Harry PotterYou are my Cosmic Connection.

Chapter : 9

While the three sat and chatted, trying to fill in the blanks for Harry, Poppy would just glance over from her station. She couldn't see the elf, just the two first years sitting talking instead of resting. The headmaster himself had stopped her administering a dose of dreamless sleep

potion. After she said there was nothing to be done for Mister Potter's memory problem, Dumbledore decided these two needed the time together. The healer couldn't see the benefit of this lack of treatment but then the headmaster had his own ways.

Albus had asked the four heads of house to meet in his office, tonight's events needed to be dealt with. "The troll incident, while being serious in its own right, has left us with a most unusual problem. Mister Potter was injured in his attempts to save Miss Granger, leaving him with no memories of Hogwarts or even magic..."

"Have we discovered why the three of them were in that bathroom, or can Harry Potter just do whatever he likes?"

Looking over his glasses, Albus pinned his potions master with a steely stare. He then passed on information he had learned from a slight scan of the Weasley lad. "Miss Granger had been upset by something said to her during the day, she was in that bathroom crying. Realising that she knew nothing about a troll being in the school, Harry raced there to warn her. None of them were looking for the troll, it was just their bad luck it found them."

Severus though was not for giving an inch. He had been made to look a fool earlier and wanted someone punished for it, someone called Potter. "Why didn't he inform a member of staff or a prefect? The school has systems in place for events such as this. Not Potter though, he's too busy trying to play the hero..."

There was steel now in Albus' voice too as he cut the legs from under Snape, much to the surprise and delight of the other three heads of house. "Yes the school has systems in place, all of them failed. No troll should be able to get past the school's defences, it did. That a first year was missing from the feast should have been noticed by prefects or staff, it wasn't. Those same prefects and staff then didn't see another two first years breaking away to go and help the missing girl. There were multiple failures tonight, yet you, Severus, seem determined to blame Harry Potter for everything. It hasn't escaped my notice either that you tried to take a hundred points from a boy who didn't know who you were, far less he was a student at Hogwarts."

This had Severus on his feet. "You can dress it up any way you like but Potter will be receiving no special treatment from me when he enters my class..."

"...which is why Harry won't be entering your class again." Albus' declaration shocked the potions master. Dumbledore wanted there to be no misunderstandings here though, so spelt out exactly why he was doing this.

"In the two months that Harry has been at Hogwarts, you have demonstrated your inability to treat him with the same respect as say Mister Malfoy. Harry's memory loss is forcing me to make decisions, and this is one of them. Mister Potter and Miss Granger are no longer your students."

Still on his feet, Severus weighed up his options. "Since he is no longer my student, there really is no reason then for me to be here. If you will excuse me, I can think of better ways to spend what's left of my evening than sitting here listening to the special treatment that's sure to be arranged for the Potter brat." With as much dignity as possible, Severus left the headmaster's office.

Albus' glasses were now lying on his desk as he massaged the bridge of his nose. Minerva recognised how hard that had been for her friend and boss, she thought he'd made the right decision.

"Thank you for that, Albus. Severus looks at Harry and sees James, and we all know how much those two hated one another."

"Minerva, I'm beginning to think we've been failing that lad since his parents were murdered. Well it's time for that to change. Both he and Miss Granger are excused classes tomorrow while she reacquaints Harry with Hogwarts. Starting Monday, they will attend classes as normal but not take part in the lessons. Miss Granger will be giving him one to one tuition in each class until Mister Potter is at the same level as the rest of the first years. I propose we review this on a weekly basis, though I would expect Harry to be up to speed before December is upon us. Miss Granger is quite the driven individual."

All three heads of house agreed with that though Filius had a couple of questions. "Miss Granger is certainly driven but won't spending all her time working with Mister Potter affect her own studies? I also noticed you didn't mention who you were going to have teach them potions."

Since Albus knew he was dealing with a couple of time travellers, he was already certain Miss Granger could currently pass her N.E.W.T.s. Whatever procedure they used to achieve that most difficult of feats would have needed skill sets way beyond those taught at Hogwarts. "Miss Granger assures me her own studies won't be affected and I shall teach both of them potions."

While two of his heads of house could only stare at the headmaster, Pomona Sprout let go with a deep belly laugh. "Oh I love it. I can almost hear Severus' mutterings about special treatment from here. You're setting a dangerous precedent however. When this news gets out, you'll have three quarters of first year wanting to transfer to your class."

The twinkle was back in Albus' eyes. "Then Severus will need to behave himself, otherwise we four might be inundated with requests from first year potions students."

Rather than have the rumour mill working overtime, Dumbledore stood at breakfast and announced what had happened to Harry Potter last night. The headmaster had barely sat back down when Hermione led Harry into the great hall. The fact that everyone was staring at them was soon blocked out by the six older Gryffindors that quickly had the young couple surrounded.

"Harry, please tell us this is a prank. We play Slytherin on Saturday."

Hermione was holding his left hand, leaving his right free to be offered. "Hi, I don't know who you are, or what you just said. I'm Harry Potter, pleased to meet you."

Oliver shook the offered hand but his mind was clearly elsewhere. "We can get the pitch tonight, all weekend and most nights next week. It's gonna take a lot of hard work but we might still be able to pull this off..."

Hermione squeezed Harry's hand in their prearranged signal that she would handle this. She had actually forgotten all about quidditch. "Whoa there, Oliver. I hope you weren't expecting Harry to be available for all these extra practices..."

"Of course I was. Why else do you think I was holding them?"

"To train a different seeker? Harry has no memories of Hogwarts or even magic. He can't afford to waste all that time practicing quidditch."

The group increased in size as Ron suddenly pushed his way to the front. "Practicing quidditch is not a waste of time, spending all his time with you is. Harry mate, you need to get away from the bookworm. Granger will ruin you..."





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