Harry PotterYou are my Cosmic Connection.

Chapter : 10

Ron suddenly had a face full of an angry Harry Potter. "Back right off, ginger. I've had about all I can take of you." He then turned his attention and anger onto the bigger boy. "I don't know who you are, since you were too busy trying to arrange my life to introduce yourself. Whatever you need me for, so not happening. You clearly don't give a shit what happened to me, you're far too busy figuring out how my situation will affect you. To bad, you seem like a nice guy too. Hermione, where do we sit. I'm starving."

Knowing how much Harry enjoyed flying, and remembering an incident from their second year, Hermione threw Wood a bone. "Oliver, your seeker is clearly unable to play. There are procedures that exist to change the schedule, moving Gryffindor's first game to later in the season."

On hearing that, Oliver shot toward McGonagall while Alicia, Angelina and Katie all reintroduced themselves to Harry. The twins were busy dragging their young brother away, trying to explain that since Harry couldn't remember him, Ron wasn't exactly making a very good first or second impression on the boy who was his friend.

The three chasers sat with the couple for breakfast, telling Harry all about quiddich and their fanatical captain. A relieved Oliver actually came over to apologise to Harry, and reintroduce himself.

"Three heads of house agree this is an unusual situation, and that Harry certainly isn't fit to play on Saturday. He'll actually need to take flying lessons again with Madam Hooch before he's signed off to play quidditch. Our first game isn't until January now. You still want to give the position of seeker a try, Harry?"

Harry looked toward Hermione for advice, knowing she'd given their strongest no signal just a moment ago. "We're gonna need a couple of weeks to see how catching up with lessons go. Then we could arrange those flying lessons. After that, it would be up to you to decide if this is something you think you would enjoy."

That sounded good enough for Oliver. "I'm certainly prepared to wait a couple of weeks to see if we still have a seeker. It will also still give me time if I need to find someone else."

With that settled, Gryffindor house could relax and enjoy breakfast. Hermione introduced Harry to the rest of their Gryffindor yearmates. Only Neville was close enough for Harry to shake his hand, the rest got a 'hi'.

As breakfast finished, Hermione led Harry away to meet someone very important. Noticing it was quiet here, Harry asked the question that had been puzzling him. "Quidditch sounds like a lot of fun, why did you warn me off it?"

"I had actually forgotten about quidditch, and Hogwarts obsession with the game. You loved playing, and were very good at it. In your first game though, next Saturday, someone tried to kill you by jinxing your broom."

"What? Are you serious? What happened?"

"Oh, I spotted who I thought was doing it. I snuck over there and set their robes on fire. The jinx was broken and you went on to win the match."

"You saved me?"

"Don't sound so surprised, Harry. We've actually saved each other on quite a few occasions."

"Hermione, the more you tell me, the more I keep thinking Hogwarts isn't for me and I should go straight home. You could never be a saleswomen."

She gave a little smirk and kissed his cheek. "I got you here, didn't I?"

Harry had no answer to that, he had no answer to where she was leading him either. When commanded to hold his arm out, the most beautiful owl he'd ever seen flew down and gently landed on it.

"Harry, this is Hedwig. She's a post owl but she's also your familiar."

"She's beautiful, that's what she is. Hello girl, I'm sorry I don't remember you. That just means we're going to get to know one another all over again. Hermione, why do I feel as if Hedwig understood every word I just said?"

She handed Harry an owl treat for Hedwig as she answered. "Probably because she did, our girl here is the smartest owl I've ever known. Sorry about the 'our' bit, force of habit. When you went away, Hedwig stayed with me for the next three and a half years. I left her in France to come and find you."

"In this world, I seem to have a thing for beautiful and smart girls. Hermione and Hedwig."

Both his girls took that as a compliment.

A morning of sightseeing and orientating Harry to the castle was followed by showing him inside Gryfindor and his dorm. "I fancy a shower before lunch, would Miss Granger care to join me?"

A blushing Hermione was left bumbling for words. "No, not in the boys' showers. Oh Harry, I don't know how to deal with this. Inside I'm still nineteen. I look at you and feel such a perv for wanting to do things with an eleven year old boy."

Taking his girlfriend in his arms, Harry offered his solution. "I look in your eyes and just see Hermione. Not a twelve or nineteen year old, I just see you." He then kissed her not as an eleven year old, but as Harry. "I was joking about sharing the shower. I fear I would be back to disappointing my girlfriend again. This is one of those conversations we're going to sit down and have but I'm happy just knowing you're in my life."

Hermione then returned his kiss. "I don't think I can give this up, though we'll have to find a nice quiet place to keep ourselves in practice. McGonagall would have a fit if she spotted us doing more than holding hands and the occasional peck on the cheek. I love your idea about the shower but think I need to stick to the one in the girls dorm for the moment. Oh, and the stairs are spelled not to let any boys into our side of the tower. An alarm will sound and you will be magically flung out."

"Again, Hermione, you're not selling Hogwarts to me…"

She kissed him once more and then left to take her own shower.

Lunch was spent surrounded by their fellow Gryffindor first years, sans Ronald Weasley. He sat at the other end of the table and scowled.

Hermione wanted to give Harry a few days to make his own mind up about things before she started filling him in on the background of those around him. Harry was a different person now to the eleven year old version everyone had known before they came back in time. It simply wasn't possible for Harry to act like someone he not only didn't know but had never actually met. Allowing him to form his own opinions of people let them see Harry was indeed different, and then put that difference down to the accident he had with the troll. So far it was working, though a major test just presented itself…





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