Chapter 29

Henry arrived at Penne's office door, knocked, and she greeted him, apologizing for making him wait. She explained that she had been in an important rescheduled meeting. "If you'd called before, I would have asked you to come in the afternoon."

"No problem. I couldn't work anyway. I'll get straight to the point: Liz. I need to know how she is."

Penne replied that Liz was fine.

"Are you sure? You're not hiding anything from me?"

Penne asked why he was questioning her.

Henry told Penne that Liz had called in the morning, and they had talked a lot. He found it strange because she had never called since she left; it was always him who called, and she didn't always answer.

"Liz told me she needed to talk to me, that she had something important to tell me and that it couldn't be over the phone. But she asked for some time to sort things out. And I know you know what's going on. I know it has nothing to do with her finding someone else because she told me she doesn't have anyone, and she wouldn't lie. Not Liz."

"I asked if it was a health issue, and she said she was fine. But I also noticed she was sad and had been crying. I can tell by the tone of her voice. That's why I'm here."

"Henry, Liz said she wants to talk to you in person. So give her the time she asked for, and if you really love her, wait for her. I can't tell you because it's something that concerns just the two of you."

"I'm glad to know you two talked. She's already taken a very important step; believe me. And don't doubt her love for you. She loves you very much. As for the magazine issue, it had nothing to do with it. And one of them was interested in her, but she said her heart has no space for anyone else, except for making new friends."

"When her birthday gets closer, we can plan a surprise together. Does that sound good?" Henry agreed and said he needed to get back to work. He had a meeting scheduled for the morning but asked to reschedule it. He needed to talk to Penne first.

"It was good talking to you. Thank you very much. Later, tell Nick we need to go out one of these days. I'll talk to him and arrange something. I'll let you know." "I'll be waiting," Henry replied and left, with Penne accompanying him to the door.

Meanwhile, Liz was at the office and, since she was very busy, she ordered lunch so as not to lose time going home and returning later.

The secretary informed her that someone wanted to see her. She asked who it was: "It's Mr. Maik Lennon." Liz asked for a few minutes and then had him sent in.

Liz opened the door to greet the visitor and said she was surprised. He responded that he was going to a business lunch and wanted to see if she would join him. She replied that she was busy and had a meeting later. "That's why I already ordered my lunch. I'll eat here in the office."

"What a pity!" said Maik. "But perhaps I could take you out for dinner?" She immediately replied, "I think it's better not to. I'm in a sort of unfinished relationship and need to sort out my life first, which is quite complicated at the moment."

"I understand," said Maik. "But it was just a lunch, with no other intentions." "Maybe I'll accept one day," Liz said, already shaking his hand to say goodbye. "See you on another occasion." He smiled at her and left, saying he would return.

After the meeting, Liz received a call from her mother, who said her father was not feeling well and really wanted to see her. If possible, it would be good for her to visit. Liz asked what was wrong with her father, but her mother said she'd prefer to talk when she arrived home.

Liz told her mother she would make some calls and would call back once she got home.

After hanging up, Liz didn't feel well and called her doctor, who asked her to come to the clinic as she would be there shortly. Liz asked her secretary to call the driver to take her there.

Liz arrived at the clinic, and the doctor arrived almost simultaneously. She took Liz to her office, where Liz explained the phone call from her mother and how she had felt a sharp pain in her lower abdomen. Now, she needed to take a short trip, and after experiencing this discomfort, she thought it best to find out what was wrong. Liz was afraid of traveling and having something happen to the baby.

After being examined and having an ultrasound, the doctor noted that Liz had not had any bleeding, so there was no cause for concern. The baby was fine. The doctor advised Liz to monitor herself and if she experienced pain with bleeding, to call immediately or go to the nearest hospital. Since Liz needed to travel, it would be better to rest for at least one day to ensure she wouldn't feel any more discomfort.

After spending some time at the clinic, the doctor cleared Liz to leave and asked her to bring back the test results once they were ready to check if everything was fine with her health overall. Liz thanked the doctor and left.

At the clinic's entrance, the company's driver was already waiting for her and took her home. Upon arrival, Liz called Penne, who answered and was worried when Liz told her what had happened. Liz said she was going to travel because she was very concerned about her father.

At that moment, Liz began to cry, saying she was very afraid of losing her child and now feared losing her father as well. Penne tried to calm her down, saying it probably wasn't serious and that when Liz arrived at her parents' house, she should call to give an update.