Chapter 32

Henry handles all the bureaucratic matters and takes Liz and her mother home to take a bath and rest a bit before going to the funeral. Liz asks about her aunt, and her mother says she had informed them she was going home to get ready as well and went with her cousin.

Liz remembers she hasn't called her friend since she arrived, so Henry tells her he already did, and she should be arriving soon. Liz hugs him and thanks him for being by her and her mother's side, taking care of everything, as she isn't in the right frame of mind to handle any situation.

"You know I love you very much, don't you? You are the woman of my life. Now the mother of my child. We are not together only because you didn't want it. But fate took care of that for both of us. You are mine. And I am all yours."

Liz approaches Henry, and the two kiss. He hugs her and says it's good to be with her, that he missed her a lot. She takes him to the guest room so he can rest a bit.

Then, she goes back to check if her mother is okay; she is in the room looking at her father's clothes. Liz says that everything will be okay. She asks her to rest a bit and that she will do the same, so she goes to her room.

Liz takes a bath, puts on a robe, and is drying her hair when there's a knock on her door. She opens it and sees Henry, who asks if he can come in. She says yes and asks if he needs anything. Henry asks Liz to let him feel their child, that he really wants to touch her belly.

She sits on the bed and says it's still too early to feel him. But she takes his hand and places it on her belly. Henry kneels in front of Liz and gently touches her belly and kisses it. Then, he says, "Your daddy loves you very much, and your mommy too."

Liz, already very emotional and sad, cries hearing Henry declare his love for their child. She lowers her head and kisses his forehead. She tells Henry that he will be a great father.

Henry asks if she has already started the medical follow-ups. She says she had a consultation when she wasn't feeling well, with nausea and dizziness. She had an ultrasound and many tests that the doctor ordered to check her overall health. She was given some vitamins and medicine for nausea and was told to come back when the test results came in. That's why she was waiting for the right moment to tell her father and grandparents. And I'm very sorry for not telling him when I left the doctor's office. My father should have been part of this important moment in my life. Forgive me.

Henry replies that there is nothing to forgive. "You called me saying you were going to tell me something important; I was so scared. I thought of everything except that we were going to have a child."

"And do you want to have this child with me?" Liz asks.

Henry replies: "How can you think otherwise? You know all I want is for us to be a family. And now, if you give me another chance, I will live to make you two happy."

"I love you, Henry. I never stopped loving you. Let's wait for this moment of sorrow to pass, and we'll resolve everything calmly."

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get ready for us to leave."

"Of course. I'll get ready too. See you in a bit."