Chapter 28

Early in the morning, Penne arrives at the office, pondering what to say to Henry when he shows up. She knows that as soon as he finds out they've returned, he'll want to see her. She needs a good excuse, as she can't mention the child but also can't suggest that Liz doesn't want him anymore. Otherwise, he might give up on Liz, find someone else, and it would be too late for them to rekindle their relationship—now more than ever.

Meanwhile, Liz gets ready for work, turns on the radio, and a song plays that makes her think a lot about Henry. They had listened to it together several times. She felt an overwhelming urge to cry and told herself she needed to at least hear his voice, blaming it on her hormones.

In that moment, she picks up her phone and, without thinking, calls Henry.

His phone rings, and he sees her name on the screen; he answers immediately.

"Liz, is that you? Are you okay? I was just thinking about you. I turned on the radio and our song was playing, so you were on my mind. But it's so good to hear from you."

"I also turned on the radio and heard the song, so I felt like calling you, just to know if you're okay and to hear your voice. I felt a tightness in my chest and a strong urge to cry. I can't explain it."

"I miss you a lot, Liz. I need to see you."

"Henry, I need to see you too. I have something important to tell you. But I just need a few more days. My birthday is coming up, and I would really like it if you could be here with me. Can you do that? You need to know something very important, but I can't say it over the phone."

"Do you have someone else?" he asks, worried.

"No," she replies. "I don't have anyone in my life after you, Henry."

"Are you sure, Liz?" "Yes."

"And you, Henry? Are you with someone?" "Never. I only want you in my life."

"Penne, before traveling, said you weren't feeling well. Are you sick? If so, tell me, and I'll be there with you to take care of you."

"No, Henry. I'm fine now. Really."

"Are you sure you're okay? You're not hiding anything from me?" he insists.

She assures him that she's not hiding anything about her health. "But when you come, I'll tell you everything. Will you come?" "I wouldn't miss it for anything."

"Okay then. I need to go now. I didn't go to work yesterday, and now I'm running late. But it's good we talked."

"I feel the same, Liz."

"You sound sad," Henry comments.

"Lately, I've been a bit emotional, crying over little things."

"Have a good day, Henry."

"You too, Liz. Take care. If you need anything, please call me. I'll come running. I love you."

"We'll talk later." She hangs up.

Henry looks at his schedule and sees that he has a meeting in the morning. He asks his assistant to reschedule it, saying he needs to go out to handle some things. He leaves in a hurry.

Within half an hour, he arrives at the office and asks if Penne has returned from her trip and if she's in the office. The receptionist replies that she just arrived but is in a meeting. She asks if he would like to wait and if she could get him anything.

He says yes, he'll wait for Penne, and accepts a coffee. He sits down, feeling nervous, getting up, pacing, sitting down again, picking up a magazine, looking at the clock, and noticing the meeting is taking a long time. He goes back and asks the receptionist. She says the meeting should be ending soon and brings him another coffee.

A few minutes later, the door opens, and he sees some businesspeople leaving. He greets them and asks the receptionist to let Penne know he's waiting. She replies that she's already done so and that Mrs. Penne is expecting him. He immediately heads to her office.