Chapter 27

Liz and Penne have been partners and friends for many years. Liz came to take care of the pending projects here, but she will soon return home and won't stay for long. Nick spoke to his partner, trying to eliminate any chance of the two getting closer, as the timing wasn't right. He still had hope of seeing Liz and Henry together again, now more than ever.

"But now that I've found her, maybe I can convince her to stay here," said Maik.

"I still haven't decided where I'll stay," Liz replied. "After I finish the project here, I'll see what happens."

"So, can I still have hope?" Maik asked.

"I don't think so," Liz replied. "I'm here strictly for work. Nothing more than that, neither with you nor with anyone else. Sorry! Just to make things clear between us. If you accept being friends, you can always count on me." Maik smiled at her, saying that was fine, at least for now.

Nick mentioned that they would soon have to travel back and, since there was nothing left unresolved, they said their goodbyes. He shook hands with his partner, who then said goodbye to Penne and Liz, telling her that he would call to arrange lunch sometime.

Liz responded, "Goodbye, Mr. Maik." And they left.

Inside the car, they talked among themselves, and Nick advised Liz not to get involved with Maik, who had a reputation as a womanizer. Before he could finish speaking, she responded that the only thing that mattered to her right now was her child, whom she carried in her womb. And that, even unwillingly, she loved only the father of her child (Henry). He apologized, saying he shouldn't interfere in her life. She said it was okay, that he shouldn't worry; she knew how to take care of herself and already had enough problems not to create more.

In the bedroom, Liz and Penne talked; Penne asked Liz to take care of herself, saying she would be waiting for news about the test results and the follow-up with the doctor. "Tell me everything. And are you really not going to call your parents to tell them about the pregnancy?" Liz replied that she wasn't ready yet, just as she couldn't tell Henry.

Liz told Penne that her birthday was next month, as she well knew, and that she was thinking she had until that day to gather the courage to tell Henry. "A little over a month. That's the deadline I set for myself to resolve everything with Henry once and for all. What do you think? Will you come to be with me that day? I'd love it if you could come with Nick."

Penne responded, "And when have we ever been apart on either your birthday or mine? Didn't you leave everything here to be with me?"

"It's true, I went to celebrate my best friend's birthday, and look at the gift I brought back. A godson or goddaughter that you're still going to receive." The two laughed a lot. Penne said, "Liz, you're so silly..." And they continued laughing. At that moment, there was a knock on the bedroom door, and Liz said they could come in. It was Nick, telling Penne that it was time to go to the airport. They hugged, and Liz said she would miss her a lot. Penne responded that she would also miss her a lot and that if she needed anything, she just had to call, and she'd be there in a flash. Literally. And she kissed her friend on the forehead.

Nick said goodbye to the friend with a hug and told her, "Take care, okay? And take care of our godchild." She hugged him too. "Have a safe trip. I won't accompany you to the airport because I'm very tired. Please forgive me." They said it was fine. "And don't forget to take the vitamins." And the friends left, leaving Liz alone with her thoughts again.

Liz lay in her bed and began thinking about Henry, about everything they had been through together when they were just good friends... when he declared his love for her while they were at Peter's country house... when she responded that she wanted to be his girlfriend... about their first fight, caused by Zoe... about the day they got back together... on her birthday (it was their first night of love)... those were perfect days. Then he had to travel for two weeks, taking Zoe with him again, and there she caused trouble once more; he still believed she had done nothing and continued with her as his personal assistant, staying by his side all the time. At that moment, tears fell down her face. They broke up, or rather, I broke up with him. I didn't give him any chance to come back and came here to get away from him and thus be able to forget him. How foolish I was thinking that would be possible. Penne's birthday came, my best friend in the whole world, and I went to the celebration, and how did the day end? In the bed of the man I love and abandoning him the next day. However, bringing with me a child of his in my womb.

Now I'm here, far from everyone... alone. Just me and my child. And with a strong urge to cry. How I wish I were in his arms now.

Liz cried a lot until she fell asleep. She woke up to the phone ringing.

It was Penne, calling to say they had arrived safely and to check on her.

"I slept through the night. I passed out when you left and just woke up with the phone ringing. But I'm fine. Don't worry. I'll get ready for work too. We'll talk later." And they hung up the phone.