Chapter 11


The silenced gun barrel suddenly erupted, sending a bullet flying towards the agile girl in mid-air. She had no time to dodge, and with a thud, her balance faltered, causing her to plummet to the ground.

However, to everyone's astonishment, the black leather outfit of this young girl embedded the bullet on its surface.


Accompanied by a grunt, the girl, who had fallen to the ground, swiftly flung several butterfly knives with a reverse hand motion. Her precision was jaw-dropping, hitting the throats of three figures in an instant, killing them on the spot.

In no time, the alley was filled with the bodies of suited men, leaving only a lone, deadly girl standing.

Recently, this girl, known as Supergirl, had been making waves in Manhattan. But Su Chen was oblivious to her rising fame.

Whether she was upholding justice or involved in a gang war, Su Chen instinctively felt it had nothing to do with him. He was merely a passerby.

After a glance, Su Chen turned to leave.

"Hey, that kid?"

Supergirl, Kara, noticed the slender figure in the distance. She frowned and glanced at her watch; it was past midnight. That kid who had been munching on a donut earlier was still out.

Wearing her purple wig and gear, Kara didn't fear exposing her identity. She yelled from a distance, "Hey, kid! What are you looking at? Go home to your parents!"

She intended to tease the boy who seemed prematurely old and coldly aloof. She wanted to scare him and see if he would wet his pants.

After her words, Kara brandished her katana. The blade gleamed menacingly under the moonlight, dripping with fresh blood, making the scene incredibly terrifying.


But within the next second, Kara's expression changed. She shouted urgently, "Hey, kid, get out of the way! Watch out for the car ahead!"

Su Chen had turned around at her words, and at that moment, a white sedan came barreling down the alley at full speed, like a runaway horse, hurtling straight towards him.

There was no doubt the car was trouble for Supergirl. Unfortunately, Su Chen stood directly in its path.

To the underground emperor Kingpin, an innocent life was meaningless. His henchmen, eager for revenge against Supergirl, floored the gas pedal without a second thought, ignoring any pedestrians as they sped down the alley.

"So reckless..."

Su Chen's cold eyes fixated on the approaching car. The bright headlights illuminated his thin figure completely.

The driver, gripping the steering wheel, was ecstatic. To him, the boy looked petrified, standing still like an idiot. He could already picture the boy's body flying hundreds of meters, blood splattering everywhere.

But why did the boy's eyes brim with contempt?


In a low whisper, a thunderous crash echoed across the world.

Suddenly, it was as if an air cannon had dropped out of nowhere or an invisible hammer had struck. The speeding white sedan crumpled into a heap of metal, and the ground beneath it caved several meters, resembling the aftermath of a meteor strike.


Supergirl, Kara, widened her eyes, her tactical goggles reflecting sheer shock.

She was dumbfounded.

So, this aloof, cold boy was a superhuman?

A mutant, perhaps?

He was unbelievably powerful.

"What are you staring at? Go home to your parents," Su Chen retorted, returning her words.


Kara's delicate face flushed red. The ear-splitting crash had triggered alarms on every car in the neighborhood. Lights flicked on in houses up and down the street as people tried to see what had happened outside.

They couldn't linger.

Distracted for a moment, she realized the boy's solitary figure had vanished into the night.


"I'll get you to repay that lemonade someday," she muttered. Even though she had bought it, she still wanted to find an excuse to see him again.



Minutes later, Kara's petite form returned to her safe house.

She swapped her bulletproof black leather suit for casual clothes, removing her purple wig to let her blonde bob fall freely. Supergirl laid out her weapons on the workbench one by one.

Three walls of the safe house were lined with cabinets filled with various firearms.

A master of guns and hand-to-hand combat, she thought she was the only cool kid in the world.

A ruthless killer in her early teens.

Just imagining it was thrilling.

But she hadn't expected to encounter such a powerful boy tonight.

"Dad, can you find out who this boy is?" Kara asked as she got home.

Her father, Damon, had prepared a late-night snack for her. Smiling at the photo she handed him, he teased, "Didn't know my girl is into boys now."

"Dad!" Kara blushed, annoyed. "That's not it. This boy has incredible powers. He crushed a car into a metal pancake out of thin air. It's insane!"

Kara didn't mention she had secretly snapped the photo at a restaurant earlier. Too embarrassing.

"A mutant?" Damon's interest piqued.

He opened a white toolbox from the living room, revealing a hidden computer. By inputting the photo, he could search the intelligence agency's database for any information on the boy, even tapping into Manhattan's surveillance cameras for real-time tracking.

Damon had deep ties with various intelligence and law enforcement agencies due to his quest for vengeance and training his daughter into a killing machine. That's why he had such an arsenal.

Finding someone was a piece of cake.

"Something's off..."

Damon suddenly tensed.

"What is it, Dad?"

"Someone else is looking up this Su Chen in the database. Damn, they're high-level. Get out, now..."

He hastily shut down the computer.

Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Damon sighed. "Some of his information is hidden, meaning he's under top-level surveillance. Your friend must be in serious trouble!"

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