Chapter 3: New partner

"When did you say my son will be here honey?", Mr. Adams asked. "After dropping off his girlfriend at work", Mrs. Adams informed him. "Honey we have talked about this, my son cannot marry that woman and call her his wife (pouts and goes to where his wife is) firstly, she's an arrogant girl, ugly, and from our family's rival which includes our son baby", Mr. Adams mentioned planting kisses all over his wife's face and she enjoyed the affection from her husband any day, all day. "She is beautiful dear, also planning to arrange our son with that poor girl who has been through a lot in her life is just evil plus our son is in love with his girlfriend so much that we are building a monster, he will not treat Angela right", Mrs. Adams voiced her fingers lingering on her husband's face. "You are the only woman who is beautiful to me and..", before he could finish what he wanted to say a guest disturbed their romance. "You guys are so lovely (smiles) now why did you ask for me?", Kevin, their son asked while hugging his mother and his father. "Am l not allowed to see my son (smiles)", Mr Adams asked pushing him lightly on the shoulder. "l know there is something you are hiding from me like always", Kevin asked while eating an apple. "Do you know how l met your mother?", Mr Adams asked. "You met through an arranged marriage, avoided her because you didn't want her involved in our family business because of how sweet she was (smiles at his mother) she still is by the way, and later after 2 days you fell in love with her after you saw her crying over your wounds (rolls his eyes) l heard there were scratches", Kevin answered. "You make me sound like a crybaby", Mrs. Adams chuckled. "You are getting married next month Kev, you have one month to enjoy your last days with that girl, after that, you will be married to a wonderful girl we met yesterday, understood?", Mr Adams informed his son. "No! I am getting married next month to my girlfriend, soon to be my wife! Beatrice Mendes!", Kevin voiced calmly, but his tone indicated how infuriated he was about the news. "You (forced smile) will marry Angela Turner, not Beatrice Mendes! Kevin Adams will be Angela Turner's husband, if you try anything funny, for example, run away and get married to that stuck-up bitch face, l will kill you, l will not hesitate to do that just to keep my business running, besides l have two other sons and one daughter who can replace you and your position in this family, we are family son, but never disturb my line of work because of pink-laced underwear that your girlfriend is wearing, do you understand?", Mr. Adams announced. "Son, you cannot have a relationship with our rival (sighs) l know love knows no boundaries, but you can never say that after crossing the North-Korean border without permission, can you? What l am saying is, (sighs and smiles) your relationship is twice as bad as Romeo and Juliet, l will not allow you to die as he did, let us leave fantasy in fantasies okay Kev", Mrs. Adams voiced out. "So, l must just do what you tell me and leave my beautiful woman who l have been with for 5 years for some girl you met yesterday?", Kevin asked moving closer to his father's face almost towering over him, but both the men from Adams were tall. "If you were that serious you should have married her long ago, no?", Mr. Adams asked sarcastically leaving the room. "l understand that you have loved her for 5 years, but you didn't marry her, why did you wait this long? (Smiles lightly) it's because you knew we wouldn't allow it (holds her son's face with both of her hands) you trapped Beatrice into thinking you will marry her someday even if it meant waiting for 5 years. Since you cannot bring yourself to break her heart for the real reason then take this arranged marriage and make it as your excuse, we love you son, but you are the bad guy, not us", Mrs Adams said walking out of the room.