Chapter 33

The doorbell rings, and the maid opens the door, inviting them in after Penne introduces herself as a family friend. She asks them to take a seat, informing them that she will notify the family of their arrival.

A few minutes later, Liz rushes downstairs to greet her friend. Seeing her, Liz bursts into tears. They embrace each other. Nick and Peter, who couldn't leave their friend alone in this moment, also come along. They hug Liz, expressing their solidarity with her and her family. Peter asks if she needs anything, and she says she doesn't, thanking him and Nick for being with them during this difficult time. She mentions that Henry came and took care of everything for them.

Her mother enters the room, greets everyone, thanks them for coming, and says it's time to go. Liz suggests they stay for a snack before leaving, but Penne insists they are fine and can eat later.

Henry enters the room, greets the friends, and asks if they are ready to go. Both Liz and her mother say they are, and everyone agrees.

Two cars are waiting at the door to take them to the cemetery. Upon arrival, many relatives, friends, and her father's business partners are there. Numerous wreaths are sent by his associates and friends who couldn't attend, accompanied by messages of condolence.

Henry is very concerned about Liz, who had only had tea and shouldn't go long without eating. He stays by her side and her mother's, who are both deeply grieving.

Their friends stay with them the entire time, until the very end. They then return home together.

Back at the house, the maid has already set the table, knowing no one had eaten and they would be hungry. Liz excuses herself and says she'll be right back. Henry asks if everything is alright, and she says yes, though her face is red from crying. Penne offers to go upstairs with her, while the men stay in the living room talking, and Liz's mother is with some family members in another room.

In the bedroom, Penne talks with her deeply shaken friend, trying to console her. Liz expresses her sorrow for not telling her parents about the baby as soon as she found out. She regrets that when she told her father in the hospital bed, he was already passing away, hoping he heard her.

"And Henry? Does he know now too?" Penne asks.

"Yes. I felt ill at the hospital, and when I woke up, he was by my side. There was no way to hide it anymore. He has been wonderful with me, my mother, and our baby."

"And what do you plan to do now?" Penne asks, seeing Liz crying non-stop. She replies that she can't think about anything right now, only about her father and how her mother will cope. There's a lot to consider.

Liz asks Penne to call the company to check on things and delay anything that needs her signature. She plans to stay there for the week and will figure out the next steps later. She thanks Penne for being there, expressing her deep need for her friend.

"I will always be here for you, whatever you need," Penne assures her. "But now, you haven't eaten anything, and my godchild needs to grow. So let's join the boys and eat something. The table is full of delicious things."

They go downstairs arm-in-arm and join the others at the table. Over the meal, the conversation helps Liz manage a faint smile. However, the friends announce they have to leave that same night as they all need to be at work the next day. Liz feels saddened by their departure but appreciates their presence.

Penne asks if Henry will also leave, but he says he will stay a bit longer to help Liz and her mother with anything they need. Liz gives him a grateful smile. Penne sits close to her friend and hugs her, promising to visit as soon as possible.

Liz's mother comes to say goodbye to Penne and the boys, thanking them for coming and inviting them to return another time. Liz hugs Penne, Nick, and Peter as they say their goodbyes to Henry and leave.

Liz's mother bids Henry goodnight, says she's going to bed as she's very tired, kisses her daughter, and advises her to rest as well. Liz agrees she'll follow soon.

Liz and Henry talk a bit in the living room, with Liz resting her head on Henry's shoulder until she falls asleep. He gently carries her to her room, removes her sandals, covers her with a blanket, kisses her forehead, and says, "Have a good night, my love." He turns off the light, leaves, and closes the door. Tomorrow will be a new day.