurts to be away from you, to look at the photo of your affair with you. If it were the other way around, you would understand me. (Tears fall from Liz's eyes. She tries to hide them by looking away.)

— Do you want something to drink? I'm sorry, I didn't even offer you anything.

— Just water, please — she responds. Henry asks the secretary to bring water and juice for Liz.

— Henry, I noticed you didn't take off your ring. Can I borrow it?

— Why? — he asks.

— And Liz responds: — Take it off your finger — she says, showing him her open hand. He takes the ring off his finger and places it in Liz's hand.

— This ring has my name on it, and since we no longer have any commitment, you shouldn't wear it anymore. I left my ring with your mother to give it back to you.

— I know. It's here with me. For you to wear it again, I don't want you to stop wearing it.

— Liz, don't do this to me!!! Give me another chance.

— Chance for what? Your assistant is right there by your side, just waiting for the right moment to seduce you. Honestly, Henry, I don't want this for myself anymore. I cried all I needed to cry, away from everyone I love. I had to distance myself, alone, just me and my pillow. (She drinks her water and some juice.) Thank you — she says, almost unable to speak. — So now, let's at least try not to end our beautiful friendship.

— Speaking of friendship, today is Penne's birthday. Nick and I are organizing a surprise party for her. If you want to come, you're welcome. Now I need to go.

— Liz, have lunch with me? Let's talk?

— I can't. I promised to have lunch with Penne, and I'm already late.

— Are you staying here now, or are you going to come back again?

— I'm coming back to finish the work and deliver it, and then I'll see what to do with my life. The only certainty I have now is that I'll focus on my work. Love makes us suffer, and I've decided that the more time I spend working, the less time I'll have to make my heart ache.

— Henry, I want you to be happy, no matter who it's with.

Liz goes to kiss his cheek to say goodbye, and Henry turns his face and kisses her. He hugs her tightly and asks her not to leave, and kisses her again. She moves away from him and quickly leaves the room, leaving him alone. But in her haste, she forgot her purse on the table. She reached the door and remembered that her phone was in the purse she had left in her beloved's office.

When she turned to return to the room, she saw Henry behind her with her purse in his hand.

— In your hurry to leave, you forgot your purse.

He saw that she was crying and nervous.

— At least let me take you?

— No need — she replied.

— I insist.

He held her hand until the parking lot where her car was, opened the door for her to get in, closed the passenger door, and then got in himself. They stayed there for a few minutes with Henry looking at her. Liz asked him to start the car, and he did.

Liz remained silent, looking only out the window, not looking at Henry. She was eager for them to arrive quickly so she could get away from her love, afraid she wouldn't resist. He beside her was eager to kiss her, but he was holding back too.

— We're here — said Henry, looking into her eyes. He realized how much his beloved was also suffering, and it was his fault. — Thank you, Henry, for bringing me here.

Liz quickly got out of the car and went in without looking back. Henry stayed in the car for a while, thinking about how to win his beloved back. He took the ring from his pocket and put it back on his finger. And he thought: I won't give up on you, my love. Then he started the car and left.

Meanwhile, Liz stood hidden, watching him until he left. At that moment, Penne came up behind her, giving her a big scare.

— What is my friend doing here hiding?

Liz replied that she was watching Henry, who stayed for a while and then left.

— So, how was your conversation?

Liz hugged her and replied:

— Let's have lunch, and I'll tell you during lunch. How hard it was to give him up, even after all this time, nothing has changed. And he still... kissed me...

Penne said:

— I want to know everything — and hugged her friend. — Come on, let's have a glass of wine, have lunch, and go out to buy a really nice outfit.