Chapter 4: Angela Turner

Kevin's pov

Everything was just fine, why did she appear now of all times? Who is this woman? I am sure she was forced into this whole mess! "Baby can l pick you up?", l asked my woman. Calling her my woman pains me now, especially after knowing l will have to break it off today. "Yes, you can Kev!", her voice was filled with excitement making me even more guilty. What my mother said was true, but the thought of someone putting their hands on Beatrice made me hold onto her more than l intended leading to five years of love with no ring on her finger, l WILL marry her, and l can have two wives that's the new lifestyle. "How was your day today honey?", Beatrice asked. "Great now that you're here (l kiss her), let's go to your favorite places today (l kissed her cheeks, nose, and lips again earning a chuckle from her) even if it's out of the country (l leaned on my starring wheel looking at her, she is gorgeous, my woman) just say the name and l will take you there", l said. "l know we might be too old for this babe, but l would like to go to an amusement park, then we can go to the aquarium, club, and maybe a movie house where l will ride your boat", she said, and that was all l needed to hear l missed her body against mine it's been a week. "Let's go! My woman, l love you!", l declared, starting the car and leaving immediately to the places she mentioned. We had fun, she was happy, smiling, and clumsy, a sight that only belonged to me since at her workplace (my woman is the boss by the way) she occasionally smiled, hence seeing her like this will always be my core memory alone. After the movie House which turned into a sex scene, we went to the restaurant nearby to restore some strength and energy, which also meant l had to tell her the news. "My woman, my pride, my core strength and the reason l wake up including God's will (she smiles putting her fork down) l have something to tell you", l said. "l finally got the deal that l was fighting for, the investors decided to trust me with it instead of Christopher Lee", l informed her, l couldn't do it, l love this woman so much, l don't want to lose her. "Are you serious?", she said, but something about her tone was unsettling… she was pissed, but why? "Yes, l got it", l said again with the same expression. "Let me use the bathroom", she finally said and left before l could say something. After what felt like hours, she returned with the same smile, but that's the smile she used to suppress what she was truly feeling. "You are something else you know that", she says. "Baby? What's wrong?", l asked. "How long do you expect me to wait for you? Five more years? Must l propose to you?", she asked. "Baby it's not what you think l promise! I was about to…" Before l could finish what l intended to say, she cut me off while banging the table, luckily, we were in a private room, and when we needed assistance we just ring the bell. "You... (sighs while smiling) here l was thinking you were about to be a man and propose to the woman who makes you happy, but what? You tell me about some business proposal that l don't even care about!", she shouted, it caught me off guard. "It's my achievement! The first person l want to tell about it, is you! Is that so wrong?", l asked. "Piss off! I came here just for a reason, to be wed! How many men that truly loved me must l turn down for a coward like you? I am getting married this week to Christopher Lee, he proposed a long time ago and has been waiting! Today l will give him an answer, today l will be Beatrice Lee! I was going to turn him down if you proposed to me today, but l guess not (she sobs) … l love you, but you make me pity myself every time l wake up in your room after the deed as l look at myself in the mirror! You make me forget to love myself as much as l love you!", she screamed. I was speechless, angry, and relieved that she broke up with me instead of l breaking up with her. In this other movie l watched, the female protagonist said, 'The loser has the last impression of the winner', now l see what she meant (l didn't realize l was crying, it hit me hard l forgot to breathe) l was the loser, and she will always remember me as the man that used her and kept her for sexual desires only, something l never intended. "Beatrice, l always dreamed of marrying you, l even had the rings you said you would love to see on your finger one day, l was always ready, but l…", she cut me off again. "You chose family, when l had been choosing you all this time (scoffs) l know that it is not an easy decision, l am the eldest daughter of the Mendes family! I make the deals! I run the business! I am the BOSS! Therefore, nobody can ever tell me what not to do and what to do! (She mocks me) l am a man you won't understand, our priorities are different, you give birth to my children while l work! Dodging bullets and sword fights for the sake of the family, while women cook, clean, wash my bloody laundry, and whatever, but you forget Kevin, l am no ordinary woman, what you do, l do it better, your kill is my kill, but twice the body counts (body count- number of people she has murdered), your money (scoffs) isn't something difficult for me to reach (she comes close to my face) if you check the statistics well, l have more money than you! It would be us against the world, but who could challenge you, or me? Together we could have been unstoppable, but you chose the easy way, what a coward (brings me closer with my necktie) you disgust me!", she stated, asked for the bill, paid for it, left, and l ran after her. "l am getting married, that is what l wanted to tell you, l was going to marry you and her at the same time, but different venues and effort, l was going to make you my first wife then divorce the other girl my father offered me", l finally told her, it felt like the right moment. "(She laughs) how naïve of me to stay for all those years, you think l will stay when you're treating another woman like that? Especially when l am a woman myself? Do you want me to applaud you? Gentleman and kind? I lied also you're invited to the wedding", she said and left. What just happened? That's not how l wanted my life with Beatrice to end! We would get married, have about ten kids, a mansion, and a family car for all the kids, my wife, and l included for family trips and vacations or just driving with no intention to stop. If we weren't going to have children and died somehow, she would have been on my right and l on her left as we embraced each other in our blood, sweat, and tears. She is leaving, and that isn't what l had planned for us, hence l quickly ran after the car, calling out her name, my gun in my hand as l threatened the driver (who clearly didn't fear me) to stop, but l don't stop running, but l am just a human so l got tired and eventually stopped, not once did she turn her head around to look at me, just to check if l was all right like she always did, not once did she smile at me, not once… it was over. "BEATRICE MENDES!", I shouted, but that didn't bring her back either, just eyes from people passing by giving me 'is he crazy?' looks. I couldn't drive in this state, so l took a cab, told him where l was going, and he had to be playing 'Without Me by Halsey ft Juice Wrld' It got worse when he started playing Adele, a grown man in a cab, bawling his eyes out for a woman who is no longer his, her sad songs, l am a mess, she made it easier for me to go on with this engagement, thank you, Beatrice Mendes, to the end you made it easy for me.